Thursday, August 24, 2006

Singapore Germanium Bracelet

The new pro-Israel movement in the United States

The new pro-Israel movement in the United States
The CUFI 50 million to support Israel evangelists
par Thierry Meyssan - taken from Reseau Voltaire / fr

In a country where citizens have abandoned the political spectrum to embrace evangelical churches, starts with the formation of public opinion the framework of the faithful. While preparing an offensive against Lebanon, the Pentagon and IDF (Israeli army, ndt) organized a federation of Christian Zionists, the CUFI, with a mission to transform 50 million evangelical Christians in militants of war.
To secure public support for the U.S. in the war against Lebanon - and then to Syria and Iran - the Pentagon and the Israeli army have created a structure to monitor, since the end of 2005, to mobilize 50 million evangelicals. The centerpiece of this operation was to federate their leaders as part of a structure
ideology unique Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The function of this new group is not to replace all ' AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee ) (1) in terms of pressure in the class manager, but to propagate the Zionist theology in evangelical churches and ensure that support for Israel's offensive is perceived by the majority of the United States as a religious duty .

In January 2006, leaving a job: " Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World ... the Last Opportunity for Peace " ( The countdown Jerusalem: an alarm for the world's last chance ... Peace ) (2). It becomes immediately and three months, the major best-seller sold in supermarkets in the United States.
summarize his views on trying to be serious: Iran is led by fanatics who want to wipe Israel off the map by throwing an atomic bomb on Jerusalem. After the invasion of Israel by the Muslims and the Russians, a second war for control of Israel oppose the United States on the one hand, China and the European Union than the other. It is there that the Antichrist will rise (3) in the form of the President of the European Union. Finally a terrible nuclear war end this cycle. The battle decisive will be held in Meggido (Armaggedon). Then the radiant Christ will return to earth to reward those who believed in him. Fortunately, the Israeli army and the Pentagon can tip the balance on their side taking preventive action, including using new tactical nuclear bombs. It must therefore be delivered without waiting for the war.
The author of this best-selling military-religious is the Texas pastor John Hagee , the new star of the Christian Zionist (4).

The origins of Christianity Zionist
Historically Christian Zionism is a phenomenon well before being jew. Christian Zionists believe that they form a second chosen people and they think that their destiny is tied to that of the people jew. For them, the return of Christ will not occur before the Jews are gathered in Palestine. To speed up the end of time, therefore, must create a state for Jews and not be afraid to cause cataclysmic apocalyptic. The first world leader to do his country a second and Israel want the creation of a jew in Palestine is the Puritan Oliver Cromwell English in the seventeenth century. After the restoration of the monarchy, those of his followers who were driven out of the kingdom fled to Northern Ireland and the Netherlands, and founded colonies in southern Africa and America.

This current politico-religious did not disappear from all over England. He also found a new expression with the prime minister of Queen Victoria, Benjamin Disraeli , which is now the main historical reference of the neo-conservatives. However, the rabbinate has always strongly opposed the creation of a Jewish state. When the opportunity had presented itself in the twelfth century, had rejected a proposal to this effect by Saladin The Magnificent and had never changed his rating (5). Christian Zionists had to wait until the XIX century and the nationalism of Theodor Herzl to find secular Jews who accept their plans. As shown
Jill Hamilton, the decision to Lloyd George and Lord Arthur James Balfour in 1917 to create a "jew national home" in Palestine, it has resulted in numerous rhetorical justification, the best result is 'rapprochement between Christian Zionists and Jewish nationalists (6).

However, this alliance clashed a contradiction: Christian anti-Semitism. In fact, Christian Zionists claimed that the end of time the Jews had to convert to Christ or tumbling into hell. In short, a good jew is a jew converted to Christianity. In any case, the unions of short-term interest passed before this type of account, also became a policy.
During the Six Day War (1967), Israel became aware of the electoral weight of the Zionist evangelical sects in the United States and began to finance their leader, the pastor Jerry Falwell , co-founder the Moral Majority (7). In 1978, he was invited to plant trees in the "promised land" and gave his name to a forest. In 1979, the Israeli government offered him a private jet to help him in his religious ministry. In 1980, Prime Minister Menahem Begin solemnly pinned the medal to the prestigious New York Zeev Jabotinsky , named after the far-right thinker who was his mentor and the father of Netanyahu was the secretary.

This alliance has been institutionalized in September in 1980 when the vote of a resolution to the Knesset (Israeli parliament) threads that says - in violation of international law - that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, Begin fund the creation of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (International Christian Embassy Jerusalem ). This body develops tourism Gospel and raise funds at the Jewish pilgrims in favor of immigration. So, he opened a consulate "in every State of America.
In August 1985, 'Embassy organizes the authorities of South African apartheid regime's first world congress of the Christian Zionists (8). Is held in Basel (Switzerland) in the room in which 98 years before Theodor Herzl created the Zionist movement jew.

