Thursday, August 24, 2006

Baby And Special Words


Why is absurd, contradictory, illogical or just impossible ...

1 - that the FBI has been able to identify all the bombers and nineteen ( so-called "suicide" ) in less than 48 hours, providing much of photography for everyone (some even two), although no Arabic name appeared in the passenger lists (check yourself), and at least half of them were totally unknown to the authorities themselves, at the time of the attacks, by their own admission.

2 - that Osama bin Laden has hatched this infernal machine, whose preparation would last five years,
a) focusing on all total inexperience of its pilots / hijackers,
b) even though he had no real reason to do so (apart from a undetermined "hatred for American democracy"),
c) fact has never claimed the attacks ,
d) who has drawn every advantage was the same administration that he wanted to hit, as far as I know perfectly geopolitical projects and special interests.

3 - that the American authorities, who wanted to show number of times the planes hit the towers, they never presented to the public a single image of the plane that was approaching Pentagon (apart from this and this ridiculous filmatini showing anything but a Boeing 757 ) when
a) should have dozens of cameras to film (and at least four from close range),
b) is known to certain that at least two of these tapes have been seized by 'FBI ( source), and
c) the lack of wreckage of the 757 (see here , here and here ) is precisely the element underpinning all of the allegations the administration.

4 - What also were unable to show any images of video-security of the hijackers boarding their flights, when doubts about their identity are perhaps the second weakness of the entire official version.

5 - What Aziz Alomari and Mohamed Atta, after years of careful preparation, they would squander their entire mission, going to try - for no apparent reason - a connecting flight so tight, that has now enabled investigators to come into possession of valuable items for the survey.

6 - That a hijacker in the process of dying to write his girlfriend - with whom he is 5 years - the wrong address, but remember to put your hand in return, in the event of postal problems (sources : Guardian and BBC ). And generally a bit 'all the hijackers, as they should be careful and precise, have been able to spread along their path only copies of the Koran, credit cards, documents and instructions for those about to die and flight manuals in industrial quantities (source : CNN). German Minister Von Bulow sums up this ridiculous situation .

6a - that these hijackers were also deficient as to get drunk the night before the attacks (as a 757 pilot is also no hands, no?), Although they could not drink alcohol as Muslims, and forget, look at 'the case, a copy of the Koran in strip bar they were gone (not to be believed ... Muslims, too radical, misogynistic and Puritans to the nth degree, which is drunk in a strip bar ...). Here the source.

7 - What four amateur riders, not all licensed, with a bad reputation in flight schools (including for small aircraft and not for large commercial aircraft), and that have never first sitting at the controls of a 757 or 767, have been perfectly able to take possession of it in proportion, to guide you through security without making the slightest mistake, to orient yourself in heaven where they have never flown (some of them had never flown at all), to find targets that were located hundreds of miles away, and hit them with coldness and pinpoint accuracy. One of them in particular, Hanjour would have done this at the end making a spectacular pull-up he is capable of only a fighter jet, and then a maneuver approach (the Pentagon) as illogical as physically impossible (see here) for aircraft of that size.

8 - What of eight riders on 8:00 to 2:00 and co-pilot of American pilots, many of the United - not one has had time to activate the emergency signal indicating a hijacking in progress on the ground. Corresponds to the Button that bank employees were on hand to report to the police a possible robbery. This lack of reporting has allowed authorities to significantly lengthen the time period in which they can claim to "not understanding" that it was hijacked and thus justify the inactivity of aviation. But in fact, established after the first hijacking, would still have had to react immediately to shut down the transponder (among other things unexplained, too) in the other three. Instead it did not happen.

9 - that 19 hijackers, flying hundreds of miles away from each other, and which are not connected to an external director, are able to perform a particular maneuver in perfect coordination with one another (the impact of the one, the other transponder off), but having started from different airports, at different times from those projected, and being unable to communicate directly ( phones and radios do not work at that altitude and that speed).

10 - that they chose a strategy in the first place so absurd, waiting for each one hit its target before the other came into action, with two of them (see here and here) who have even 300 miles away from the target which already had on hand. A strategy that would could work only in the unlikely event of a sudden stall total of U.S. air defense . What then is "miraculously" happened.

11 - That the most sophisticated air defense of the world has gone so conveniently stalled up in those crucial two hours, unable to stop in any way, or even to board, only one of four planes.

12 - What was being just as conveniently, in those hours, and in those heavens, absolutely exercise identical to what was really happening to the four hijacked planes. This fact has contributed a lot to increase the already considerable disorientation of the controllers, civilian and military, caused by a series of contradictory orders which has never known the source. (Source )

13 - What's this embarrassing impasse has not been never provided any explanation, nor appear to have been punished or even identified, one responsible for what happened. (Usually, in situations like this, is the exact opposite: it is urgent for a scapegoat, to be given as soon as fed to the media.)

14 - How many passengers have made phone calls in flight with their phones, when this proved impossible, for at least three reasons.

15 - What of a plane crashing to the ground, but not hit in the air ( UA93), can be found wreckage and human remains over a radius of about 8 miles (13 km).

16 - that the U.S. authorities have argued - and continue to support - that WTC 7 has collapsed on its own, because of a simple fire when they were denied by the same owner of the WTC Plaza, Larry Silverstein, who has however publicly admitted controlled demolition. Not to mention the numerous evidence indicating that a collapse could not have been spontaneous.

17 - What the same authors claim that the Twin Towers have collapsed the pure impact of the planes, and subsequent fires when
a) clearly provided that the project could absorb the impact of more than a big commercial jet, as explained In an interview the same designer Frank de Martini ( download the interview - 742 Kb)
b) to explain the collapse of a vertical stand and need rape beyond all the laws of physics , ignoring in particular the properties of heat radiation steel and
c) findings visual and direct evidence of Firefighters themselves are heavily in favor of controlled demolition, as well as many engineering analysis (see, for example here and here ).

18 - What other laws of physics were suspended, allowing a normal passport card to survive an explosion at about 800 degrees Celsius, and that your passport belonged to one of the hijackers and was accidentally found just from an FBI agent.

19 - That the Pentagon was hit by a Boeing-757 loaded with passengers and fuel, despite
a) some photos, whose authenticity is beyond doubt, show in the disarmingly total absence of its wrecks.
b) still intact on the facade of the Pentagon scored only an entrance hole no more than three to four meters ,
c) 26 of 20 windows on the front windows were still intact , after 'impact, and
d) there is a exit hole of similar size, even within the third ring of the Pentagon, whose origin was never explained by anyone, and that remains to this day absolutely inexplicable.

20 -
that despite the total disappearance of the plane has been can retrieve and identify the remains of almost all passengers, including those of the hijackers. That is, that burning steel and aluminum, but no human flesh.

21 - What have even 15 minutes after the second plane hit the WTC was given the name of Bin Laden as a principal culprit of the attacks, and without presenting any evidence. A really
time record for the resolution of the investigation: never in the history of investigations on issues of international terrorism, there was a resolution of the case in the order of minutes, doubly amazing when combined with the authorities of the official U.S. investigation that up at the time of the attacks would Discovered completely unaware and ignorant of the whole plot of the multi-year conspiracy. (What later proved false )

22 - that the words of Van Romero (one of the leading experts in the field, vice-president of the New Mexico Tech Institute, former director of the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center, "which studies the effects of controlled explosions of buildings), uttered a few hours after the attacks: "My opinion is that after the planes hit the towers, there were some explosive charges placed inside the buildings that caused the collapse of towers , are completely false, and that is lying for some reason. This
hypothesis is also supported by seismographic data (see, for example those of Columbia University here and here ). Were in fact recorded two aftershocks of magnitude 2.1 and 2.3 (far too high for simple spontaneous collapse) at the exact moment of the beginning of the collapses of the twin towers, before the first block and the first ground impact debris. This seems to indicate the use of powerful explosives just before the collapse of the towers.

23 - it's just an incredible coincidence that the U.S. military were preparing war plans against Afghanistan already months before the attacks of September 11. Maybe they were looking for some event which would lead the American public generally disinterested towards a war, as in the past (see historical precedents 11 September) and as thinking of doing the 60 ?

24 - What paper documents incriminating bin Laden and passports were found intact in the ruins of the WTC and the black boxes of aircraft - designed to withstand any kind of accident - were damaged to the point of being unusable ( all of them).

