Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Where Can I Buy Fieman Sam Wallper?

Pino Bertelli reviews the film Whatever

Whatever (2011) , Giulio Manfredonia

"Stupidity, in general, is not a natural quality,
but a product social and socially reinforced. "
Theodor W. Adorno

I. The cinema of stupidity

Italian cinema at the time of spectacular stupidity has the success it deserves ... consent decree the throngs of idiots (not only) to the Economic cinepanettoni Relatives of Blacks, Aldo Giovanni e Giacomo Antonio or delusions calculated Albanian direct (badly) by Guido at any Manfredonia. To see these good trade is difficult not to notice that so much sloppiness of expression is the daughter of the TV show that has raged in Italian homes ... whores, pimps, politicians and pimps circulate with impunity in the collective imagination and make you forget the struggles of students, temporary workers, the unemployed, migrants ... gripped in misery of our time.
The language of humor, irony or cynicism does not seem smart to know these vassals of the show emerge from nothing and built their films, if not the apotheosis of empty promises or obligatory to laugh at dusk the power and humor that bites not fulfilling his serial sins. The company celebrates the madness of the show and accepted means of mass communication, organize masterfully ignorance with pseudo-worldly events ... communication increases the empire of his own subjects in the global mercantilism and only poets, children or the insurgents of the Network .. are called out of the domination of the spectacular, which reduced the men to a commodity.

Cinema demented youth and mark the parameters of illiteracy receptive film of our times ... The worst is not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge ... because the idiots film is primarily a nonsense of worms and an instrument of uninterrupted flattery power (especially when it pretends to bite him in the throat), the intoxication of the masses continues to reproduce social inequality and the triumph of despotism is not afraid of tears. In this sense, the clowns with the face of Executioner in activities such as Sergio Marchionne, can prevail over the trampled rights of workers, in all due respect (and complicity) of the left (all) complicit in the crimes of institutional policy. Who controls the memory of the past, controls the future ... who controls the present, raising the guillotine of unemployment, imprisonment and exclusion of the younger generation. A minority of alligators in double-breasted haggles on the survival of a majority enslaved and have never enough that shock waves directed at the base the whole structure of society and want to set fire to the palaces of power, not to change it, but to destroy the earth.
Any is a stupid movie ... very stupid ... their filmmakers know for sure ... interpreters also. The setting of "Southern" is congenial ... restricted to a small town in Calabria ... which means that in other places, other cities, the policy is made by other means ... all false ... politicians dell'Italietta Berlusconi (left included), as is custom in this country's fascist-catholic, have always been intertwined with accomplices mafierie of all sorts ... Moreover, even their constituents are well aware of the order to pay these clowns and happy to support the crime in the channel of "good governance".
Stupidity is the daily bread of the oppressed that allow those who have the means of production to treat them as slaves and free men ... the owners have realized the worth of their pigs, only when a social revolution has them hanging by the neck to the gates of the factories ... submission is welcome to power. Fear, discomfort, the silence grow in relation to the constraints, the constraints and the absurd Next the exploitation of man by man. The advocates of tolerance are more prone to abuse to domains that do not conform to voluntary servitude ... parties, trade unions, churches ... invite to the cancellation of the personality and the only consistency is that of raising genuflection ... the history of terrorism is written by the State (the murder of Giuseppe "Pino" Pinelli is an example for all) and misinformation is the misuse of the truth.
The government of the show singing his weapons and falsifies the garbage needs ... is the absolute master of historical memory and uncontrolled terrorist projects harassment that shape the evolution of survival ... rulers are clinging to the benches of parliament and running in no uncertain terms their summary judgments ... who is not the yoke is excluded from the banquets and feasts, the power of organized markets masterfully fake and what is happening at the same time, moved everything is a lie and rot in a television representation that fulfills all confirmed and everything. Nobody lives more according to their pleasures or their own creativity, but is the subject of the goods or mirror of politics that uses ... the rulers need to perpetuate poverty and keep it to give more power and prominence to their crimes unpunished ... only the reversal of perspective of an inverted world has the ability to bring out the exploited from their state of submission and forward the pursuit of happiness ... there are good powers, we are servants idiots! True freedom is above the law, law and social issues ... they are called, home, religion, family status or ... was the first men to be students, temporary workers, the unemployed, migrant or exploited ... violence helps where violence reigns.

