Friday, March 4, 2011

A Cyst Ruptured And My Breasts Are Tender




article "The best word is the character" (*) reflects an original constituent DONE AND POPULAR happened for 22 years (27 and 28 February 1989). The crowd in Caracas launched a new era of social struggles to forge a critical and a creative break.
THIRD WAY The collective feel grateful that you are willing to publish this work and others (Indiana and New Civilization attached), which express our thoughts

Douglas Bravo

(*) Posted on this blog on March 1, 2011.

Presentation by Douglas Bravo in the International Seminar on Latin American integration BY FROM BELOW "
13 TO 16 JULY 2010

Indiana and New Civilization
"In short, this is the continued ignorance and denial of other forms of thinking, knowing and knowing, thinking of the native cultures of America, so they never become forms of "thinking" and "know" themselves, minimized by concepts such as "animism" or the "exotic" magical or mythical, never amount to fit the dimensions of a system of thought. This disqualification ethnocentric "thinking" was all for the scheme was implemented colonial / imperial. However persists even after independence and constitution of the republic. This is so since the break that led to the independence process and the Republican period with the formation of States on the Continent, did not imply a break with the colonial system of thought, quite the contrary, this process essentially reproduced in such a system, creating what has been called internal colonialism, which is simply the reproduction of the colonial system, which bases its operation in denial " another "that" is "but that represents only the past. Thus, a continuation of the colonialism in both insist on their identification with the thinking and "being" Western ... .. "
Jose Quintero Weir
The path of the communities (1)

"In the ideological sphere, Indian political organizations tend to foster a pan-india identification, as opposed to the West, which is expressed through the Indianness."
Guillermo Bonfil Batalla (2)

On 12th October this year marks 518 years colonization of the continent Abya Yala, and from that moment resistance occurs both cultural, spiritual, religious, economic and military of the Indians. It was a confrontation of values \u200b\u200bagainst values, Western civilization (technological, scientific, legal, military, religious, cultural) against the civilization of Indian and black. This confrontation was the biggest genocide in history as the military superiority of Western conquerors gradually annihilated indigenous forces and then to the black up to a ratio of 80 million deaths (50 Indians and 30 black).
The two civilizations stretching back through millennia, Western boots from Greek philosophy, but with modernity, with the artwork when the paradigms are based on philosophical, scientific, technological, energy, the nation state , truth, reason, history, progress, etc..
is with these paradigms as the force is based industrialization, development, economic growth that both shocked and daze thinking human beings who walk the path of freedom, equality, the happiness, fraternity.
This captures Western civilization throughout Europe and then is slowly conquering other territories on the planet with colonial invasions, giving birth in theory to a set of laws that are clearly, vertical, all-embracing that gave yesterday and today continue to give absolute justification for the great genocide, ecocide, violation of the sovereignty of nations, which are endorsed by international and regional bodies yesterday and today as the United Nations, OAS , NATO, the Warsaw Pact, etc..

That Western philosophy places man as the owner of the nature, the absolute master and urges him to conquer and put at your service, here presents a profound difference with the philosophy of Indianness, which considers the human being as the owner of nature, but as part of it, (eg extract from a letter from an American Indian chief Seattle to the U.S. President in 1854 :
" I try to buy or sell the sky, the heat of the earth? The idea is strange to us. Since we do not own the freshness of the air or the sparkle of the water. How can you buy this? We decide in time. Each piece of this land is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every clear and humming insect is holy in the memory and experiences of my people.
know that the white man does not understand our reasons. A portion of our land is the same for him, the next, for him, a stranger who comes at night and take away our land wherever they need it. The earth is not his sister but his enemy and when he has conquered it removed from there. He leaves behind his father's grave, no one cares.
Plagia land to his son, does not care. Forget both the burial of his father as the birthplace of his son. His appetite will devour the Earth and leave only a desert. )
In contrast, the tradition of Indian civilization is based and oriented towards harmony and cosmic order :
This principle, according to the Indian-up in the logical address of placing human beings on the need to work in harmony with itself and with nature, has no power to subdue him and put him in his service, and therefore human beings are part member of that nature, there must be a logic of harmony and order between him, the nature and instruments of which the men and women rely for their livelihood. Not conceived in these early machines that degrade and destroy nature, but humans are designed not to degrade, exploit and sacrifice other human beings (the genesis of these indigenous principles occurred thirty thousand years before a strengthening of the Inca and Aztec civilizations.)
"The other guiding principle of Indian philosophy is:
The components of the cosmos and the nature of collective work and communal , each has a position that not a privilege or subordination. However, the human part of nature and the cosmos, it should work the same principle of collective meaning and community.
Western civilization from the beginning diametral and qualitatively different: the man is the center of the universe, is above the constituent elements of nature. In concrete terms, this concept is expressed in a short sentence: God and Man. That is, the man has the power to subdue nature and man himself. From this it follows, by the very logic of reasoning, a certain conception of science, technology, religion, war, work. Here is the basic foundation of the Enlightenment , modernity, progress, development of war and racism that has brought humanity and nature to a point where they might be overstepping the boundaries of their destruction. This situation becomes more serious because capitalism has arrived at the age globalization, globalization under the hegemony of the multinationals whose discretion in their actions threaten the strangulation of the cultural, religious, economic, individuals , peoples and nations "(3)
Another principle that reflects their habits, culture, lifestyles, work and their language is referred to the inclusion "I" individual within the "us" group.