25 - What even after days and even weeks of the attacks on the WTC video operators have been forbidden to take or photograph the ruins from certain angles, as alleged by CBS Correspondent Lou Young, who asked: "What do we see fear?"

26 - What so sophisticated terrorist plan, which involved at least 100 people and a preparation of at least five years, managed to escape all the intelligence services, particularly the CIA and FBI. And instead of trying and dismiss those responsible for this failure and renovate these agencies, are doubling their budget.

27 - What is the South Tower of the WTC collapsed earlier, when it was less damaged North Tower, which had been hit and is in full burned for much longer before it collapses (see here the damage of and those of the North Tower South Tower ).

28 - How many witnesses who claim to have heard more explosions inside the buildings are lying for some strange reason. And because the destruction of the towers is more like a controlled implosion than a spontaneous collapse (see here for the many and obvious differences between spontaneous and controlled demolition collapse)?

29 - that the numbers of seats of the hijackers, communicated via a phone conversation with the flight attendant Madeline Amy Sweeney on board the Air Traffic Control in Boston, do not coincide with the numbers of seats occupied by men who the FBI says were responsible for even quest'hostess lied for some strange reason.

30 - that even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia and several newspapers have published the news that they lied when they reported that 13 of the alleged hijackers were not aboard the hijacked planes and in fact still alive. Because these names are still on the FBI list? And why, if as some have argued these cases homonyms, also the same faces of the alleged hijackers? A case with 13 doubles while also homonyms? There is an equal chance of winning the lottery a hundred times in a row.

31 - that, of all flight schools in America, immediately after the attacks the FBI agents have gone in precisely those where the hijackers were trained, without fail, and which schools have guessed were "by chance", as stated at the end of this documentary.

32 - What you mentioned is one of the hijackers carried a baggage for a flight suicide and then he left in his car at the airport along with a letter indicated that as the culprit.

33 - that America has bombed Afghanistan where the hijackers were not Afghans, but Arabs from various Middle Eastern countries.
It 's like if France did an attack on Germany, and Germany in response bombed Italy or England.

34 - that terrorists have managed to get the top secret codes and signals the White House and of the 'Air Force One - an excuse for President Bush tossed all over the country on 11 September, while Cheney's mind took matters in hand and made her comfortable.

35 - that the witnesses who spoke of a second plane that followed the UA-93 (which would have fallen to the ground in Pennsylvania for a courageous rebellion of the passengers) and fireballs exploded in the air are all lying for some mysterious reason, and that a plane crashing into the ground send scrap to 13 km away and only make a hole 7 meters to the ground, leaving no recognizable wreckage (you can find all about the UA-93 here

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Operation Black Gold.
Jeremy Rifkin - taken from , 14/11/2002.

To understand how Europe and America have moved away from each other, just listen to what they say on the street all'incombente U.S. invasion of Iraq. In the U.S., most people believe in President George W. Bush when he says that America has a moral duty to protect the world from Saddam Hussein's pathological desire to build and use weapons of mass destruction. On the contrary, in Europe, most people feel that the U.S. is planning the invasion of Iraq in order to secure its oil reserves , Iraq being the second largest producer in the world after Saudi Arabia.

If America were able to get hold of those oil wells, say the Europeans, would be in a position to counter Saudi influence in the region, and could then dictate terms to the future for the rest of the world 'access to oil.

So while most Americans believe that our plan of attack on Iraq is intended to save the world from a madman, most Europeans think that the real madness is President Bush, who as only bad intention to create a foothold in Middle East so that the 'American Empire "will continue to expand.

It should be noted also that the media support the political sensitivities of their respective countries. Europeans believe they have many reasons to be suspicious of the reasons that push the U.S. towards the Middle East. They accuse the Bush administration to pursue in their own self-interest rather than national interests, despite the global responsibilities that were placed in front: for example, the White House's refusal to sign the Kyoto Treaty to reduce greenhouse or the lack of support to the recommendations made at the Johannesburg Summit on Sustainable Development. In both cases, Europeans accuse the U.S. of ignoring their moral obligations to preserve the collective oil in favor of what they regard as an arrogant and blatant attempt by the United States to put their commercial interests before anything else. Including the fate of the rest of the world. Europeans see the then imminent invasion of Iraq as part of a large picture of the White House to cement its position as the first military and commercial.

In America, however, the outlook is rather difficult. Still shaken by the events of September 11, many Americans believe President Bush when the latter asserts that Iraq is a potential danger to their security. The Americans feel vulnerable and worry that America may occur in the future more terrorist attacks like September 11. Many people, therefore, to embrace the idea promoted by the White House of a "preventive action" against terrorism. In addition, many Americans are incredulous to the fact that Europeans do not consider more seriously the threat of global terrorism and wonder why those who are supposedly our allies are so reluctant to side with the United States in their efforts to depose Saddam Hussein. However, one can not but be surprised by the almost complete silence of American politicians and media on the issue of a possible link with oil. It is possible that American political leaders, journalists, columnists, editors, publishers of print media and multimedia, are so naive as to believe that the White House really has no other plans in the Middle East, except those declared by President Bush and his administration? all these people really believe that oil plays no role in strategic thinking of those who belong to the circles of power closer to the White House?

The American columnists, in particular, have argued so much the concern of the White House of a terrorist threat by Saddam Hussein, who gave little importance to the question of oil. And when politicians and the media to discuss oil, it is only in reference to the potential impact that a war in Iraq could have in terms of increase or decrease of oil prices on world markets. There was also wondered which countries and companies could benefit from a regime change in Iraq. But the fact that the Bush administration's determination to invade Iraq can somehow have something to do with the desire to secure oil wells, politicians of both parties and the national media have not uttered a word.

This is even more deafening national silence if you look closely at the key players in this drama. Both the president Bush and Vice President Cheney are oilmen . Both come from the petroleum industry. The careers of both have been shaped by oil interests. Their political fortunes has been touted by the oil lobby. President Bush began its journey as a businessman in the 80s in Texas, and founded a company called Arbusto oil exploration (for more details see " When the bin Laden family did business with the Bush family ") in 1984 , merged with another company in oil exploration, creating the Spectrum 7. And Bush became president. Two years later, she decided to sell his company to Harken Energy Company, for which was already working as a consultant. At the time, Harken had interests in the Middle East. For his part, Vice President Cheney, prior to his inauguration at the White House, was chairman and chief executive officer of Halliburton Company. Halliburton is a leading global provider of products and services related to the oil and energy and does business in more than 100 countries.

No wonder, then, that in the campaign for the presidential elections of 2000, the then Republican candidate George W. Bush has been the number one recipient of money from energy industry, managing to raise more than $ 1.8 million in contributions more than any Another candidate for federal office has received over the past ten years.

If there was any reason to be suspicious of the intentions of the White House on Iraq, certainly the fact that Vice President Cheney has held secret meetings of government behind closed doors with leaders of the energy industry should at least have raised the eyebrow a few belonging to the media, because those meetings took place immediately after receiving his appointment, has been made in order to plan future initiatives in the field of America. And then, despite continuing efforts by members of Congress to disclose those acts, Cheney has refused to release records discussions, in addition to the names of participants and society.

I'm not really say that these private discussions have specifically to do with American security interests in Iraq and the Middle East. Rather, all this shows how the interests of the oil companies are never far from the thoughts of President Bush and Vice President Cheney.
view of the close and old ties of President Bush and Vice President Cheney with the oil industry (such as no other presidential administration in U.S. history) is pretty incredible that no member of Congress or members of the media have bothered to raise the following question: the desire to secure oil resources of the second country in the world oil production, plays a strategic role in any White House policy?

is certainly understandable why American politicians and representatives of the media does not want to question the intentions of America in Iraq: what would make them appear very patriotic. But there are reasons and circumstances rather obvious to suspect a possible ulterior motive behind intention to declare war on Iraq, and would therefore be wise to consider seriously the claims by the European media and much of the rest of the world: that that the real intentions of America in the Middle East are not really what we are told.

Of course, if this second order was also only partly in the heads of those sitting in the White House, the nature of the debate would change dramatically. For the majority of Americans who harbor doubts already about the extent of the Iraqi threat and the need to engage as soon as American troops, endangering the lives of young men in uniform, the prospect of doing everything for ensure even in part the interests of big oil companies would not be well seen, nor well-intended. One thing is sure: the Americans would not support an invasion of Iraq never, nor of any other country in the Persian Gulf, the sole purpose of conquering oil fields. After all, we fought the last Gulf War to prevent Iraq to get their hands on the oil resources of Kuwait.

may be that Europe and the rest of the world are wrong about the intentions of America in Iraq. But the fact that the U.S. does not discuss publicly what the rest of the world suspected to be the real reason why the White House wants to depose Saddam Hussein, makes me think that behind the White House's obsession with Iraq there is much more to what we have been told so far.

