Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ozark Trail Camp Fuel Rust Inhibitor

Israel approves cease-fire Israel

But the war continues ...

governo Olmert in conferenza stampa, foto Ap

Israel accepts the truce. Hunting and tank should stop at eight o'clock Monday morning local time, seven in Italy. Meanwhile, the bloodshed continues, even for the Israelis. Sunday morning, while Olmert's cabinet was meeting in Tel Aviv, the sirens sounded incessantly in the north of the country, from Haifa to Tiberias and to the settlements Hebrew on the Golan Heights. Twenty Israeli civilians wounded, some seriously. A Katyusha rocket has hit a house killing a senior at Yaara in Galilee, bringing to 41 Israeli civilians died in the conflict. But it was certainly the darkest day on Saturday for the Israeli army has confirmed that 24 soldiers killed in combat yesterday. Among these was a soldier, Sergeant Major of the reserve Karen Tendler, 26. The woman-soldier was on board a military helicopter type Yassur down last night with an anti-tank missile from Shiite militiamen in southern Lebanon, near the border. She died with four other soldiers. Despite

an intense battle that lasted all night, the Israeli army failed to conquer the town of Khiam , the main town in the eastern part of the territory that Olmert plans should become a "security zone" for the Jewish state. According to Lebanese security sources said Israeli army at dawn the men of arrears are not seized of the city. The town, strategically crucial, now reduced to a pile of rubble, has been staunchly defended by Hezbollah.

And just rubble now, are the southern suburbs of Beirut , former Hezbollah's stronghold, where in the early afternoon was ruthless Israeli aircraft also using high-powered bombs to destroy tunnels and shelters. Among the victims, yet unspecified number, including two children.

And in this climate is not exactly a victory which took place in the late morning government in Tel Aviv . The visibly shaken Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and defended by his deputy, the senior leader-friend Sharon's rival, Shimon Peres, who invited the Israelis to close ranks for a common front against Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas. Olmert has been defended by his Defense Minister, the Labour Amir Perezt - 'led war so well, "he said - and the Dauphin of Sharon, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni.

They sound as though the words of a gaffe that Livni after 33 days of the war defending the resolution for a ceasefire at the UN launched Thursday night, admits that "no army is able to implement the UN resolution 1559 by means military. " And RESOLUTION 1559, recalled that in a Thursday, is the basis on which hath been moved in the invasion of Lebanon is one that provides for "the disarmament and dissolution of Lebanese and foreign militias in Lebanon," including Hezbollah.

Livni added that the strengthening of Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora is in Israel. While Olmert has instructed a broker to make contact with Israel to deal with Hezbollah for the release of two soldiers captured in mid-July, causing the conflict.

"Now Israel is willing to exchange prisoners."

Yesterday, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, in a speech on television, "Al Manar" had accepted the UN resolution 1701, however, claiming the right to resist Israeli occupation.

While the Lebanese government Fuad Siniora to have to get together yesterday and then today, rinviatola official decision until tomorrow or later. It seems to strong contrasts on the disarmament of Hezbollah.

Israel - to the mouth of the Minister Tzipi Livni - claims the continuation of hostilities until the contingent will be deployed to UNIFIL in Italy will also participate. That would mean another week of fighting. On Monday, Foreign Minister Massimo D'Alema - a major sponsor of the ceasefire under the auspices of the UN - will be in Beirut to arrange the times, after the summit on Sunday evening at Palazzo Chigi.

For now, however, the war continues. And the war continues to claim civilian victims in particular. About twenty of those Sundays. In the Bekaa Valley , a missile fired at a pick-up near the village of Shaat killed 's driver and wounded the four occupants of a' car that was traveling behind the first vehicle. In another village in the same area as a missile was fired on a motorcycle and the driver died.

Two other Lebanese civilians were killed in an Israeli bombing in the village of Ali an-Nahr, about twenty miles from Baalbeck
. A woman with her three children and a maid were killed last night in the bombing of Bourj ash-Shamali, a village east of Tyre , even on Sunday morning where you concentrate on the Israeli artillery fire. The area of \u200b\u200bTyre was also devastated by a major fire broke out at dawn, when a bomb dropped by the Israeli hit a gas station, and the flames spread quickly through the wind.

firefighters trying to reach the area and extinguish the flames that threatened a new hospital have been targeted by the raid. So all the bombs have spent at least seven civilians killed. To these are added a regular Lebanese army soldier was also killed him in the bombings.

According to Israeli Army Radio on Sunday would be about sixty militia Hezbollah killed (530 in total in a month of war for the Ministry of Defense). And a dozen Israeli soldiers wounded. But the death toll in the war, as we know, is still very rough.

13:08:06 Source: www.unita.it


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