Thursday, August 24, 2006

Long Dong Silver Online Schauen

Magdi Allam Magdi Allam

Magdi Allam ei predicator dell'odio
Pamio Marcello - 21 agosto 2006

" Nel tempo universale dell'inganno, telling the truth รจ revolutionary act "George Orwell

Finally, the national newspapers dealing with us! After years of silence the media and countless "theft" of articles without any mention, someone has noticed! It is not just a somebody all, since it is the Corser, the most widely read newspaper in Italy.
On page 11 (interesting number) of the Sunday hours of 20 August 2006, the largest independent journalist Magdi Allam, Arabic moderated by definition, refers to our site! The deputy director of "The Corriere della Sera "sends his greetings in an article entitled typical:" They are the preachers of hate . But the state has empowered them .

We know very well that here journalists work connected with the services, and the case Farina (Deputy Director of "Free") is merely the tip of the iceberg.
We know very well that there are links (economic but not only) among these men (which should be independent of the service of information) and intelligence other countries, particularly the CIA and Mossad
... And we know equally well what is the working (real) that some of these journalists bring forward from the national media: the guise of "experts " from " columnists " , from " commentators" do nothing but incite hatred and the clash of civilizations. And they succeed so well that hypocritically allow you to attack those with the other bell of truth, that they themselves lie every time they write and every time I speak in Tigga!

We believe that to understand the big picture is necessary to have information the other party, that party as uncomfortable as destabilizing to the system.
Having only one source available (ie that provided by the media in line. All) you can not get a complete idea and objective of the above events, on the contrary, our view is always conditioned and very incomplete, just like anyone want! That's why if we read and / or listen to some "experts" (journalists, rather than political, rather than economists) and incorporate more convenient to only the system: that is uncomfortable withheld, or attacked and pilloried.

We, according to the drawing pen of the Courier will of the "preachers of hate ", that "The State has legitimate "(?). This is because in the sad affair between Israel and Lebanon, we had the unhealthy idea of \u200b\u200bdeploying the opposite side of the Israeli army, the army of Zion! Perhaps to escape what
Allam reports the Nuremberg Charter , and this is very strange and serious threat to the deputy director of an important and prestigious daily newspaper Il Corriere della Sera as . In light of that omission
, I refresh the memory:

- Article on the sixth "crimes against peace " "having planned, prepared or declared started a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties ".
- Article 6b on "war crimes ": " plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, devastation not justified by military necessity "
- Article 6c on" crimes against humanity " : " murder ... and other inhuman actions committed against any civilian population, before or during the war ... "

So it is not we, dear Allam, to" preach hatred ", to say that the Israeli military and the generals that command in Lebanon have violated these three articles Nuremberg Charter: are the facts and history confirm that sadly, and she from " expert" in the Middle East can not know! And if you know it is silent and indirectly involved in the crimes.

A witness are the corpses of thousands of civilians, of which the majority women and children died under the smart missiles (with a dedication of Israeli children, see article), under the cluster bombs, under the thousands of homes destroyed by hunting from ships (Article 6c of the Charter of Nuremberg: "Crimes against humanity ")!

A witness is the systematic and targeted destruction of bridges, roads, bridges, power stations, airfields, naval bases (Article 6b of the Nuremberg Charter: "War crimes )
And what about the sixth article (" Crimes against the Peace "), the planning of the war, I must point out that a fellow American (a real journalist!) Seymour Hersh wrote in the The New Yorker that the Israeli attack on Lebanon had been planned for some time with the consent of the Bush administration!
This you know? It was planned a long time, so excuse the media for the kidnapping of the soldiers have no meaning here, as well as rockets fired by Hezbollah into Galilee.

Magdi Allam, who defended her at every opportunity and sword is the work of Israel and its army, I would ask if murder thousands of innocent Lebanese, including hundreds of children, and destroy a sovereign country with the excuse the kidnapping of two soldiers (the first bogus rationale for intervention), or rockets fired by Hezbollah (second bogus rationale for intervention, after which it had lost its effectiveness) ok when it comes to Israel and not good when it is another country or armed group, maybe a Muslim? I am limited to Lebanon, but I could ask the same questions about the crimes against humanity committed in the Gaza Strip.

What is your yardstick for the terror and / or terrorism? We want to explain it once and for all? Many people in Italy, who read his editorials or to hear about Tigga, if you are asking. If it launches a missile rather than the Hamas and Hezbollah shot dead civilians is terrorism ruthless (and it is absolutely!) but if the same missile that hit civilians to death is launched by Israel, it is "legitimate defense"? Maybe she will have died for series A and series B of the dead? OR A serious countries and countries of series B?

Every war, every act of terrorism, and any missile or bomb is an act against life it is always a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY ', whether it is perpetrated by an armed group, a group terrorist, is a civil and democratic country, or what purports to be like the U.S. or Israel! So Heretz
criticize Israel today is not an act of anti-Semitism - As some would have us believe cunning - and even " preach hatred" as she insists, but necessary act and above all a moral duty to the truth!

And since we're talking about hate, I hope that the UCOII, the Union of Islamic Communities and Organizations in Italy, Magdi Allam denounces and Paolo Mieli, the director for "racial hatred and slander " in Mancino discrimination on the basis of the Law (No. 205/93).
Allam it compares, in its editorial, the union organizations Islamic terrorist groups like Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood! "To check - writes the Egyptian moderate - the reality of the ideology of hatred, violence and death that animates the UCOII, like Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood ..." (Il Corriere della Sera, page 11, August 20, 2006) Comparing public
the Union of Italian Islamic organizations to armed groups such as Hamas is not fomenting hatred and confrontation of civilizations? Of course you do!

articles like this, which deliberately associate Islam with terrorism, operations centers and mosques, do nothing but incite the population against the Muslims and raise more and more dangerous wall of suspicion:
- any Muslim could in fact be ready for a suicide bomber blow himself up ...
- every mosque, the headquarters of some of al-Qaeda cell crazy ...
- every mullah could become the replacement for bin Laden ...

conclude by hoping that in Italy there are intellectually honest and courageous judges who take action against certain individuals masquerading as champions of information that instead pursue hidden and far more sinister purposes ...

" When hypocrisy is beginning to be of poor quality, it's time to start telling the truth "
Bertold Brecht


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