Translated by Rosalba Fruscalzo.

Below, a survey by TIME about the true reason why the U.S. invaded Iraq.

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Bin Laden's messages are proven false

Bin Laden's messages are proven false
Maurizio Blondet
Osama Bin Laden's picture in a classic rite

False, quite false posts video of Bin Laden.

To say it is not the usual plot, but a major Swiss institution: the De Molle Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence in Lausanne.

Institute De Springs - which is affiliated to both the University of Geneva and the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne - examined an alleged Bin Laden message, broadcast by Al Jazeera November 12, 2002, where the sheikh of the 'evil' (revived after months of silence) praised some of the bloodiest attacks (allegedly) Muslim, like the Chechen Moscow theater attack, the bombing of the nightclub in Bali, the bombing of a French oil tanker off Yemen, and where threats uttered against France, Italy, Germany, Australia as " American allies."
The analysis was conducted at the request of the French TV channel France 2, and was conducted by comparing a score of previous audio and video messages of so-called Osama.
" We are 95% sure that the voice is not that of Bin Laden ," said Professor Herve Boulard, director of the Institute, " the margin of error is 5% .
Some "imposter" must have packaged the message. (1)

But who is the impostor that makes fun of the false messages of Bin Laden?

some clues: the competent U.S. authorities were quick to declare that the message of the November 12 talks as "very likely 'Bin Laden.

Those authorities are, in short, the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies.
It 's the same CIA caught in the act to post on its website a photo of a "head of Al Qaeda " which was instead the image of a different character.

The discovery, by chance, was made by American television network NBC, and worth telling. (2)

The false image has been posted on the site of the 'great person' by the CIA for a year and a half. The person is (or would) Midhat Mursi al-Sayid Umar, also known as Abu Khabab al-Masri.

described as' a notorious agent high-level Al Qaeda ',' expert in poisons and lethal chemicals "on behalf of Bin Laden. The U.S. is asking the public to help find him, offering a reward of $ 5 million.

Chi l'ha visto?
A large photo.

Some journalist NBC has realized that the photo of the dangerous chemical Arabic was very similar to that of a radical London imam, Abu Hamza Al Masri.
A careful examination has revealed that it was just that.

The CIA warned, he admitted everything: a "mistake human, "the spokesman said.

Everything stems from the fact that the extremist imam of London is called "Al-Masri" as the sought. That would say a lot about the language skills and U.S. intelligence, as "Al Masri 'is a generic nickname, which means" the Egyptian. "

Except that, it stinks of something other than incompetence.

NBC has reconstructed the CIA had taken the "photo of the person 'from a TV interview made by Abu Hamza of London," electronically had changed somewhat, "and receiving a goner Midhat Mursi as an identikit of the chemical Al Qaeda.

What can I say?

The fake Bin Laden videos are very abundant, often in mysterious ways to get Al-Jazeera, and then no longer be put back into circulation, are used to create some excitement with quick appearances in the news at night, then disappear.

Now, we know that the CIA has abundant video of Bin Laden, taken with the full consent of the person concerned: those are the years when Osama was cooperating with the CIA to recruit mujahideen to fight to be sent the Soviets in Afghanistan.

These videos were used as propaganda for enlistment: were shown to young and unemployed in the Islamic fanatics to turn to religious enthusiasm and sent out to shoot the infidels.

are the videos that are continuously displayed.

Those who rides where you see Osama, hieratic, his white horse that Osama sparacchia with a Kalashnikov, Osama who observe the exercise of its mujahideen, running paths of war, fake attack bunkers and try to jump into the fire.
So Osama was the "White Sheik," and the air was good for priestly influence young hotheads.
Now this material is recycled propaganda (Osama, as the pig, do not throw anything away) for other purposes of propaganda: keep alive the anxiety dell'introvabile Islamic terrorist and his phantom "network" in Western public opinion.

There certainly other video material that changed electronically, it can be reused indefinitely by the CIA.
To produce the "messages" that mysteriously come to Al Qaeda.
Sometimes you pass the sign, and it is discovered.
Maybe someone will remember a video mysteriously found in a "den of Al Qaeda" in Afghanistan after the U.S. invasion: showing a dog that died, poisoned, he made sure, by some lethal weapon, biological or chemically, in possession of the mega-terrorist.
That puppy, very sweet, who was dying, moved half of America that loves animals, is convinced that " who loves dogs and children can not be evil", and therefore quick to see Bin Laden, who choked a puppy with his poison , a very bad.
was the "proof" we were told that the evil Osama disposal of chemical weapons terrifying.
But some details did not fit. Puppies
sweet and kind, like what the video showed, they are so the best pet shops in New York, but not in Afghanistan or anywhere in the Islamic world.

Islam in fact the dog is considered impure, is not kept in homes and Bedouin tents, you may need to pastors, but is scorned, treated with lime and stone.
Dogs in Islam are bastards and skeletal, hungry Torque tube loose.
Now, the tremendous where Al Qaeda had found the puppy of breed, tender and looks like a plush toy of, if not precisely in a pet shop in some Western cities?
Another thing that puzzled more than one expert: the dog shown in the video as he was being poisoned by a gas (nerve, we were told) did not show the obvious symptoms that follow the contamination with chemicals military - convulsions, bleeding from the nose , ears and eyes. No
the lovable puppy hung her head, then fell to the side as sweetly asleep. As had been under the influence of non-lethal chemical weapon and tremendous, but a standard anesthesia by diethyl ether.

The real animal could at least rejoice with scientific certainty, the animal was not dead but only asleep. The CIA did not felt she could kill him, for a video (the puppies generally cost) and probably had returned to the store from which he had borrowed.
But these are small details, and small economies, to throw out all pretense.
Thus, peddle Al Masri of London changed electronically with the chemical Al Qaeda, was one of the tricks came to light.
Who knows how many there are facts to see.
But only briefly, and then just once.
And only a few cases some entity is aimed at scientific institutes in Switzerland in order to prove the authenticity of "messages of bin Laden."

Maurizio Blondet

Note 1) 'Bin Laden tape Faked, "TRB News, January 26, 2006.
2) Lisa Myers, " U.S. posts wrong photo of 'Al-Qaida operational ', ", January 26, 2006. Moreover, according to Pakistani intelligence, the chemical sought by Al Qaeda, the real "Abu Khabab", was recently killed in Pakistan by a U.S. missile launched from a Predator drone. But only after NBC took over the 'human error' of the CIA, the site looked great, the pictures (false) Abu Khabab has been replaced by a black silhouette.

Copyright © - EFFE DIEFFE - all rights reserved.

Virtual Worlds For 7-12 Yrs

The CUFI: 50 million evangelists to support Israel.

The new pro-Israel movement in the United States
The CUFI: 50 million to the evangelists support Israel
par Thierry Meyssan - taken from Reseau Voltaire / fr

In a country where citizens have abandoned the political spectrum for embrace evangelical churches, the formation of public opinion begins with the framing of the faithful. While preparing an offensive against Lebanon, the Pentagon and IDF (Israeli army, ndt) organized a federation of Christian Zionists, the CUFI , with a mission to transform 50 million evangelical Christians in war activists.
To secure public support for the U.S. in the war against Lebanon - and then to Syria and Iran - the Pentagon and the Israeli army have created a structure to monitor, since the end of 2005, to mobilize 50 million evangelicals. The centerpiece of this operation was to federate their leaders as part of a structure
ideology unique Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The function of this new group is not to replace all ' AIPAC ( American Israel Public Affairs Committee ) (1) in terms of pressure in the ruling class, but to propagate the Zionist theology in evangelical churches and ensure that support for Israel's offensive is perceived by the majority of the United States as a religious duty .