Finally I can show that this confrontation between these two philosophies, we can see clearly in the words of Alberto Philippi in his speech to the conference "Latin American Political Thought" ( 4) :
"Degradation of vision of the extra-European history .... is based on the assumption that the only possible model for future experiences (political, economic, cultural, etc.) for all countries outside Europe is the western central model, from this perspective the other stories, to get to consider it as such, were happily condemned to repeat the entire ab-IMIS western route originating all of which would also demonstrated how the laws governing the system were expanding, as predicted, both universal and inevitable. "
moved toward capitalism the stage called globalization under neoliberal philosophical guidelines and expanded to the whole planet Earth, it is true that at first with the Russian revolution, it was believed that it had inaugurated a new civilization, a new regime, a new life style. The Bolsheviks toppled the Tsarist capital, defeated his army, their police, nationalized financial capital, land of the landlords and capitalists and the whole industrial apparatus. Years later, became this gigantic revolution in that state capitalism was not overthrown the values \u200b\u200bof capitalism if not to the contrary expanded and strengthened, ie does not raise the confrontation of values \u200b\u200bagainst values \u200b\u200band that has happened to all calls anticapitalist revolutions of the last century and this century in Venezuela with a lot more because the so-called Socialism of the XXI born without producing a break with the capitalist model and therefore the XXI century socialism was captured without having developed and therefore staying in the state capitalism that has existed since the beginning of last century. Venezuela today is not only dependent on the U.S. empire if no other empires such as Japanese, Russian, Chinese, etc. The government speech and demagoguery that preaches, putting Venezuela in the second independence, is to distort the real truth according to which only yesterday we were dependent on the United States and today we have diversified into other empires dependence.

The expansion of capitalism in the era of globalization march in conjunction with a deep crisis of civilization on all orders. The fundamental paradigms of Western civilization are being challenged in its entirety: the great truths of philosophical, scientific, cultural, technological, energy, feel the impact of new trends in conflict with the capitalist logic, the plurality, diversity, multicultural face to the unique cultural force, scientific and philosophical traditional organizational forms: party unions, associations, federations of different nature than they are challenged face new organizational arrangements, the traditional historical subjects not only are challenged by not responding to what he thought was his paper, but also the community where they all fit plays a dynamic role

This really shows raised planetarily , that the creation of a new civilization, have to reformulate the concept of revolution, as we often claimed:

