Thursday, August 24, 2006

Indian Married Womenbreast

Bin Laden's messages are proven false

Bin Laden's messages are proven false
Maurizio Blondet
Osama Bin Laden's picture in a classic rite

False, quite false posts video of Bin Laden.

To say it is not the usual plot, but a major Swiss institution: the De Molle Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence in Lausanne.

Institute De Springs - which is affiliated to both the University of Geneva and the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne - examined an alleged Bin Laden message, broadcast by Al Jazeera November 12, 2002, where the sheikh of the 'evil' (revived after months of silence) praised some of the bloodiest attacks (allegedly) Muslim, like the Chechen Moscow theater attack, the bombing of the nightclub in Bali, the bombing of a French oil tanker off Yemen, and where threats uttered against France, Italy, Germany, Australia as " American allies."
The analysis was conducted at the request of the French TV channel France 2, and was conducted by comparing a score of previous audio and video messages of so-called Osama.
" We are 95% sure that the voice is not that of Bin Laden ," said Professor Herve Boulard, director of the Institute, " the margin of error is 5% .
Some "imposter" must have packaged the message. (1)

But who is the impostor that makes fun of the false messages of Bin Laden?

some clues: the competent U.S. authorities were quick to declare that the message of the November 12 talks as "very likely 'Bin Laden.

Those authorities are, in short, the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies.
It 's the same CIA caught in the act to post on its website a photo of a "head of Al Qaeda " which was instead the image of a different character.

The discovery, by chance, was made by American television network NBC, and worth telling. (2)

The false image has been posted on the site of the 'great person' by the CIA for a year and a half. The person is (or would) Midhat Mursi al-Sayid Umar, also known as Abu Khabab al-Masri.

described as' a notorious agent high-level Al Qaeda ',' expert in poisons and lethal chemicals "on behalf of Bin Laden. The U.S. is asking the public to help find him, offering a reward of $ 5 million.

Chi l'ha visto?
A large photo.

Some journalist NBC has realized that the photo of the dangerous chemical Arabic was very similar to that of a radical London imam, Abu Hamza Al Masri.
A careful examination has revealed that it was just that.

The CIA warned, he admitted everything: a "mistake human, "the spokesman said.

Everything stems from the fact that the extremist imam of London is called "Al-Masri" as the sought. That would say a lot about the language skills and U.S. intelligence, as "Al Masri 'is a generic nickname, which means" the Egyptian. "

Except that, it stinks of something other than incompetence.

NBC has reconstructed the CIA had taken the "photo of the person 'from a TV interview made by Abu Hamza of London," electronically had changed somewhat, "and receiving a goner Midhat Mursi as an identikit of the chemical Al Qaeda.

What can I say?

The fake Bin Laden videos are very abundant, often in mysterious ways to get Al-Jazeera, and then no longer be put back into circulation, are used to create some excitement with quick appearances in the news at night, then disappear.

Now, we know that the CIA has abundant video of Bin Laden, taken with the full consent of the person concerned: those are the years when Osama was cooperating with the CIA to recruit mujahideen to fight to be sent the Soviets in Afghanistan.

These videos were used as propaganda for enlistment: were shown to young and unemployed in the Islamic fanatics to turn to religious enthusiasm and sent out to shoot the infidels.

are the videos that are continuously displayed.

Those who rides where you see Osama, hieratic, his white horse that Osama sparacchia with a Kalashnikov, Osama who observe the exercise of its mujahideen, running paths of war, fake attack bunkers and try to jump into the fire.
So Osama was the "White Sheik," and the air was good for priestly influence young hotheads.
Now this material is recycled propaganda (Osama, as the pig, do not throw anything away) for other purposes of propaganda: keep alive the anxiety dell'introvabile Islamic terrorist and his phantom "network" in Western public opinion.

There certainly other video material that changed electronically, it can be reused indefinitely by the CIA.
To produce the "messages" that mysteriously come to Al Qaeda.
Sometimes you pass the sign, and it is discovered.
Maybe someone will remember a video mysteriously found in a "den of Al Qaeda" in Afghanistan after the U.S. invasion: showing a dog that died, poisoned, he made sure, by some lethal weapon, biological or chemically, in possession of the mega-terrorist.
That puppy, very sweet, who was dying, moved half of America that loves animals, is convinced that " who loves dogs and children can not be evil", and therefore quick to see Bin Laden, who choked a puppy with his poison , a very bad.
was the "proof" we were told that the evil Osama disposal of chemical weapons terrifying.
But some details did not fit. Puppies
sweet and kind, like what the video showed, they are so the best pet shops in New York, but not in Afghanistan or anywhere in the Islamic world.

Islam in fact the dog is considered impure, is not kept in homes and Bedouin tents, you may need to pastors, but is scorned, treated with lime and stone.
Dogs in Islam are bastards and skeletal, hungry Torque tube loose.
Now, the tremendous where Al Qaeda had found the puppy of breed, tender and looks like a plush toy of, if not precisely in a pet shop in some Western cities?
Another thing that puzzled more than one expert: the dog shown in the video as he was being poisoned by a gas (nerve, we were told) did not show the obvious symptoms that follow the contamination with chemicals military - convulsions, bleeding from the nose , ears and eyes. No
the lovable puppy hung her head, then fell to the side as sweetly asleep. As had been under the influence of non-lethal chemical weapon and tremendous, but a standard anesthesia by diethyl ether.

The real animal could at least rejoice with scientific certainty, the animal was not dead but only asleep. The CIA did not felt she could kill him, for a video (the puppies generally cost) and probably had returned to the store from which he had borrowed.
But these are small details, and small economies, to throw out all pretense.
Thus, peddle Al Masri of London changed electronically with the chemical Al Qaeda, was one of the tricks came to light.
Who knows how many there are facts to see.
But only briefly, and then just once.
And only a few cases some entity is aimed at scientific institutes in Switzerland in order to prove the authenticity of "messages of bin Laden."

Maurizio Blondet

Note 1) 'Bin Laden tape Faked, "TRB News, January 26, 2006.
2) Lisa Myers, " U.S. posts wrong photo of 'Al-Qaida operational ', ", January 26, 2006. Moreover, according to Pakistani intelligence, the chemical sought by Al Qaeda, the real "Abu Khabab", was recently killed in Pakistan by a U.S. missile launched from a Predator drone. But only after NBC took over the 'human error' of the CIA, the site looked great, the pictures (false) Abu Khabab has been replaced by a black silhouette.

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