In January 2006, leaving a job: " Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World ... the Last Opportunity for Peace " ( The countdown Jerusalem: an alarm for the world ... the last chance for peace ) (2). It becomes immediately and three months, the major best-seller sold in supermarkets in the United States.
summarize his views on trying to be serious: Iran is led by fanatics who want to wipe Israel off the map by throwing an atomic bomb on Jerusalem. After the invasion of Israel by the Muslims and the Russians, a second war for control of Israel oppose the United States on the one hand, China and the European Union than the other. It is there that the Antichrist will rise (3) in the form of the President European Union. Finally a terrible nuclear war end this cycle. The decisive battle will take place in Meggido (Armaggedon). Then the radiant Christ will return to earth to reward those who believed in him. Fortunately, the Israeli army and the Pentagon can tip the balance on their side taking preventive action, including using new tactical nuclear bombs. It must therefore be delivered without waiting for the war.
The author of this best-selling military-religious is the Texas pastor John Hagee , the new star of the Christian Zionist (4).

Origins Zionist Christianity
Historically Christian Zionism is a phenomenon well before being jew. Christian Zionists believe that they form a second chosen people and they think that their destiny is tied to that of the people jew. For them, the return of Christ will not occur before the Jews are gathered in Palestine. To speed up the end of time, therefore, must create a state for Jews and not be afraid to cause cataclysmic apocalyptic. The first world leader to do his country a second and Israel want the creation of a jew in Palestine is the Puritan Oliver Cromwell English in the seventeenth century. After the restoration of the monarchy, those of his followers were driven out of the kingdom fled to Northern Ireland and the Netherlands, and founded colonies in southern Africa and America.

This current politico-religious did not disappear from all over England. He also found a new expression with the prime minister of Queen Victoria, Benjamin Disraeli , which is now the main historical reference of the neo-conservatives. However, the rabbinate has always strongly opposed the creation of a Jewish state. When the opportunity had presented itself in Twelfth century, had rejected a proposal to this effect by Saladin the Magnificent and had never changed his rating (5). Christian Zionists had to wait until the XIX century and the nationalism of Theodor Herzl to find secular Jews who accept their plans. As shown
Jill Hamilton, the decision to Lloyd George and Lord Arthur James Balfour in 1917 to create a "jew national home" in Palestine, it has resulted in numerous rhetorical justification, the best result is 'rapprochement between Christian Zionists and nationalists Jews (6).

However, this alliance clashed with a contradiction between Christian anti-Semitism. In fact, Christian Zionists claimed that the end of time the Jews had to convert to Christ or tumbling into hell. In short, a good jew is a jew converted to Christianity. In any case, the unions of short-term interest passed before this type of account, also became a policy.
During the Six Day War (1967), Israel became aware of the electoral weight of the Zionist evangelical sects in the United States and began to finance their leader, the pastor Jerry Falwell , co-founder of the Moral Majority (7). In 1978, he was invited to plant trees in the "promised land" and gave his name to a forest. In 1979, the Israeli government offered him a private jet to help him in his religious ministry. In 1980, Prime Minister Menahem Begin solemnly pinned the medal to the prestigious New York Zeev Jabotinsky , named after the far-right thinker who was his mentor and the father of Netanyahu was the secretary.

This alliance has been institutionalized in September 1980 during the vote of a resolution to the Knesset (Israeli parliament) threads that says - in violation of international law - that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, Begin fund the creation International Christian Embassy Jerusalem ( International Christian Embassy Jerusalem ). This body develops tourism Gospel and raise funds at the Jewish pilgrims in favor of immigration. So, he opened a consulate "in every State of America.
August 1985, 'Embassy organizes with the authorities of the apartheid regime of South Africa's first world congress of the Christian Zionists (8). Is held in Basel (Switzerland) in the room in which 98 years before Theodor Herzl created the Zionist movement jew.

In October 2003, Christian Zionists sealed their alliance with the neo-conservatives at the Jerusalem Summit, in the presence of Ehud Olmert and Benjamin Netanyahu (9).
Finally, 5 January 2004 the 'head office in Jerusalem has created an ad hoc group of 14 parliamentarians of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus the (10).
All these operations were carried out with the help of an area at, Fellowship Foundation, which oversees and funds the Pentagon's discretion with a host of evangelical churches in the world (11).

The theology of the two alliances
The originality of Pastor John Hagee is to have reconciled the evangelical faith to the reality State of Israel. Since 1988, states that Jews who observe the law of Moses will be saved without having to convert to Christ. It is the "theology of the two alliances " God has concluded several agreements with its two chosen people, Jews and evangelicals. Reverend Hagee was initially rejected by Jerry Falwell, Christian Zionist, then reinstated in the agreement, which has now become the mouthpiece (12). This path and this ideological innovation make him the ideal man to transform the religious Zionist Christian movement in a mass lobby for Israel.

On 7 February 2006, the Rev. John Hagee in Texas is organizing a meeting of 400 evangelical pastors U.S. in anticipation of the creation of a federation of Christian Zionists. Simultaneously, the Christian Embassy launches a bi-monthly magazine spread as a supplement to the Jerusalem Post , JP the Christian Edition. The
Jerusalem Post is a newspaper run by neo-conservative Aviv Bushinsky, communications consultant and former spokesman for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The supplement mixture Articles the evangelical theme park in Galilee, and others on the Iranian threat, and its armed wing Hamas and Hezbollah . There is also denounced the European academics who analyze the writing of the Bible in its socio-historical and treat Israel as a biblical myth. Far from being a handicap for his new mission, the extremism of Rev. Hagee meets Likoudniks: has not written a eulogy for the murder of Yitzhak Rabin , guilty in his eyes that he had sold out the "promised land"? (13)

The Federation of Christian Zionists is born at a banquet of 3,500 evangelical pastors and leaders at the Hilton Washington ... July 18, 2006, ie five days after the start of the Israeli offensive against Lebanon. Providence does things well and this is an opportunity for mobilization of all evangelical organizations in favor of the Israeli army. At the microphone, as well as the pastor Jerry Falwell, successive U.S. congressmen ( Senators Sam Brownback, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Rick Santorum et , representatives Henry Bonilla), Ambassador to Israel Daniel Ayalon and former chief of staff Moshe Yaalon General . The new federation called Christians United for Israel (CUFI) (14).

from the crowd, the Members of CUFI realize Israel Allies Caucus the House of Representatives to make agreements with the Christian Allies Caucus the Knesset. It is co-chaired by Republican Dave Weldon and Democrat Eliot Engel (15). Parliamentary groups are identical in the course of training in the Philippines and South Korea if Reverend John Hagee is a successful preacher, the leader of a small empire of communication, not the thinking head of CUFI. The federation is run by the Christian Zionist David Brog, a parliamentary assistant jew Zionist and also a cousin of former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak . Although I understand the parliamentary democracy, the CUFI fishing almost exclusively on Republican territory. Evidently retains close links with the White House and has played an important role in the adoption by Congress of a resolution that "condemns the Recent attacks against the State of Israel, holding terrorists and their state sponsors as responsible for this attack, and it supports Israel's right to self '(16). Text AIPAC and voted with 410 votes against 8 in the House of Representatives and the Senate unanimously. In addition, the CUFI and Israel Allies Caucus persuaded 115 Representatives to write to President Bush because harden sanctions against Syria.

David Brog is the phrase that launched "Birth pangs" about the remodeling of the Greater Middle East, citing the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 24.
from the current wars, a new world will arise. Jesus said, " That many shall come in my name, saying:" I am the Christ, "and mislead dimolti. Why should we hear hints of wars and wars. Take care not to disturb you. That every thing that should happen, but not yet the end (...) and everything will only begin the pain of childbirth. " An expression is now taken up by Condoleezza Rice for those belonging to evangelical political neo-conservative (17).
"Israel does our work and work to free people. His enemies are the enemies of those in the United States. This is a battle that is part of a wider war, the Judeo-Christian civilization against the forces of good against those of evil (...) Israel is at the forefront in the war against terrorism and we can only support it, " said David Brog to ' AFP, a few days ago (18).

David Brog's main job is to bring together Jews and Christian Zionists making them forget the centuries of anti-Semitism Christian (19). It is not easy in a country which two years ago, applauded a film of Mel Gibbson , "The Passion of the Christ " representing the Jews as God-killers (20). In May 2006, Mr. Brog has published a book: " Standing with Israel: Why Christians Support Israel " (Standing with Israel: Why Christians support Israel) (21). Taking some liberties with history, you said that the two people elected are reconciled when the United States have passed the Third Reich and have voted for the creation of the State of Israel.