II. Any

Any celebrates the indifference and political mafia ... a superficial reading would seem the opposite ... not so. The concept Whatever (Antonio Albanian) is a candidate mayor of a village in Calabria, is supported by the local mafia ... people see him as the 'man of providence "and he just got out of jail, is proud of his criminal friends. It has an Italian wife a bit 'stupid idiot and a son ... a Brazilian company beautiful and useless, and a girl dressed like a doll ... has a house delightfully kitsch (tacky) and a tourism company (seal his forced absence) from the thigh. Cetto La Mafia Whatever I choose for the elections for mayor of the city ... to warn the other candidate for what they are made, blowing up his car ... Whatever the concept, between jokes and jokes unbearable, praises the pollution of the sea, plundering of archaeological finds, takes possession of public land ... makes speeches in the streets, in church, at the bar ... to win elections resort to electoral fraud, and then takes a specialist in the "north" (Sergio Rubini), which educates the acquisition of consent ... there is even a swim in the pool with a bunch of naked girls and the imprisonment of her son in his place ... you see, and well, that Albanian and director stretch in the space-time television and the gag comes out of boredom im / mortal.
The Albanian comedy is repetitive, even vulgar ... and the character is rather debased and equally futile than television ... There are no jokes or electrocuting the faces of the supporting actors in its supporting Albanian furious string of clichés ... does not laugh or cry, desire is indeed to leave the cinema, and soon. The indifference rule. And to think that some critics have mistaken him for a movie "committed" and "complaint" that he chose the path of satire instead of the tragedy . True at all. Any is a low commercial operation which feeds the mediocrity of the brilliant Italian cinema, still more, and this saddens us, represents the people of the 'South' as \u200b\u200bballs in the service of the Mafia.
The direction of Manfredonia is trivial, suitable for television at which the film was made ... the main actors are little more than sketches, caricatures that have little to do with the cinematic inspiration ... there is no evil but only epic artifice of benevolence dispensed and dosed to the public on Sundays ... Albanian expresses how much more trivial can be seen on screen or in politics, but not funny ... it seems even the draft of "Fantozzi" ... but the authorial intelligence of Paul Village and other floors of surreal comedy. The screenplay for Albanian and Piero Guerrera is sloppy and the screen rejects the mercilessly ... photography by Roberto Forza is nonexistent, over-exposed, pale as are the sets, costumes and editing ... the music of Banda Osiris is the stuff of campers ... The authors are careful not to direct the film in the province of Calabria and not going to touch the caste of politicians ... Berlusconi did not laugh, nor Fini D'Alema neither dog nor La Russa ... this is unscrupulous people, good for all seasons of authoritarian politics, are able to shoot you in the mouth if someone attentive to their apparent dignity ... However, the lack of talent does not justify such stupidity petted, nor the abuse of a presumption that there is beauty ... just change jobs ... all jobs are good, and especially in the Calabria mafia knows how to use a saddle cost and with the gun pointed at eye level to migrants of all art ... No matter what your mob performs full-scale ... it takes courage to see this entire film ... or a good dose of starvation od'imbecillità.
Any , it must be said, expresses all the evil activities of the Italian cinema ... the cinema is something else ... a film that is - comic, dramatic, documentary - links the pleasure with the pain, the joy with sadness, the beauty with the truth ... and agrees with the incurable epiphany of wonder that contains ... the admiration and the wonder of "magic lantern" live our dreams and the great expense of the dark room give us the magic of childhood eidetic never lost. The film is nothing but the symbolic language of passion or a marketable device that kills the fun without grace. The movies or shows the 'innocence of becoming or it is nothing. With cinema you do not make revolutions, but the film can help to grow the best men!
26 times in January 2011


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