Thursday, August 24, 2006

Primary Hiv Rash Last Month

But that does not know ... Magdi
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The monetary slavery: a historical monstrosity born in 1694 with the Bank of England

The words of Satan
Giacinto Auriti
Abruzzo Press
http://abruzzopress.freeweb.supereva .

Goethe said that " is no longer a slave to those who consider themselves free without being . This principle is particularly valuable in the monetary system in force.
The city is under the illusion of being the owner of the money in his pocket while he is liable. The bank, in fact, emits only provide the money, so the money circulates burdened with debt.
The sign of the monetary slavery is the fact that the property comes into the hands of the bank or, better said, the bank issuing and paying pay is the prerogative of the owner.
Money, however, must be born a citizen of the property because it is he who, by accepting it, it creates value, so much so that if you put a governor to print money on a deserted island, the value does not arise because, lacking the community, is less than the very possibility of collective will that causes this value. As each unit of measure (and the money is the measure of value), money is also a convention.

When money was found a nugget of gold who appropriates it without charging toward the mine. Today, instead of the mine's central bank, instead of the nugget a piece of paper, instead of the property debt.
One can not understand how it was possible this historic monstrosity (born in 1694 with the Bank of England and with the issue of the pound) unless it moves from the definition of money instrument (dung) of the devil. The truth of this definition was felt by S. Francis of Assisi when forbade mendicant receive oboli currency. We now demonstrate the full merits on the basis of the same words that are in the Gospel of Satan.

Satan, in the Gospel, he speaks three times. After the fasting of Christ in the wilderness, Satan says, "Turn your stones into bread." For the most part, these words are interpreted as a temptation to consider them as Christ was hungry, and eat bread would have been a source of temptation. This interpretation is not acceptable because the temptation is always relative to a sin and eat bread after forty days of fasting is morally irreproachable.
So the justification of Satan's words to be understood differently and those who tell us how to interpret the words of Christ when Satan is really in response to Satan says (Mt. 4.4): "It is written not live by bread alone man, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God .

What is surprising in this sentence of Jesus is the novelty of the proposal ever considered in the theoretical interpretation, to infer the meaning of words from their literal expression, but from the mouth pronouncing them. Those were words from the mouth of Satan, so that should be considered to interpret exactly the hypothesis, however absurd, that Christ had accepted the invitation of Satan and turned the stones into bread. In such a case could be said to Christ: "You can eat bread for my respect because I gave you the advice to turn stones into bread." So Christ was transformed from a "master" to "borrowing" of your bread.
A closer examination, this hypothesis occurs regularly in the issuance of nominal money. When the central bank issues money by lending, leads the community to create the accepted value, but the same expropriation and misappropriated the same, just as Satan would have done if Christ had accepted the invitation to turn stone into bread. If you put the stone in place of paper, instead of bread and gold, Satan instead of the bank, are found in the emission of the sterling-gold paper and all subsequent coins nominally, all the features of the temptations of Satan .

With the establishment of the Bank of England and the system of central banks, people all over the world have been transformed by owners of insolvent debtors inevitably money. The bank, in fact, paying due on the issue, charging the cost of borrowing 200%. Humanity is thus plunged into a condition lower than that of the beast. The beast, in fact, has the property, but not the debt.
is a long time now that you understand that anyone can lend money except its issuer. The common currency debt Humanity has been so degraded that no accident occurs the phenomenon of "suicide by default" as a social disease that has no precedent in history. This confirms the Prophecy of Fatima: "The living will envy the dead."

You can not accurately estimate the temptations of Satan if they are not considered in their global context. Particularly significant in this sense, is the third temptation (Mt 4, 8-9): "... showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, then said to Jesus, I'll give you all this. If you fall down and worship me . Prostrate Satan worship is to put in place on the altar of God This explains why the worshipers of Satan fundamentally and necessarily deny the Catholic Eucharist. The fact
that Protestantism was based on challenging the Catholic Eucharist and has promoted the establishment of central banks as promoters of the debt-money speaks for itself. No coincidence that the British Parliament approves the Test Act in 1673: the edict with which it is declared unlawful the Eucharist and the Catholic transubstantiation.

no coincidence that in 1694 founded the Bank of England is issuing the rule to transform the pound symbol zero cost currency, ushering in the era of gold-paper.
not born by chance, the subordination of religious to the political power when the king of England also became head of the Protestant Anglican subverting the hierarchy of the Holy Roman Empire to which political authority was autonomous and ethical alternative to religious sovereignty .
no coincidence that when Protestantism entered in continental Europe does not found a church, but a bank: the Bank Protestant whose president, Neker, becomes director of Louis XIV.

no coincidence that all the Catholic monarchies of old Europe because they disintegrate into debt without compensation to the bankers for the currency issued by these satanic at zero cost and that they free the king could issue its own account without borrowing.
no coincidence that Switzerland is the rule at a time to be "bankers" and "Protestant."
no coincidence that the essential difference between the Holy Roman Empire and Commonwealth is the British currency. There, the bearer is the owner of the coin, here is the debtor.
Not surprisingly, after God removed from the altar with the denial of the Eucharist Catholic and founded the Bank of England, the Commonwealth in 1855 reached an area of \u200b\u200b22 million and 750 thousand square kilometers. Today the world is the Commonwealth. All the world is "monetary settlement".

Satan, the prince of this world, is a serious person: it keeps its promises to the very bad. After the evil has been done to give his worshipers dominion over all the peoples of the world.
On this basis we also explains the temptation when Satan urges Christ to jump from the top of the temple of the Holy City. Who is the master of the whole world and all the money in the world, or because the creditor has or because they have no wish to sovereignty and wealth because it already has, but has a thirst for vainglory. It thus also justifies this temptation.

Giacinto Auriti


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