The impact of CUFI
Pastor John Hagee has exceptional media. Produce twice daily talk-show broadcast by one of the three major networks in the world televangelist, Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN ). This program, available via satellite throughout the world is received by 92 million homes in the United States. TBN has always been tied to Israel and the apartheid era South African government (22). Reverend Hagee can also count on the publishing house of his friend Steve Strang that publishes the monthly Charisma
John Hagee also has financial problems. In 2000, he bought a ranch in Brackettville (Texas) for $ 5.5 million managed by the Texas Israel Agricultural Research Foundation . It can receive his friends, whose planes land on his private airport. In 2001, the salary of this preacher blessed by God amounted to $ 1.25 million (23)

Kevin Philips, who is considered one of the best experts in the electoral sociology U.S., provides The Bush administration argued on three social groups: the bourgeoisie tied to oil, the evangelical faithful, and retirees living on credit (24). The grading of evangelical churches has been replaced by that of the republican parties, the theological developments are crucial to Washington's policy
is too early to say that the purpose of CUFI is reached. However, in response to events that cause bloodshed in Lebanon, 68% of U.S. states in surveys that they feel close to Israel spontaneously and 63% that the Bush administration should continue or increase its military support to IDF (25).

[ a ] " fundamentalists to war " by Thomas St. Pierre, Voltaire , April 3, 2003.
[ 2 ] Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World ... the Last Opportunity for Peace, by the Rev. John Hagee, Frontline ed., 2006 .
[ 3 ] For Christians, the Antichrist is a character that comes before (ante =) Christ for the faithful astray. It is sometimes called Antichrist to underscore that it opposes (= anti) Christ.
[ 4] "Pastor Strangelove" by Sarah Posner, American Prospect , June 6, 2006.
[ 5 ] The Crusades Through Arab Eyes by Amin Maalouf I read, 1999.
[ 6 ] God, Gunns and Israel : Britain , the First World War and the Jews in the Holy Land , par Jill Hamilton, Sutton Publishing, 2004.
[ 7 ] Jerry Falwell : An Unauthorized Profile , par William Goodman et James Price, Lynchburg , 1981.
[ 8 ] Prophecy and Politics, Militant Evangelists on the Road to Nuclear War , par Grace Halsell, Lawrence Hill & Company, 1986. The author, who attended the conference as a journalist, was the former editor of the speech by President Johnson.
[ 9] " historic summit to seal the Alliance of the warriors of God " Voltaire, October 17, 2003.
[ 10] "The Judeo-Christian Alliance - Is the Messianic Era Beginning? "By Victor Mordechai Israel Today Magazine, February 16, 2004. The caucus is chaired by the member Yuri Shtern, a member of Summit Office of Jerusalem.
[ 11] In this regard we refer to the three presentations delivered at the Axis for Peace conference about the evangelical breakthrough in Latin America in the Arab world and black Africa. Including " Evangelical churches and the game of U.S. in the Arab world " by Charles Saint-Prot Voltaire, November 14, 2005.
[ 12] The condemnation of Hagee is published by Falwell in Liberty Flame May 6, 1994 under the title "John Hagee: Heretic? " the way, it gives rise to a critique of the privacy of the Rev. Hagee who divorced his first wife to marry a teenager. His rehabilitation takes place at a meeting of the Liberty University , July 4, 2002. See "Falwell Have festivities surprise guest," by Julia Duin, The Washington Times , July 3, 2002, and "Old Foes Falwell, Hagee defuse fireworks ar 'old-fashioned Fourth'" Church and State, September 2002.
[ 13] in The Beginning of the End , by John Hagee, STL, 1996.
[ 14] "Christian group to advocate more support for Israel " by Julia Duin, The Washington Times , July 13, 2006. Evangelical Christians plead for Israel "by Richard Allen Greene BBC, July 19, 2006.
[ 15] "Congress forms Israel Allies Caucus" by Etgar Lefkovits, The Jerusalem Post , July 27, 2006.
[ 16] HR Resolution 921 of July 20, 2006.
[ 17] " The neo-conservatives and the policy of" constructive chaos " by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire , July 25, 2006.
[ 18] "For evangelicals, the war in the Middle East" between Good and Evil ', "AFP, 11 August 2006.
[ 19] "Birth Pangs of a New Christian Zionism" by Max Blumenthal, The Nation , August 8, 2006.
[ 20] " The implosion of the Judeo-Christian alliance " Voltaire, February 23, 2004.
[ 21 ] Standing With Israel: Why Christians Support Israel , by David Brog, Frontline, 2006.
[ 22 ] Spiritual Warfare, The Politics of the Christian Right , by Sara Diamond, South End Press, 1989.
[ 23] "Critics say John Hagee's compensation Is Too High" by Analisa Nazareno, San Antonio Express- News , June 20, 2003.
[ 24 ] American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century by Kevin Phililips, Viking, 2006. Kevin Phillips is the former election adviser to President Nixon.
[ 25] CNN Poll conducted on 2 and 3 August 2006

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terrorist attacks or military coup?

.. On September 4, 2001, [in very difficult times,] Ben Cohen [had written an article "prophetic"]:

ENEMY WANTED. Serious enemy needed to justify an increase in the Pentagon budget. Defense contractors desperate. Enemies interested should send letter and photo or video (with threats, ok) to Enemy Search Committee, Priorities Campaign, 1350 Broadway, NY, NY, 10018.

, the article mentioned the fact that the Ministry of Defence needs to quickly find a credible enemy, as the Bush administration has proposed an increase of 33 billion dollars in the Pentagon budget, the largest increase since the Cold War, thus the overall budget would amount to 344 billion dollars, or more than three times the total amount spent overall by Russia, China and America's potential adversaries (Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria). This time while the United States are spent only $ 42 billion in education .. the poverty rate among children is now at 15 percent (which means that about one in six children lives in poverty) and more than 40 million Americans have no insurance (and health).

[But there's] July 12, 2001 [was issued] a report that took up an entire page of Pravda, .. entitled "The dollar and America will fall on August 19? This is the opinion of Dr. Tatyana Koryagina, who has planned in 1998" ..:

"The United States is engaged in a mortal economic game . The known history of civilization is just the visible part of the iceberg. There's shadow economy, shadow politics and also a shadow history, known to conspirological. There are forces (invisible) in action in the world, unstoppable countries (stronger) and even from the continents. There are international groups in excess of state and government. According to tradition, the mystical and religious components play extremely important roles in the s tory human. In the United States can do anything, since their total debt has reached 26 trillion dollars. In general, when the whole Western economy is at a boiling point. Shadow financial assets that add to 300 trillion are hanging over the planet. "

.." How is it possible that [the agencies U.S. intelligence] had no indication about [the imminence of an attack] I find it totally incomprehensible, "he told the Washington Post Kenneth Katzman, an expert in terrorism by the Congressional Research Service. In front of national emergency, the debate on how this can happen is passed into the background, as well as an objective analysis of the event which would indicate a degree of preparation and execution too sophisticated to be attributable to some Taliban terrorist cell array. Yet not a day passes without that those same intelligence agencies .. cap new allegations of paternity of Bin Laden, accepted uncritically by the vast majority of bodies global information.

But not everyone thinks this way.

Druze leader Walid Jumblatt believes that behind the terrorist attacks in the U.S. there is the hand of the CIA and the Israeli secret service, Mossad, and that Saudi extremist Osama is an "American agent [hired] to provoke a new war and impoverish and occupy the Middle East. "

.. Other unconfirmed sources point the finger at Mossad to be responsible, in order to mobilize public opinion in favor of Israel, David Stern, a specialist in intelligence operations in Israel, said the attack was too sophisticated, and required the 'high level of military precision and resources advanced intelligence agency. In addition, should have been a great familiarity with the flight operations of Air Force One, the airways used by commercial airlines and air assault tactics on sensitive cities such as Washington. .. An Israeli involvement in the attack [in fall] its long history of covert operations against Western targets, like the King David Hotel, USS Liberty, murder of an envoy of the UN Scandinavian and espionage to the United States during the case Jonathan Pollard.

