Sunday, August 20, 2006

What To Write For A Hens Card

... I hate preachers. But the state has empowered them! ALARM!

are the preachers of hate. But the state has empowered them! ALARM!

[b] Today, in Italy preach and incite the masses to destroy Israel is absolutely wrong ... He cries and moans, Magdalen Allam'atriciana or the illuminated part of the tumor-beam Zionist plagued the media Italians. [/ B]

L'immagine “” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.
[color = blue] somatized be because the false consciousness which gives vent in its outputs, but it seems increasingly Magdi contract, with facial expressions reduced to a minimum. Never laughs, and it is in itself worrying. Stress from overwork? [/ Color]

If a group of extreme right or extreme left had requested a page of a newspaper to convey a message that says raving "Yesterday Nazi massacres, today Israeli massacres" would certainly come up against a flat refusal. Islamic extremists UCOII (Union of Islamic Organizations and Communities in Italy) it was different. Damn the cleaver, Damn ..

Why Islamists UCOII are fully qualified by the institutions and the State, their president Nour Dachan sits within the Council for Italian Islam established by the Interior Ministry, claimed to control 85% of the mosques and believe they are the true representatives of all Muslims in Italy. Except that he entitled my friend Marcello Pera (called the Draw) that greet you with a Smack! I am very indignant, outraged me .. Word of Magdalen (x Magdi's Friends)

L'immagine “” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.

not matter if it's an organization that denies Israel's right to existence and it preaches the destruction, justifying Palestinian terror attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan against multinational forces, which seeks to monopolize power between Muslims and our own part in the birth of the Umma, the Islamic nation around the world, in line with the strategy of the subversive and sometimes violent Muslim Brotherhood. Concept that worked so hard but with lavish thanks from those who know us, we have given so much to understand the foolish Italian, that most of Calderoli Obtuse (and we want you!) Believe, or rather blindly believed until now that things were so seriously .... as true, moreover, that the donkeys fly ... if we all 'Air Force One, we see that it is not that the truth ... Yes or No?!?

does not matter if the insert published in the national newspaper, the UCOII payment is to consolidate an image of Italians in the eyes and bloody demonizing of Israel by making the equivalence "Marzabotto = Gaza = Fosse Ardeatine = Lebanon." Of the rest could tell or even better to remember the many peace activists killed by bulldozers and soldiers, or the bombs on the UN observers or even worse, what they tell reported below .. As the bombs launched against the Palestinian bathers on the beach in early summer that really sparked the war by bringing the wrath of the population helpless to make a drawing of Israel or kidnap a soldier (but could be anything, the important thing was to unleash the deadly got little response) thus giving an excuse for Israel to carry out his criminal design, one more.

[b] "(...) Magdi, heard from the Gazette, said he was disappointed and concerned at the initiative of Malabarba. [/ B]

Whether in a statement on August 1 last year, commenting the massacre of Qana, the UCOII said that "it is the sign of further escalation of a criminal state born in ethnic cleansing, growth and consolidation in the violence and injustice and that, God forbid, end up being the final tragedy of his own people. "

[b] It does not matter if the president Dachan, contradicting the official press UCOII issued on 11 March 2004 and July 7, 2005, argued (Jenner Meletti article in La Repubblica, 18 August) that the attacks in Madrid and London were the work of 'intelligence services that provide weapons and dictate the times. " So how would a "big lie" the plot to simultaneously blow up ten planes departing from London: 'They wanted to divert attention from what is happening in Lebanon and have invented everything, so the Muslims are becoming a danger. (...) Checks at airports become heavy and bothers to passengers as they learn to hate Muslims. "[/ B]

only for these important and relentless dissolution of the veil that false intelligence & American Zionists (not Israelis, but because Zionists are everywhere, I know here in Italy, here in Parma) stretch on the truth to justify diverting the eyes and minds from the real focus, a bit like a move in the film Kansas City Slevin: Covenant Criminal ... Only Rabbi Murderess them in the end pays the bill for his misdeeds with the barbarity of his life and his before that of her beloved gay son said "Farina" ... but not digress, for that matter if the bad guys were punished, we would not at this point ... Do not you think?

Whether spokesman UCOII, Hamza Roberto Piccardo, had the audacity to write to the Minister Amato, 12 August, following the announcement of the detention of a forty Muslims, who " that's not how you do against terrorism, the operation was made by the ministry as the fight against terrorism "and the adjective" Islamic "has been lost to indicate the environment in which to search for the terrorists' Amato warning to say" loud and clear letters that we Muslims are foreigners and Italians results matter, once Moreover, any activity likely to jeopardize collective security and public order. " As it does not matter, that letter was to be published on the front pages of newspapers, as such as those published today did not say nothing but 'THE TRUTH' citing facts, dates, and accurate and factual evidence ... not imaginary "rogue" to Gerge Bush (great singer)

To verify the reality of the ideology of hatred, violence and death that drives the UCOII, like Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, just give in these hours a look at the website maintained by Piccardo [url] [/ url]. You can read the message of 24 July of the Islamic Association, "Imam Mahdi, "which urged" all men of good will to work for (...) also contribute to ending once and for all the self-styled "State of Israel," this horrible nightmare, this monster unclean that feeds on the blood of innocents. " Or the message entitled "The award-winning Israeli cleaning company," Carlo Bertani, 30 July 2006, taken from [url] [/ url], which begins: "While in Italy we toyed between a vote of confidence and a strike by pharmacists, the company rewarded Mossad Israeli army began the ethnic cleansing of southern Lebanon. "

We can only take note that today in Italy preach and incite the masses to destroy Israel is absolutely wrong, that the national press with or without charge spreads the message clearly hostile to Israel's right to exist. And all this is considered freedom of expression. Although this is actually the core of the ideology of terror which we are all witnesses and victims.

Thanks for the attention paid by Magdalene Allam'atriciana Groove Messenger and of course all the "No Matter" are of Magdalena and final sentences of the undersigned, Magdi nothing personal, that are for me and you're an idiot lackey rotten ... I was joking, Molf! [

[b] Magdi Allam [/ b] - The Muslim Jew - August 20, 2006

(what a contradiction ... but not so much if you think all'equidistanza of these subjects from the thirst of media power and attachment to other people's money ...)


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