"by placing in the context of reviewing the key concepts outlined above, not the way to rebuild but to create them again, to invent, we made raw by a reinterpretation of the concept of revolution, understanding it as the beginning of a new civilization on all levels, including general human emancipation.
is not enough. The new way of thinking must lead us to address the reinterpretation of other complementary factors such as the tools for this revolution, support structures, social forces of change (party-military, etc..) and, of course, also leads us to reinterpret the same action revolutionary act of rebellion, revolution, insurrection and rebellion all you have to carry the entire burden itself creative, and truly liberating alternative. When viewed with this in mind the experience of revolutions produced in the last century, we can understand why they did not break fundamentally with the old civilization. The challenge is therefore to break with the concepts that catch and domesticate preventing revolutions beyond the framework of capitalist civilization, is to break with the internal working mechanisms that characterize the old organization, the traditional parties and the breakdown of the type of relationship they establish with social forces of change expected. And finally, the challenge of producing a revolutionary action that triggers qualitatively different material and spiritual rebellion of the crowd for that age-old dream of humanity to build the smile of happiness. Otherwise, any change, any transformation, will be trapped by the overwhelming force of the worship of technology, the machine, economic growth, etc., as conceived today. And therefore, leads inexorably to the domination of class oppression and exploitation of man by man, the division of labor, alienation, in short, we are in the same way in the collapse of humanity. "
"The radical alternative project for the emancipation of man must rely primarily on a philosophical and political principles which constitute a break with all dominant ideologies, second must be supported a new way to organize qualitatively different to the party system, which anticipated the social and human relations to be dominant in the future. Finally should be held in the social struggles and the struggles ecological-environmental permit him to protest and needs factor, new content, so that these struggles not only promote an armed revolt between two armies, but they constitute a global confrontation values \u200b\u200bagainst values \u200b\u200bbetween two civilizations: the old and new, each with its own set of values: economic, political, scientific, cultural, spiritual, technological, military, psychological, ecological-environmental " (5)
Clearly we are witnessing a profound and poignant crisis of civilization in general and in particular its energy model and to analyze and set outputs, it is inevitable to compare the western capitalist philosophy of Indianness. It thinkers, scientists and philosophers of Europe and America have been raising the terrible threat that this crisis means for the human species and nature in general, the contributions that many have done enough to get into thinking about their consequences may be higher and more pronounced than those of any war that humanity has experienced in this regard is worth quoting Jeremy Rifkin his book Hydrogen Economy " (6) when he says:
" Global warming is the liability side of the industrial age ... This energy expenditure has accumulated in Earth's atmosphere and has begun to have adverse effects on the global climate and the functioning of its various ecosystems. Like other earlier civilizations, the industrial society is approaching the final stage of its energy regime, which have absorbed the costs of waste accumulated total energy consumption has become an economic factor comparable to the net value of the available energy is produced and consumed today ... we have begun to influence the biochemistry of the land and we have done in less than a century. When future generations turn their eyes towards this period in tens of thousands of years, the only legacy we find on our part will be a cataclysm recorded in the geological record of the earth.
The warming is the result of the gradual accumulation of greenhouse gases that prevent heat from escaping the planet ... .. "
a reminder Jeremy Rifkin first reported on the real situation of fossil energy stocks oil and gas in the world. alerted countries OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) and the world in general lies systematically raised IEA (Association Energy International), an organization which held that abounded, in order to maintain its low prices and just this American scientist demonstrated his lack to the point that it spoke of the end of the oil era and therefore of this civilization supported by fossil energy.
imperialist countries other than Russia do not have sufficient reserves of oil and gas, in some cases without fossil energy reserves. Estimates of global reserves: USA-20 billion barrels, Saudi Arabia-194 billion, Russia-66 billion-86 Venezuela 300 000 billion more million barrels of heavy oil.
also James Lovelock, the British scientist and Nobel laureate said in his interesting book " Revenge of Earth " (7) :
"An irreversible climate change may be so close that it is unwise to rely on international agreements to save our civilization from global warming ....
Without losing sight that the risk is global, nations must begin to reflect individually on how to save themselves and save the world ...
emerging powers, India and China, it will be difficult to contain the use of fossil fuels, like the U.S.. We should not wait for an agreement or international guideline.
In our small country we have to act now as if we were about to be attacked by a powerful enemy. First make sure that our defenses against climate change are ready when you start the attack. The most vulnerable places are the cities located at sea level including London and Liverpool ... once the earth starts to move rapidly towards its new state becomes hotter, the weather derail the political and business world. Imports of food, fuel and raw materials will become increasingly difficult as providers of other regions will be overwhelmed by droughts and floods, so we need to plan how to synthesize our food completing little more than air, water and a few minerals and it will be essential for a safe and abundant source of energy ... "
This author is so serious" revenge of the earth "that calls to act quickly to nations individually or collectively, and proposes that they get energy replacements for non-threatening nature and human being must proceed to the use of atomic energy. In this sense strongly attacks the majority of European ecologists facing the development of this thesis energy considered dangerous and harmful.
Where you consider that Lovelock has every reason is the point about which we should not expect international agreements and the proof is the Kyoto Protocol, in addition to the recent meeting in Copenhagen where he failed even to a consensus statement public, much less a new protocol that requires industrialized countries and non-industrialized to meet obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, among other measures.
In this same vein related to the crisis of civilization we quote Lester R. Brown, author of "Save the Planet (8) :
" Two years ago I wrote a book entitled Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth which argued that environmental environment was not part of the economy, as many believe responsible for business planning and economists, but, instead, the economy was part of the environment. If we accept this second view, I wrote, it appears that the economy should be designed to be compatible with the ecosystem to which it belongs. "
" The fundamental idea of \u200b\u200bthis book is that major environmental threats are now more than military. The terrorists are a threat, but it is likely that the destruction caused by terrorists is small compared with the global suffering that will result if the environmental bubble economy collapses. "
Later this author talking about the restructuring of the economy, warns why they should lead the war-time speed:
"Time is running out . Throughout history we have lived off the interest generated by the natural capital of Earth , but now we are consuming the capital ... .. The challenge now is to deflate the bubble before it explodes "(9)