.. Lyndon LaRouche [said] John Sigerson, the prestigious Executive Intelligence Review:

.. It was an attack from by a mysterious force, .. a kind of dissident operation within the safety curtain of the United States. Did not come from the Middle East. Did not come from Europe. Did not come from South America. .. Could be involved people of other nationalities, but .. when no one outside of the United States could conduct an operation like this, .. it is no coincidence that this attack .. exactly happened when the international monetary and financial collapse was reaching a peak. .. So it is obvious that some groups of people extremely powerful .. have decided to do the equivalent of a coup against the United States. Meant that the methods of terror malleable to make the population into accepting what they going to do, and at some point come forward and actually represent a new type of U.S. government, to replace the current one. .. I believe that Bin Laden is not too important .. for this particular transaction, but the same people .. operating in the terrorism of the '60s, '70 and '80, involved in Iran-Contra, which actually was a terrorist operation, if you want to know, an operation of irregular warfare. .. It is in this command structure that someone could put together a group of individuals who have access to every type of resource, and they do these things. .. We are dealing with specialists in military strategy at the highest level. .. No amateur can do such a thing. Turbulent No terrorist can do. They can do some things, are part of the auxiliary operation. But there are some people who have organized the type of operation we've seen.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba coup has also been expressed by former Pakistani intelligence chief, Major General Hamid Gul, believes that Osama Bin Laden innocent and thinks instead that the attacks on New York and Washington have been organized by Israel against the U.S. government:

.. The F-16 have not risen in flight time, although 18 minutes had passed after the first plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. The radars were blinded. The transponders were turned off. A flight to Los Angeles goes to Washington and remains in flight for 45 minutes, and the most sophisticated air defense of the entire world into action. I tell you that it was an [attempted] coup, and I can not say with certainty who was behind, but it is Israel that is creating so much suffering in the world. Do not really want to find out who it was. ( Rod Norland )

.. Government officials and airline knew immediately that the planes had been hijacked, but did not appear in the sky until interceptor attacks were not completed. Who removed the normal security measures on U.S. 11? [Those] tragic events .. make fun of people who plan to undermine American sovereignty and freedom. Watch out for further anti-terrorism legislation that will continue to shred the U.S. Constitution. The greatest threat comes from within the elite of global society. .. .. Strobe Talbot, acting deputy secretary of state, told Time magazine in 1992: ".. The nations as we know them become obsolete, all states will recognize a single global authority." ( Jim Marrs )

.. September 11 changed America forever. Greetings to the freedom and innocence. The Robespierre of our country are keen to protect our freedom with tyranny. ( Michael A. Hoffman II )

So far we have never experienced what the U.S. government has so often inflicted on others. Now at least we have a vague idea of \u200b\u200bhow it feels. The government spokesman responded with their usual spoken language of 'cowardly attack' by 'terrorists' who hate 'democracy and freedom'. Nonsense. A fanatic ready to die is the opposite of a coward, and no one can 'hate' abstractions such as' democracy and freedom 'with that kind of intensity. .. The United States is now a global empire that wants to think of himself as a universal benefactor, and are baffled when foreigners do not feel the same way. (Joseph Sobran)

.. No one knew for sure who we were against the war. The usual suspect Osama Bin Laden was the dark, though some experts claim that the attacks did not correspond to their profile. .. For the most part, what most Americans wanted to do - quite understandably - was to blow up someone or something. Without doubt, in time we will. ( Sam Francis )

And this will certainly true, given the tenor of certain articles in the American press: "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We have not only lost time trying to locate and kill Hitler and his principal officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. This is what is war. And this is a war "

A bit 'of healthy self-criticism seems non-existent in view of the great American media ..:

.. It seems almost entirely absent from any glimmer of recognition of the pattern that might have prompted people to make such atrocities, sacrificing the same time their own lives - or why Americans are hated with such bitterness, not only in Arab and Muslim countries, but throughout the developing world. Maybe it's too much to hope that .. even a small minority can make the connection between what has been inflicted on them and what their government has inflicted on much of the world. Ever since, a decade ago, George Bush's father inaugurated his new world order, the United States, supported by their British ally, are mounted astride the world like a colossus. Not opposed by any superpower rival or system of world government, the U.S. giant has rewritten the financial and trading system in the world according to their interests did not comply a series of agreements that was uncomfortable, and has sent troops to every corner of the planet has bombed Afghanistan, Sudan, Yugoslavia and Iraq without disturbing the United Nations has maintained a series of murders embargo against recalcitrant regimes. .. It is this primacy of impassive national egotism and arrogance to arouse anti-Americanism at large swathes of the world's population, for which there is very little democracy in the current redistribution of global power and wealth. .. After all, it was the Americans, in the '80s, disposable resources in the war against the Soviet regime in Kabul, during a period in which the girls could go to school and women work. Bin Laden and his mujaidin were armed and trained by CIA and MI6, while Afghanistan was turned into a wasteland and its communist leader Najibullah was left hanging from a lamp post with his genitals stuffed in his mouth. (from the Guardian newspaper in London)

[Done strange] on 11 September in the Twin Towers, 4,000 employees were absent Israelis, apparently warned by Shabak, the Israeli General Security apparatus, and that 's Israeli intelligence had warned in August since its U.S. counterpart the possibility of large-scale terrorist attacks against targets in the public eye, that before the attacks, there has been unusual activity in stock markets, which gave the authorities Echelon three months notice and that hijacked planes could have been used as weapons, that terrorists were in possession of the identification code of the presidential election, and probably there was a mole in the White House .. and that the plane crashed in Pennsylvania may have been shot down by an F-16. [Officially, however, despite the reports that spoke of an explosion on board and pieces of wreckage found in 6 or 8 miles away from the bulk of the wreck, the case .. was filed saying that three passengers had overpowered the hijackers but failed to keep it flying. :-P]


.. George HW Bush, father of U.S. President and former President himself (and former vice president under Reagan, former CIA director, etc.. Etc.) Is currently conducting its business with the bin Laden family through the Carlyle Group - .. a company that is currently under investigation by the FBI in connection with the terrorist attacks of 11 September.

.. There are some who invites you to "follow the money" and points out that the Caspian Sea oil field is a bit much since the days of Hitler, and just happened in 1997 was an agreement [to] build a 1,271 km long gas pipeline that [will] from Herat to Kandahar through Afghanistan.

[original has been said an] alleged threat to Air Force One, due to a mysterious call from a terrorist apparently in possession of secret codes that would make credible the possibility of such an attack. [The] CBS Evening News on September 25 [instead deny it:] "There has never been that phone call." [Presumably] senior officers [have] lied to protect the image of the president [who] has spent ten hours volandosene from a military installation to another, abandoning the practice in his place and showing signs of indecision, if not real panic. [If the call had actually been there, it would be even worse, as] should assume the presence of a mole to White House, or informants nested in the Secret Service, FBI, FAA or CIA. In both cases, the government would lie to the American people and the world.

Clicca per scaricare il filmato (144k) [A further thicken the mystery, it takes even] the emergence of video footage and photographs which reveals the presence of an unidentified flying object darting between buildings in flames just as the second plane slips into the second tower. [Only weeks before, in the same place, from a helicopter of tourists has been made one of the most spectacular and controversial shooting in the history of ufology.]

Clicca per scaricare il filmato (194k)


.. There are three different versions of the speech by Bin Laden (Guardian, Stars and Stripes, Washington Post), and it seems that the difference is due to translation errors ( Freemasonry Watch ). .. CNN and AP are spreading a version of "purged" of the declaration of [bin Laden] the U.S. government three days ago, [has] asked the Gulf states to "turn off" Al-Jazeera, the only source of information not controlled by governments throughout the region. Truly a fine example of "democracy" and "free speech" by the defenders of the so-called "free world". :-P

In Meanwhile, Israeli sources reveal that U.S. troops stationed at four bases in former Soviet Central Asia, were equipped with tactical nuclear weapons, including the neutron bomb so notorious. .. Someone whispered that the "hawks" in Washington can not wait.


.. I find the least interesting hypothesis advanced by some, according to which the contamination of the U.S. Congress was deliberately done to prevent the U.S. Congress to examine the mail that came in the last few days many people from all over the country, which advanced many doubts concerning the events of 11 September and those that followed, raising issues that could lead to embarrassing parliamentary questions.

When George HW Bush was planning Osama Bin Laden as a freedom fighter (a "freedom fighter" is the same as a terrorist, just that it's aimed at someone you do not like), Admiral William J. Crowe Jr. and his comrades of the General Staff were selling to Saddam Hussein's American-made anthrax for military purposes, hoping that he used it against Iran. .. Crowe is now retired and is not going well, being a member of the board of directors of BioPort Corporation, as well to hold allowances equal to 13%. But what is the BioPort Corporation, you ask? It is the only company in the United States with a license to produce anthrax vaccine. Except that it does not actually produce it, but he simply bought the laboratory that it does, the Michigan Biologic Products Institute, in 1998, curiously in the same period in which John J. Maresca, vice president of International Relations, UNOCAL Corporation, was telling Congress that access to oil reserves under the Caspian Sea needed a new government in Afghanistan.

