Thursday, August 24, 2006

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The New 11 / 9 "thwarted in London is made in Hollywood?

The New 11 / 9 "thwarted in London is made in Hollywood?
Adapted from LPAC

August 19, 2006 - The severe terror alert in London on Aug. 10 fire, which has paralyzed much of the European air traffic and internationally, was not justified. He explains the former CIA officer Larry C. Johnson with an article on August 17 "Noquarter" , he states inter alia: "There was no evidence whatsoever that the conspirators had a working prototype of the bomb with him who wanted to carry on board" .
There are press reports from Pakistan that shadowing of one of the conspirators had revealed that "the suspects to England had obtained at least one of the explosive materials, they had not yet prepared or mixed."

Johnson continues: "We repeat , the conspirators had not prepared or mixed with the likely explosive. More importantly, did not have a prototype of an explosive charge capable of breaking through the controllo.A allegedly had the British conspirators hydrogen peroxide. That company. Just go to the store to buy it. Hydrogen peroxide is not an explosive, and can not be used easily and safely to make explosives. Secondly, there was no evidence that the group has actually bought tickets, or would have the passports to board a air in the USA. How did they blow up planes on which they could not come up? Third, the British police is still looking for hard evidence they need to keep these people in jail. If the plot was being so advanced that by no means a problem. If they had tickets, passports and explosives in hand then you can say ... then we could talk about game made or ".

Even C. Thoms Green, the British publication "The Register " , commented on the same day that " binary liquid explosives belong to the repertoire of sexy Hollywood thriller. " To mix a quantity of TATP ( triacetone triperoxide , the explosive that suspected terrorists were to use) should be from a hydrogen peroxide concentration in the right, which is very risky to get. Then comes "the most hilarious."
" Take your hydrogen peroxide, sulfuric acid, in the precise quantities that are needed, and put them into drinks bottles for contrabbadarli as it should be on the plane ... Do not forget to bring several gel packs (best coolers in styrofoam, carefully masked with the word "perishable foods"), a thermometer, a large container, a stick to mix and a dropper ...

" The best thing is to travel first class and order Champagne. The bucket of cold water, which the airline to serve you, perhaps it can be good, especially if you brought those very cold gel packs to add to the ice, and insulators styrofoam (extruded polystyrene), so start to cook with nothing to catch on fire ...
"Then when the plane is over the ocean, very discreetly bring all of you in the toilet. Maybe you should make more trips in order to avoid attracting attention. Now that you have everything there you put the container of the mixture of peroxide and acetone in the ice water bath
(the bucket of champagne), and start adding the acid, drop by drop, and at the same time mixes very carefully. The mixture will begin to heat up, and you'll get a very hot too weak explosive. Indeed, if it gets too hot, causing an explosion that perhaps early enough to kill only you and nobody else.
"A few hours later ... have a quantity of TATP with which to complete your mission. At that point, everything you need to do is let everything dry for an hour or two

Operations "just in time"?
on this issue the newsletter "Strategic Alert EIR" hot had commented: "On 10 August, British authorities announced the arrest of 24 suspects who were planning to blow up in flight several airliners to the United States. ... While it seems true that there are one or more terrorist cells, the process by which the plot was foiled presents an anomaly, starting from the moment it was decided to arrest and its mass media uproar.

The British-Pakistani investigation into the cell for over a year, and thus by the London Underground bombings of 7 July 2005 . L 'investigation was the subject of several discussions between Blair and Bush. The two leaders were on vacation though, according to unconfirmed press reports in India, the 6 August, the British police had identified a "dress rehearsal" of the attack on a flight to Boston. If reportedly were to be true, it is not clear why the arrest took place only four days later.
remains only the fact that the political and economic environment was more favorable after four days, since the Bush administration had been hit on 8 August by the loss of its main supporter in the democratic field, Joe Lieberman, whose electoral defeat Cheney was described by strengthening of Al Qaeda.

Even Tony Blair has to deal with the opposition inside the party, and with more than 100 Labour MPs who have requested a special session of parliament on Middle East policy of the government. Are becoming more insistent rumors of imminent "anti-Blair coup" by his rival Gordon Brown .
also on the financial front, it is shown that the waves of terrorist information to provide "security team" the opportunity to inject liquidity into the market. There are several short items that indicate an anti-terrorist "just in time".


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