In October 2003, Christian Zionists sealed their alliance with the neo-conservatives at the Jerusalem Summit, in the presence of Ehud Olmert and Benjamin Netanyahu (9).
Finally, on January 5 2004, 'head office in Jerusalem has created an ad hoc group of 14 MPs of Knesset Christian Allies Caucus the (10).
All these operations were carried out with the help of an area at, Fellowship Foundation, which oversees and funds the Pentagon's discretion with a host of evangelical churches in the world (11).

The theology of the two alliances
The originality of Pastor John Hagee is to have reconciled the evangelical faith to the reality of the State of Israel. Since 1988, states that Jews who observe the law of Moses will be saved without having to convert to Christ. It is the "theology of the two alliances " God has concluded several agreements with its two chosen people, Jews and evangelicals. Reverend Hagee was initially rejected by Jerry Falwell, Christian Zionist, then reinstated in the agreement, which has now become the mouthpiece (12). This path and this ideological innovation make him the ideal man to transform the religious Zionist Christian movement in a mass lobby for Israel.

On February 7, 2006, the Rev. John Hagee organized Texas in a meeting of 400 evangelical pastors U.S. in anticipation of creating a federation of Christian Zionists. Simultaneously, the Christian Embassy launches a bi-monthly magazine spread as a supplement to the Jerusalem Post , JP the Christian Edition. The
Jerusalem Post is a newspaper run by neo-conservative Aviv Bushinsky, communications consultant and former spokesman for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The supplement mixes articles on the theme park in Galilee Gospel and others on the Iranian threat, and Hamas's armed wing and Hezbollah. There is also denounced the European academics who analyze the writing of the Bible in its socio-historical and treat Israel as a biblical myth. Far from being a handicap for his new mission, the extremism of Rev. Hagee meets Likoudniks: has not written a eulogy for the murder of Yitzhak Rabin , guilty in his eyes that he had sold out the "promised land"? (13)

The Federation of Christian Zionists is born at a banquet of 3,500 pastors and evangelical leaders at the Hilton Washington ... July 18, 2006, ie five days after the start of the Israeli offensive against Lebanon. Providence does things well and this is an opportunity for mobilization of all evangelical organizations in favor of the Israeli army. At the microphone, as well as the pastor Jerry Falwell, successive U.S. congressmen ( Senators Sam Brownback, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Rick Santorum et , representatives Henry Bonilla), the Israeli Ambassador Daniel Ayalon and the former chief of staff Moshe Yaalon General . The new federation called Christians United for Israel (CUFI) (14).

from the crowd, the Members of CUFI realize Israel Allies Caucus the House of Representatives to make agreements with the Christian Allies Caucus the Knesset. It is co-chaired by Republican Dave Weldon and Democrat Eliot Engel (15). Parliamentary groups are identical in the course of training in the Philippines and South Korea Are Reverend John Hagee is a successful preacher, the leader of a small empire of communication, is not the thinking head of CUFI. The federation is run by the Christian Zionist David Brog, a parliamentary assistant jew Zionist and also a cousin of former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak . Although I understand the parliamentary democracy, the CUFI fishing almost exclusively on Republican territory. Evidently retains close links with the White House and has played an important role in the adoption by Congress of a resolution that "condemns the recent attacks against the State of Israel, holding terrorists and their state sponsors as responsible of this attack, and it supports Israel's right to self '(16). Text AIPAC and voted with 410 votes against 8 in the House of Representatives and the Senate unanimously. In addition, the CUFI and Israel Allies Caucus persuaded 115 Representatives to write to President Bush because harden sanctions against Syria.

and David Brog who launched the phrase "birth pangs" about the remodeling of the Greater Middle East, citing the Gospel According to Matthew, Chapter 24.
from the current wars, a new world will arise. Jesus said, " That many shall come in my name, saying:" I am the Christ, "and mislead dimolti. Why should we hear hints of wars and wars. Take care not to disturb you. That every thing that should happen, but not yet the end (...) and everything will only begin the pain of childbirth. " An expression is now taken up by Condoleezza Rice for those belonging to evangelical political neo-conservative (17).
" Israel is our work and work to free people. His enemies are the enemies those of the United States. This is a battle that is part of a wider war, the Judeo-Christian civilization against the forces of good against those of evil (...) Israel is at the forefront in the war against terrorism and we can only support it, " said David Brog to ' AFP, a few days ago (18).

David Brog's main job is to bring together Jews and Christian Zionists forget by centuries of Christian anti-Semitism (19). It is not easy in a country which two years ago, applauded a film Mel Gibbson , "The Passion of the Christ " representing the Jews as God-killers (20). In May 2006, Mr. Brog has published a book: " Standing with Israel: Why Christians Support Israel " (Standing with Israel: Why Christians support Israel) (21). Taking some liberties with history, you said that the two people elected are reconciled when the United States have passed the Third Reich and have voted for the creation of the State of Israel.