.. The sole and exclusive buyer of the vaccine [is] the Department of Defense. .. Than contracted, it was given only 4%. The verification of the FDA filings revealed suspicious and contamination problems, forcing the FDA to prohibit the delivery. Despite this prohibition, the U.S. government continued to subsidize the BioPort with millions of dollars to take over the operation. Since the "State of Emergency" that the FDA is likely to set aside its concerns about the product and that the vaccine is distributed, not to the people who have paid their taxes, but the military and the government.

So, Admiral Crowe and his fellow investors in BioPort are going to earn lots of money from the fear of anthrax. .. And who are the companions of investors? Be ', another part of the BioPort Carlyse belongs to the Group, namely the current occupation of George HW Bush, and another part belongs (you'd better sit down) to the Bin Laden family!

Exactly! Just as the Bin Laden family made a fortune with the contract for the reconstruction of Khobar Towers, presumably blown up by Osama Bin Laden to derive another fortune from their stake in the only company able to produce a vaccine for ' anthrax in the United States, as part of anthrax that Osama could have the United States sold Saddam. Indeed, the scarcity created by the FDA will ban billionaire investors instantly, as soon as the market will push the price of the vaccine to the thousands of dollars per ounce (the same quantity of Cyprus which is sold in India to $ 20, now in the U.S. costs $ 690).

In short, the Bush and Bin Laden (and their occasional complicit Admiral) are all making money on fear and the death of Americans and Afghans.

.. Meanwhile, as I know, in Italy only to the weekly "Diario" reported the news that the prosecutors in Hamburg, Germany, dismissed the alleged link between the Sept. 11 attacks and Bin Laden, the German newspapers have written that " Americans have not presented any concrete evidence. "

Americans, for their part, through the Pentagon has seen fit to spend millions of dollars to buy high resolution photos Civil satellite Ikonos, an advanced tool launched in 1999 to prevent the media could capture good images of the effects of the bombing in Afghanistan. Instead of forcing the shutdown, with predictable reactions from the media about "freedom of information", they bought the rights to the photographs in the form of retroactive from the first day of operations in Afghanistan.


.. It was a lot of room to find the so-called "smoking gun" videotape "miraculously" found in a house in Jalalabad and submitted to the Pentagon in unclear circumstances. .. Forget the video and audio quality is absolutely terrible (but funny.) And the possible translation errors (it looks like .. the sound was so bad that at certain points, such phrases as "we did" or "said" could be also "made" or "they said," which makes a big difference. not to mention the fact that the dialogues are in Arabic, and I am not aware that language is spoken in Jalalabad, so if you had been made to distribute it elsewhere, how come there is only one copy of it?) also put aside the strangeness of a Bin Laden is that first of all to be called out of any direct responsibility in the attacks (when directly called upon, he has always denied paternity) and then allows even recording and duplication of a cassette that nailed him to his responsibilities. .. It is strange that Bin Laden is both evil genius capable of concocting a sophisticated operation like the one implemented on 11 September, and the fool who admits in front of a camera during a dinner with "friends", who had always denied in any other occasion. .. So, on closer examination, this story is water everywhere, but most of the public if the drink is the same. .. The Pravda has many reservations about the authenticity of the tape, considering what has been providential circumstances and timing of its discovery, and since you can not even involve the lip with dialogues. Someone else notes that, listening carefully, in some places you can hear someone whispering in English instructions on where to point the camera.

If we try to compare these images:

.. the first interview reported by Al Jazeera and the second and third to the famous "confession" (CNN), you can actually notice that Osama "original" has a rather large head and elongated to the body, while the latter Osama's got more rounded and a more robust body. .. The Osama "original" has a rather long neck, the "new" rather short, the eyebrows are different: in the first are arched downward in the second are more straight, the lines that start from the sides of the nose in the first go almost straight down the sides of the mouth, and the second not. In short, whereas the same seems to have Osama lookalike to confuse the enemy, we are sure that someone has used it to pack in a nice post as "proof" that Bush and Co. were desperate? .. The real bin Laden, for one reason or another, will never be found, so the "War on Terrorism" will go on undisturbed for a long time.


.. You a bit 'strange to see an Islamic fundamentalist wear a jacket in the U.S. Army, and hold the microphone with his right hand, when the FBI in its report states that are left-handed. Even more strange is the comparison between the statements and those that are attributed to him in an interview published September 28, 2001 by Pakistani newspaper based in Karachi, the Ummat, in which the question "You have been accused of involvement in the attacks in New York and Washington. What has to say about it? ", Osama Bin Laden responds:" I already told you not to have anything to do with the attacks on New York and Washington. As a Muslim, I do my best to refrain from telling a lie. I do not know anything about these attacks, Nor do I consider the killing of women, children and other innocent human beings a measure appreciable. Islam strictly prohibits to hurt women, children and other innocent human beings. Such an act is prohibited even during a battle. "

.. But we pass to another. You've heard the protests of New York firefighters [involved] in the work of excavation and recovery of bodies still buried ..: are been ousted for reasons not entirely clear. .. Maybe you want to keep them as far away from something they must not see. [Note this picture:]

In the second half of CNN, you see perfectly right both towers still standing, but on the left [the arrow] is clearly distinguished a "mushroom" of white smoke, as a collapse or an explosion [in the Salomon Brothers Building, 47-story building known as WTC7,] next the Twin Towers, then collapsed [with them].

Mostra il dettaglio. Clicca per ingrandire Clicca per ingrandire Clicca per ingrandire.

[Meanwhile] the controversy continues to flare up between those who feel perfectly normal the collapse of the towers affected, whereas others consider impossible without the help of demolition explosives, placed at key points of the buildings. .. J. McMichael .. pointing at a range of issues, most notably the temperature needed to melt the steel and rivets, that could never be achieved through combustion of fuel in the tanks of the aircraft.


.. It seems that Bill Maher, host of a popular television program in the late evening on ABC, will lose their jobs. During her program, in fact, he made several statements "politically incorrect" retorts President Bush, who called the cowardly terrorists who crashed into the Twin Towers would have said "We were the cowards, launching cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. This is cowardice. Stay in a plane while it smashes up a building, think of it as you like, it is not. "

.. But in America, meanwhile, something else happens: I think it according to what the Republican Ron Paul, the USA PATRIOT Act anti-terrorism has not been made available to MPs before the vote From what we know, the measures in it will be extremely controversial and disturbing, and even if this story is not filtered through the normal media, several parliamentarians are perplexed (to say the least) towards what is happening in the legislative field. [In addition] the news that a recount vote by vote of the election in Florida, showed that Al Gore would .. won the elections in the state.

.. According to the London Eye Spy, 18 months ago, staff of Al-Qaeda came into possession of some nuclear warheads (it seems more than 20) by paying to the Russian mafia with two tons of opium and $ 30 million, would come up in Uzbekistan where some ex-Soviet scientists removed the uranium it would seek to introduce into bombs the size of a backpack, ready to transport in the West without being detected.


bus to Kabul .. The AA's A300 crashed in New York ..: some American expert insists bomb on board, given the numerous eyewitness accounts that speak of an explosion and above all the mystery of the rudder detached and found a lot further than the fuselage. .. I might add that certain attempts to explain, in these days borders on the ridiculous: one A300, which precipitates falling apart because it would be entered into the wake turbulence of a 747 is, as you will confirm any pilot navigated minimally, a real nonsense.


.. I have heard in the media as if it were the most normal thing in world, a genuine massacre which involved some 500 or more Taliban prisoners in revolt against their captors, that is the so-called Northern Alliance fighters (not much attention turned to wonder where they would take, prisoners, weapons directed to implement this), mercilessly bombed by U.S. fighter-bombers, who have literally wiped out.