special approaches scientists (Rifkin, Lovelock, Brown) that I mentioned are an excellent summary of the nature of the crisis afflicting the planet Earth, however desglosaré some of its aspects:
a) degradation of agricultural soils by the use of agro-chemicals and mono-crop, consequently resulting in agricultural crisis .
b) Pollution of rivers, lakes and seas (not yet know the terrible consequences of oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico).
c) Hole in ozone layer.
d) transgenic production of Terminator seeds and the consequences for animals and humans are harmful to health.
e) Global warming causing extinction of plant and animal species, intense progressive reduction of forest cover and rain, steady decline in availability of fresh water (which is already causing confrontations for control as in Bolivia and Ecuador) and simultaneously increased the frequency and intensity of droughts and floods.


Overpopulation present on the planet Earth, you should call a great reflection: can lead to wars between nations, between peoples, communities, but at the same time is a factor that is within geo-strategic plans and geo-political of the major powers advance compulsive actions to remove people through the spread of viruses, disease, forced sterilization campaigns, spraying skies with chemtrails (chemtrails) which mainly affect poor masses, which also allows them to seize the relatively low biodiversity in the world through the expulsion of its native inhabitants mostly indigenous and blacks in areas like, Amazon, the Orinoco , regions of Chocó in Colombia, the Darien, Colombia, Panama, Mexico, Chiapas, Central America. This reality of overpopulation increases social inequalities in the human species such as racial discrimination, unemployment, exclusion, human exploitation and repression, we know from reports from specialized institutions the problem of increased illness, hunger, infant mortality, mental illness , etc.
Being human is reduced soils suitable for agriculture and sustaining biodiversity (Example: there are first world countries who rent large tracts of land in African countries to produce food at the expense of it) and taking into account that in a few years there will be 10 billion people, having been overcome capacity regenerating and food production on Earth demand of humanity since the late 80's and also as he says Lester Brown in his book "Saving the Planet (10) : " When food's economic bubble burst, inflated by over-pumping of aquifers, increase prices worldwide food " other elements that together constitute the premises for the installation of a global famine.


Latin America Caribbean and the owner of an ancient tradition of cosmic harmony between human beings, nature and working tools, and also between men and women, is called part of the vanguard for the establishment of a new planetary civilization, just mentioned, for example with their original population of Indian philosophy at odds with cultural resistance integral (cultural, economic, ecological, spiritual, religious, military, etc.. ), for 518 years to the Western capitalist civilization and now his neoliberal philosophy of modernity provided a list of paradigms in crisis.
This Pachamama, Aby-Ayala stretching from Alaska to Patagonia presents sources of biodiversity, energy, cosmology, real utopias alternatives that can help save the planet and are essential to stop the destruction of nature and human civilization of the horrific disaster of global warming.
But in turn, primeval indigenous of this continent are the guardians of the forests, forests, mountains, rivers, lakes, proved victorious in the recent struggles by ethnic groups in Ecuador and Bolivia in defense of water and the Indians of Peru defending the Peruvian Amazon, the Pemon in defense of the Venezuelan jungle, the Yukpa of the Sierra de Perija in defense of their ancestral lands (the "Bolivarian revolution" remains sequestered in a military strong Yukpa cacique Sabino Romero) and anti-mining, so are the true exponents of convivial spaces of freedom, since for them the use of water and natural resources is part and parcel of his being libertarian community, ancestral values \u200b\u200band it is natural and forced them to face the capitalist attempts to have these natural assets in a conduct new recolonization, so that the comparison of values against values \u200b\u200bis somewhat philosophical approach to the synthesis of spiritual, political, ecological, etc., a vast utopian project, that even when we are developing in the XXI Century in early resumption of the old social struggles of the age of their social organizations, the valid elements for a new civilization, and is intertwined with other thoughts from other continents urban, rural, semi-rural areas that have shaped a philosophical paradigms that go beyond modernity, the Enlightenment, positivism, Marxism, postmodernism and neoliberalism.
Similarly captures the alternative experiences that have occurred since the arrival from the conquistadors to the present days.
"The confrontation of values \u200b\u200bagainst values \u200b\u200b.... Is not an academic product emerged from past theoretical discussions but, rather, reflections on experiences of political and social struggles that embody the cultural and historical memory 500 years of civilizations, which has been forming a theory and social action of the real alternative as opposed to a Latin American social thought positivist, Marxist, euro-centric and technocratic reproduced ideals of Western civilization, focusing on the relationship Man-Machine predatory " (11)
We will not be easy to beat the assembled powers of western capitalist civilization with its new world order supported by the private monopoly capitalism and state monopoly capitalism, with derived constituents to justify the joint venture as a new instrument of recolonization and re-appropriation of our natural resources and energy, with his preemptive war, with its endless war with its IIRSA *, with ALBA, Plan Puebla Panama, Plan Colombia, Plan Patriot, etc., but also, sad to say, will not be easy to forget the idea of \u200b\u200ba mass of subordinate of impoverished, the marginalized, the exploited, that the whole planet Earth dream that their emancipation and freedom come from the mechanical instruments, technical rather oppress and lead to oppress others.

