Thursday, August 24, 2006

Cookie Cutters And Brownies

The Angels do not play this harp (HAARP)

The Angels do not play this harp (HAARP)
Original title: "Angels do not play this Haarp "
Review by Winn Schwartau
Translation by Lorenzo Veronese

The term HAARP stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (Project Active Auroral Research high-frequency) which was the subject of much controversy since its inception, namely the mid 80s.
The authors of "Angels Do not Play this HAARP" delineate one side of the coin, but no less fascinating, looking at the secret government project that had foundation in Alaska.
In the heart of HAARP is a synchronized array of antennas that can emit tens of giga-watts continuously or intermittently in the ionosphere.

so I called "ionospheric heaters" are in use for several years, but HAARP, because of its size and perceived potential, gave birth to a movement No-Haarp (they predict that the next step is the release of hundreds of gigawatts) .
HAARP is still a subject shrouded in mystery, but research and arguments made by the people Haarp No-go on. According to this book HAARP came from a series of patents issued to Bernard Eastlund, a scientist of APTI, ARCO International Society (Inc.), which deals with technologies for energy, which argued that raising the ionosphere was good thing to do.

What role did ARCO? The authors argue that the involvement of ARC was limited to the initial phase, one that concerned the attempt to use 20 trillion cubic meters of natural gas reserves located on the north slopes of Alaska. That carry gas to the United States was financially impossible, because, then, do not use so many resources to develop another type of project? And these were the foundations for future inventions and patents acquired by successive Eastlund. The first research was sponsored by DARPA under Eastlund protection and under the name "Electric Anti-Missile Shield of North slopes of Alaska."
One of the first patented invention was titled: "Methods and Apparatus for Altering regions of Earth's atmosphere, ionosphere and / or Magnetosphere".

This patent also included the following searches: "... how to cause the total disruption and interruption of communications over a large portion of the Earth ... missile or aircraft destruction, deflection, chaos ... weather modification ...". The authors make a comparison with the research of Nikolai Tesla about the spread of energy: that is how, send energy from point A to point B without wires. Using a theoretical technique called "electron cyclotron resonance", they claim that the theories of Tesla could to justify the construction of a sort of Chinese Wall around America are able to identify and eliminate, for example, aircraft 250 miles away, theories elaborated and reinforced by research Eastlund.

One of the first alarming statements that the authors of the book emphasize is that HAARP could be used to either intentional namely climate change as a military weapon, or accidental cause, the devastating effects of the ionosphere as a result of stimulation through an awesome amount of energy shot up small regions of space. What is really worrying is that by injecting a large amount of particles in the ionosphere, you can alter irremediably balance protection of the Earth, causing a chaotic instability that could initiate a chain of side effects such as the total destruction of ozone (for example) and then, all forms of life.

Eastlund's patents began to outline a path that, according to the authors, it became quite suspicious. Eastlund completed his first invention to the APTI, which was sold to the super secret E-System, which was in turn sold, along with the patents of Eastlund, to Raytheon. In this way the "technology" is now hidden among thousands of patents in one of the largest portfolios of a contractor of the Ministry of Defence.
The reported applications of HAARP make a patented technology panacea for all military strategist. HAARP is indeed possible:

- Put a rug all communications in the world, but keep active media of those who control HAARP.

- Establish an ELF (Extremely Low Frequency communications), group communications over a channel with very low frequency for long distances and for applications under water.

- Turn a large number of remote electromagnetic explosions, non-nuclear, directed toward a target. (Weapons EMP)

- Also, change up the remote areas and weather conditions so that to facilitate military operations.

- Manage aircraft at a distance, directed and empowered by the HAARP transmitter. Such a test has been done already at the time of APTI held the control of an aircraft surveillance for 10,000 hours at an altitude of 80.000 feet .

- Identify objects that move in the air and determine which are armed and which are harmless or benign.

- Check the underground radar to identify underground structures and their resistance to using the weapons that tomographic scanning penetrates the earth's crust. From any point of the planet is possible, if the antennas are tuned and properly addressed, bouncing waves on the atmosphere and direct them to another remote point on earth.

- Identification of nuclear weapons at a distance.

other hand, the authors argue that the government has never been clear and transparent about the true nature of HAARP. They claim that HAARP could be used to influence thinking and behavior of large areas of a target population through the appropriate tuning frequency of transmission and emission of a certain type of pulse. The conjecture of "non-lethal emissions" fits perfectly with many concepts typical paradigm of "warriors" of a conflict of low lethality: disarm and render harmless the army of the enemy and subjugate the population. Very different from what the common thought, the history of mental manipulation address is long, complex and often shrouded in mystery.

The book discusses many of the research and the effects arising from short-or long-wave low potential as the EM, that of mobile phones and power lines. They cited numerous scientists and researchers who are frightened by the possibility of the government to control the manipulation of the mind and remind us that the energy required to affect the brain directly 1/50esimo is less than that emitted by the Earth's magnetic field. The specter of a new battlefield weapons and mental "telepathy" is more of a clear concept for the authors. They cite, in addition, without limitation documents evidencing the effects of these devices on the living system, the damage from global warming the animal tissue to the disruptive effects on the nervous system.

HAARP was completed between December 1994 and January 1995. Tests to determine the operation began in February 1996 and the same formal continuity for the entire month of April of that year. Tests of the various functions of HAARP and many are perpetrated throughout the first half of 1996 and then were suspended in order to study and assess their effectiveness and to renew the investment funds. The authors state that the first tests were carried out at low potential, but the second part of the test will radiate from about 4.700 to 10.000 megawatts of energy. Not only will it be able to cook a poodle dog to perfection in a nano-second, but will be able to remove up to an airplane 500 miles away, during the test.
Studies on the environmental impact from the government are insufficient, as the book argues, and the authors are worried about the arrogance demonstrated by the operators of the HAARP project.


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