[The Iraq], it seems that one might expect an export of war "Afghanistan model" heavy bombardment, extensive use of commando units, and attempts to push the Kurdish and Shia to rebel against Saddam. [Exactly what they have already done so, supporting the guerrillas North against the Taliban. It is a typically colonialist trick, "invented" at the time of the slave trade - when whites put a tribe against another, and bartered arms against slavery. Today, mutatis mutandis, the situation is the same: to foment wars to swap their weapons with oil. ndJB]

.. The so-called Taliban and the Bush / Cheney, backed by various oil companies, [they] directly negotiated for months, since February, on the construction of the famous pipeline, starting from the Caspian Sea, would have to cross Afghanistan. The arrogant attitude of the Americans would have led the Taliban to doubt the good faith of the agreements proposed by the latter. It seems that during the last meeting, which took place in August (just a month before the attack on the WTC), representatives of the Bush administration have spoken to them in these terms: "Either you accept our offer of a carpet ' gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs. " [Not to mention the "prophetic" words of JJ Maresca, vice president of Unocal, the U.S. Congress hearing on 02/12/1998: "As long as there is a Kabul government that enjoys the confidence of the U.S. and our company, that 'I should not possible pipeline "]

.. Bush himself had ordered the FBI and other agencies inside the United States to abandon any investigation of terrorism during the ongoing negotiations for the pipeline. In fact, the FBI deputy director, John O'Neill, had resigned in July to protest against this intolerable and shameful stonewalling: Ironically, his new job as head of security at the World Trade Center would see him die 's 11. .. Among other things, was investigated on the assassination attempt earlier in 1993 on the embassies in Nairobi and Dar-Es-Salaam in 1998, and that of the USS Cole last year.

THE FURNACE Middle East: A spiral of unending violence

.. It seems that an army intelligence source USA has revealed details of an internal memo that .. highlighted the threat of an Israeli covert operation on U.S. soil, aiming to steer public opinion against Palestinian Arabs via an apparent terrorist attack against U.S. interests, which would give Israel the green light to unleash a full-scale military attack against Palestinian population. .. Summing up the question:

  1. few months before September 11, an Israeli delegation had arrived in the United States to warn of an unspecified terrorist threat;
  2. persist rumors that employees of Odigo, a company Israeli-based software in the WTC, received on their computers of the "instant messages" on the morning of September 11 and
  3. newspaper articles reported the Israelis arrested by the FBI, called by neighbors after he had begun to joke, laugh and photographed each other with the towers flames in the background. Disturbing, no?

[Meanwhile] seems to reign absolute news blackout on numerous testimonies of people who have seen explosions before the collapse of the twin towers . The television footage shows what looks like a huge explosion near the ground level .. Salomon Brothers Building before the collapse of the first tower. .. Numerous eyewitness accounts .. seem to speak of an explosion (cutting charges).

it happens, it seems that the company contracted to remove the debris of the buildings, the first to arrive on the scene, and the Controlled Demolition, Inc., specializing in controlled demolition of large buildings: the same charge to do the same with the infamous Murrah building in Oklahoma City . Some speculate that this has prevented independent investigators to gather evidence that would indicate the presence of explosives placed in buildings.

.. Then there's Bush, according to the Sunday Observer of London, had apparently ordered a plot to overthrow the regime of Saddam Hussein. This plan, as usual, provides, inter alia air attacks on Iraqi installations, and should be implemented early next year, ignoring opposition from European allies. It provides for the revival of the Iraqi National Congress, based in London, who is asking for funds for a campaign of insurgency against Saddam.

[goes on to the absurdity, according to the American qualegli during the entire operation-Afghanistan, they would have known nothing but a victim:] "the first dead American, Johnny Spann, the so-called" Mike ", who was killed during ' uprising .. Mazar-I-Sharif. [Instead, according to] the Pakistan Observer, .. November 29 a U.S. aircraft carrier would bring home the bodies of 124 American soldiers, officially declared "missing in action." The Frontier Post speaks instead of 65 marines killed in southern Afghanistan. If these reports turn out to be unfounded, as the Americans take the fact that they were not properly informed?


.. It seems that the Taliban prisoners of war, held at Qala-I-Jangi, Mazar-e-Sharif, are not at all been involved in a riot, but a massacre foreordained, planned and executed by troops of the CIA, and Israeli soldiers from the ' Northern Alliance. This is what would have revealed a Qaeda militant who helped the Taliban Hafiz Abdul Malik, who would be sheltered in Pakistan after escaping the brutal murder of his companions. .. The prisoners, disarmed, they would suffer the fire of small arms and heavy weapons then the Northern Alliance, which has murdered hundreds in minutes. U.S. forces, to simulate a riot, they would shoot into the air to give the impression that there were no Taliban in the possession of firearms. Then I attended by U.S. bombers to finish the job.

adding other details, said the survivors were captured by U.S. troops, who after being bound hand and foot they would be crushed under the tanks. .. Truth? Propaganda? I sincerely hope that light will be shed on the issue, but if you think about it, even the official version of events in water on all sides.

.. According to the German "Die Welt", was aware of plans based on the use of commercial aircraft were hijacked and flown into buildings since 1995, in connection with the arrest of three suspected members of Al-Qaeda in the Philippines. But it seems that the authorities had not taken too seriously such a plan, called Project Bojinka. However, this information came up again in New York in 1997, during the trial of Pakistani Ramsi Yousef, the planner of the attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. [In what appears to have been involved even the FBI, which would have provided the detonator.]

[The most "mysterious", however, are] the exact words spoken by President Bush while commenting on the day of the attacks on the Twin Towers ..:

.. I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and saw a plane centered tower of course television was on, and I practice the same flight, and said, "there's a bad driver." And I said, "It must have been a terrible accident." But I was taken away from there I did not have much time to think about it, and I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my chief [of staff] who was sitting out there came in and said: "A second plane hit the tower. America is under attack. "

Not to mention the fact that, as Bush is not much of a pilot, it's pretty stupid to talk about pilot error for a passenger plane that hits the WTC in perfect weather conditions (the only other incident in which a plane has hit a skyscraper was when a military aircraft center of the Empire State Building, surrounded by a dense fog), in the statement just shows there is a problem: there was no live video link that shows the first plane crashing on the first tower. could not be there. The only record that showed that first plane is blown out just a few days later.

Lyndon LaRouche

.. We ended officially at war, a war fought by British and U.S. forces. The mess will end up worse because we are dealing with a region of the world where you can not achieve military success .., where the British more than a century ago they played their "Great Game" against Russia and other forces. It is desolate area repeatedly occupied by the powers to stir up friction between the neighboring nations. .. The other issue .. if you give a free hand to those of Israeli military forces, and Sharon, and certain forces in the USA, who want to bomb all the territories in the Middle East which borders Israel. Which would obviously be insane. .. For a quarter of a century the United States has been involved with England and with some Israeli forces to give life, cooperatively, to something that was later called "international terrorism" - .. has also been called Iran-Contra, for example, as well as by other names. .. When Zbignew Brzezinski held the position of the U.S. National Security Adviser [1977-1980] and committed the United States in recruiting people of the Islamic Jihad, and clusters of the same stack, so they went to Afghanistan to fight a war against ' Soviet influence. .. What is been created in this way, it is a hack .. of mercenaries, terrorists and who knows qual'altre forces, [which] has become a plague that has assumed a global dimension, [and] that lives, especially financially, logistically, the illegal trade in weapons and drugs. For example, the Taliban government in Afghanistan is financed mainly by selling opium. In Colombia there is a large terrorist organization FARC who lives in the same way. In the Balkan region of Kosovo, there is also a hodgepodge of terrorism (protected by some British and American interests), which is mainly financed with the proceeds of drug trafficking and other illegal operations. .. Meanwhile, while all the attention focuses on the Middle East and locations related, other things happen.

.. If [what happened on Sept. 11] is the exclusive product of a coup led to a high level, we are dealing with a very serious problem indeed, right in the heart of the central structure of our intelligence and security. [Otherwise] we have an inherent degree of negligence in security system that is in itself a huge threat to the United States.

.. Investors who have put their money in the New Economy have collectively lost trillions of dollars, since March 2000 because they did not want to believe that this economic crisis could explode. The numbers of bankruptcies and layoffs are evident before September 11 and things get worse. This is a depression not a recession. .. Bankruptcies have doubled since last year. Perhaps we should consider reorganizing things on a scale much broader, much greater scope of local activities as they are now conceived here. .. The U.S. economy, right now is in bankruptcy. Irreparably. There is no expected "bounce". You know that bankrupts end up in jail because they emit or take loans from their accounts when it is seen that the activity is in bankruptcy. And that is exactly what he is doing the President of the Federal Reserve. .. The problem is given by the people, especially on Wall Street, which is believed to have a property, capital, and instead has nothing, but clings to that title. [Should] return to devise the economic reality in a reasonable manner, .. and things are put in place.