The impact of CUFI
Pastor John Hagee has exceptional media. Produce twice daily talk-show broadcast by one of the three major networks in the world televangelist, Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN ). This program, available via satellite throughout the world is received by 92 million homes in the United States. TBN has always been tied to Israel and the apartheid era South African government (22). Reverend Hagee can also count on the publishing house of his friend Steve Strang that publishes the monthly Charisma
John Hagee also has financial problems. In 2000, he bought a ranch in Brackettville (Texas) for $ 5.5 million managed by the Texas Israel Agricultural Research Foundation . It can receive his friends, whose planes land on his private airport. In 2001, the salary of this preacher blessed by God amounted to $ 1.25 million (23)

Kevin Philips, who is considered one of the best experts in the electoral sociology U.S. guarantees that the Bush administration supports three social groups: the bourgeoisie tied to oil, the evangelical faithful, and retirees living on credit (24). The grading of evangelical churches has been replaced by that of the republican parties, the theological developments are crucial to Washington's policy
is too early to say that the purpose of CUFI is reached. However, in response to events that cause bloodshed in Lebanon, 68% of U.S. states in surveys that they feel close to Israel spontaneously and 63% that the Bush administration should continue or increase its military support to IDF (25).

[ 1 ] " fundamentalists to war " by Thomas St. Pierre, Voltaire , April 3, 2003.
[ 2 ] Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World ... the Last Opportunity for Peace, by the Rev. John Hagee, Frontline ed., 2006 .
[ 3] For Christians, the Antichrist is a character that comes before (ante =) Christ for the faithful astray. It is sometimes called Antichrist to underscore that it opposes (= anti) Christ.
[ 4] "Pastor Strangelove" by Sarah Posner, American Prospect , June 6, 2006.
[ 5 ] The Crusades Through Arab Eyes by Amin Maalouf I read, 1999.
[ 6 ] God, and Gunns Israel : Britain, The First World War and the Jews In The Holy Land by Jill Hamilton, Sutton Publishing, 2004.
[ 7 ] Jerry Falwell: An Unauthorized Profile by William Goodman and James Price, Lynchburg , 1981.
[ 8 ] Prophecy and Politics, Militant Evangelists on the Road to Nuclear War , by Grace Halsell, Lawrence Hill & Company, 1986. The author, who attended the conference as a journalist, was the former editor of the speech by President Johnson.
[ 9] " historic summit to seal the Alliance of the warriors of God " Voltaire, October 17, 2003.
[ 10] "The Judeo-Christian Alliance - Is the Messianic Era Beginning? "By Victor Mordechai, Israel Today Magazine, February 16, 2004. The caucus is chaired by Yuri Shtern MP, a member of Summit Office of Jerusalem.
[ 11] In this regard we refer to the three presentations delivered at the Axis for Peace conference about the evangelical breakthrough in Latin America in the Arab world and black Africa. Including " Evangelical churches and the game of U.S. in the Arab world " by Charles Saint-Prot, Voltaire, November 14, 2005.
[ 12 ] The condemnation of Hagee is published by Falwell in Liberty Flame May 6, 1994 under the title "John Hagee: Heretic? " the way, it gives rise to a critique of the privacy of the Rev. Hagee who divorced his first wife to marry a teenager. His rehabilitation takes place at a meeting of the Liberty University , July 4, 2002. See "Falwell Have festivities surprise guest," by Julia Duin, The Washington Times , July 3, 2002, and "Old Foes Falwell, Hagee defuse fireworks ar ‘old-fashioned fourth’ », Church and State , septembre 2002.
[ 13 ] in The Beginning of the End , par John Hagee, STL, 1996.
[ 14 ] « Christian group to advocate more support for Israel » par Julia Duin, The Washington Times , 13 juillet 2006. « Evangelical Christians plead for Israel » par Richard Allen Greene BBC, July 19, 2006.
[ 15] "Congress forms Israel Allies Caucus" by Etgar Lefkovits, The Jerusalem Post , July 27, 2006.
[ 16] HR Resolution 921 of July 20, 2006.
[ 17] " The neo-conservatives and the policy of" constructive chaos " by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire , July 25, 2006.
[ 18] "For evangelicals, the war in the Middle East" between Good and Evil ', "AFP, 11 August 2006.
[ 19] "Birth Pangs of a New Christian Zionism" by Max Blumenthal, The Nation , August 8, 2006.
[ 20] " The implosion of the Judeo-Christian alliance " Voltaire, February 23, 2004.
[ 21 ] Standing with Israel : Why Christians Support Israel , par David Brog, Frontline, 2006.
[ 22 ] Spiritual Warfare, The Politics of the Christian Right , par Sara Diamond, South End Press, 1989.
[ 23 ] « Critics say John Hagee’s compensation is too high » par Analisa Nazareno, San Antonio Express-News , 20 juin 2003.
[ 24 ] American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century by Kevin Phililips, Viking, 2006. Kevin Phillips is the former election adviser to President Nixon.
[ 25] CNN Poll conducted on 2 and 3 August 2006


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