Rev. Lewis second or psychological terrorism?
Marcello Pamio - August 14, 2006
" Then I saw another beast rising from the earth, which had two horns, similar to those of a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. 12 It exercises all the power the first beast in his presence and forced the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 work great wonders, to make fire come down from heaven to earth before men. 14 Through these miracles, which was allowed to perform in the presence of the beast, seduced the inhabitants of the earth, telling them to erect a statue to the beast who was wounded by the sword, but had recovered. 15 She was also allowed to animate the statue of the beast so that the statue could speak and even to put to death all those who do not worship the statue of the beast. He was 16 ensure that all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave receive a mark on his right hand and forehead; 17 and that no one could buy or sell without the mark or the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is wisdom. Him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast: it is a man's name. And this number is six hundred sixty-six " [Revelation]
Thank you very much British and Pakistani intelligence (and CIA / Mossad) because they are managed to foil an attack by Apocalypse in London.
"The terrorists wanted to launch attacks apocalyptic" headline in huge letters yesterday to the British newspaper "The Independent .
According to the official story of the "Knights of the the Apocalypse" (not four, but many more) - which obviously could not be that a group of Muslims - were to attack simultaneously the earth and sky, the Empire UK. Guests had a veritable arsenal of weapons and explosives, detonators and liquid even with a player portable mp3 music ...
The day chosen is not random: 11 / 08/2006.
The number 11 is a number that is repeated in the history of crimes: the coup, Chile (wanted and financed by the United States due to criminal and Nobel Peace
11, whose key figure is the 2 (11 à 1 +1 = 2 representing duality, opposition, struggle, conflict) is a number that has a lot of energy, a very strong number.
why the puppeteers (and I'm not referring to mere puppets like Bush, Blair, Olmert and bad company) use it deliberately in choosing the most important events of the day. These gentlemen, if you will call them, have esoteric knowledge is unfathomable and use them for negative purposes.
But back to the attack.
Interior Minister of Her Majesty, John Reid, warned that further attempts against the British soil are "very likely " and in fact by the media keep repeating that " is very likely that there are other attempts to terrorist attack." By chance is trying to convince the world that we are all in danger and that could really happen, or is saying to be careful ... because this was just a warning?
Apart from the fact that such propaganda is itself terrorism itself, but the point is another: why do they keep shit to tell us so shameless?
We would like to believe, as the ridiculous story of September 11th and the terrorists armed with box cutter would be able to do what then occurred, in the Third Millennium is not possible to go by plane with a bottle of water or a bottle for the baby, they may contain a liquid bomb, perhaps activated by a music player!? Do you realize where we are going?
that day, hundreds of planes are not taken off, causing a huge inconvenience to thousands of innocent and unsuspecting what was happening, and those departing the airport have had to leave almost everything, because now anything can be used to blow up a Boeing even a bottle with milk!
The other thing to note is that the system continues to use more and more terminology from the end of time, such as those used by the Independent and Bernard Lewis: Apocalypse!
coincidence or strategy targeted?
The Princeton professor, alas considered one of the world's leading experts on Islam (not more is that the greatest promoters of hate), told the Wall Street Journal (note the well-known American newspaper Jewish lobbies), which "it would be wise to expect " for 22 this month, an armed intervention of ' to provoke Iran ' the apocalyptic end of Israel and if necessary of the world "!
wise to wait the 22 end of the world? But we are completely mad?
And then, August 22 (two times 11 à 11 + 11 = 22) ...
Bernard Lewis was a man of 'Arab Bureau (controller Benjamin Netanyahu), namely that detachment of the Intelligence Department in Cairo that His Majesty was to extend British control in the Middle East (between the characters of the Arab Bureau also include TE Lawrence, better known as Lawrence of Arabia ). It was Lewis who coined - coincidentally - the term 'clash of civilizations ", then amplified and carried forward to the present day through publications such as sinister Samuel Phillips Huntington .
According to Bernard Lewis on 22 this month, Ahmadinejad Israel should be blown up or otherwise the world, because the date is the anniversary of Muhammad trip to Jerusalem, from where he would ascend to heaven. So someone could use that symbolic date and important for Islam to destroy Zion.
As reasoning is flawless, of course, if one reasons to create hatred and division in the world, in which Lewis is a master.
Of course it is a very practical strategy: Connect deliberately terrorism in religious events relevant to Islam, or rather, an important holiday connected with terrorism is to criminalize that religion indirectly. Smart as criminal. The other thing to say
sull'inverosimile attack foiled in Britain, is that this farce would rather hide, as I said before, a veiled warning, a preparation for something much larger or similar in Europe, but perhaps not exactly ... even in England because it is well to remember that the nerve center of international banking oligarchs, the financial center of the world, the place of command is located in the City of London: the richest square mile on the planet! So I doubt that the maneuvers are stupid enough to touch their chests ...
But there are other possible interpretations for the farce that happened in London:
- According 'ex-detective of the NSA (National Security Agency), Wayne Madsen, this attack has been specially prepared against Charles, because according to the agent, Charles would be doing everything possible to oust Prime Minister Tony Blair (who has received a letter signed by 130 parliamentarians who invite him to resign!).
- According instead Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, the attempt (foiled) in London was to be made next October! This is because the Israeli attack on Lebanon was planned by the White House in October in time to get a victory in the November elections. The kidnapping of the soldiers would have anticipated, however, everything, even the attack (from foil) in London. Indeed London was to be the surprise of the second floor, again ahead of elections!
course, these interpretations are based on statements of people who in one way or another, they know how the tricks behind the quinte.La thing, however, certain in all this is that you continue to criminally instill terror among the masses, to heighten the fear, panic, uncertainty and insecurity.
This is because the fear still hangs and / or paralyze people's consciences!
So even here, bottles in hand, we return in the general plan for mass mind control.
for more exploration:
- The attack against Charles?¶metro=esteri
- The campaign of Islamophobia in Europe
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