"A Although the initiative for Integration of Regional Infrastructure (IIRSA) was filed more than three years, the truth is that there is a huge ignorance of the project by both the inhabitants of the South American subregion as Latin Americans in general. Unlike the Plan Puebla Panama, which was publicly exposed and has been broadcast by both the media and by the offices of Social Communication of the governments of the countries involved, which has allowed the pronunciation of Mexican and Central American government favor and a multiplicity of civil society organizations against the plans of the IIRSA , being ignored by the majority of the population of South America, do not allow a clear positioning governments and even less political organizations. This does not mean that their lines of action, projects and financing plans are not in operation for several years and is associated with longer-standing projects. So in the middle of the century that characterizes the process of establishing the FTAA, the regional banks with national governments and international agencies advance works in different countries, but ordinary citizens can realize the scope of the same, works that are perceived as isolated, local or national, or even part of regional plans, when they actually have a continental scope and inserted into the hegemonic succession crisis.
Although attempts to build a regional infrastructure to link South American countries do not start properly with the IIRSA , the truth is that this is the first major regional project in which all governments countries that form consistent with the objectives. This happy situation, however, was not achieved by any particular country or constructed from a proposal emanating from a Bolivarian political project inspired or South American brotherhood, but by international organizations, which are regional but do not seem to respond to both vehement needs the inhabitants of the subregion as the U.S. foreign policy, which seeks better placed in this part of the continent and to maintain and strengthen its hegemony over it.
The plan for building IIRSA was drawn from the offices of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), supported by the Corporation Andina de Fomento (CAF) and Financial Fund for the Development of Basin (FONPLATA). The original document was presented to the presidents of South America during the meeting Summit of Presidents of South America held in Brasilia, from 30 August to 1 September 2000 and convened at the invitation of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, President of Brazil. Here, the South American presidents received and adopted as an annex to the presidential statement a document entitled "Plan of Action for the Integration of South American Infrastructure ." In this meeting were the presidents of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Venezuela, Guyana and Suriname, who accepted the plan, saying later that he had been prepared for them. In this first meeting of Presidents South America's primary objective was to stimulate the organization and development from South American area from the geographical contiguity, cultural identity and shared values. Officially, it is considered that the IIRSA initiative "emerged" from this meeting. However, it should be emphasized that it was a government initiative in the region but IDB together with CAF who presented a first version of the Plan of Action for the enlargement and modernization of infrastructure in the next 10 years and Summit approved by commissioning a second version to the members of the Technical Coordination Committee (TCC), formed by the IDB, the CAF and FONPLATA. "
" To say of that document, the main focus lies in the physical integration of South American countries, taking into consideration "in terms competitiveness and sustainability "( , 2003), ie in terms of geo-strategy of the capital. Thus, not only is self-improving infrastructure, road, port, airport, river, etc. .- but to devise a comprehensive logistics process, including the breakdown of trade barriers is vital to accelerating the mobilization of goods, the integration of telecommunications, the uniformity of logistics services markets (freight, insurance, storage and processing of permits) and to the politically correct "sustainable development" local. "


(1) Weir Quintero, José ; The path of the communities, Red_eZ, 2005, p. 35 and 36
(2) Bonfil B. Utopia and Revolution Guillermo contemporary political thought of
; Indians in Latin America, Editorial Nueva Imagen, 1981, Page 11
(3) Bravo, Douglas. Utopia of the Third Millennium, The Centaur Editions, 1997, pg. 25 and 26
(4) Philippines, Alberto. Presentation at Conference "The Latin American Political Thought."
Caracas 1983
(5) Bravo, Douglas. ; The other crisis. Another story. Another way. 1991, pg. 73 and 74
(6) Jeremy Rifkin. The Hydrogen Economy. Paidos Editorial, p. 164, 165, 166
(7) Lovelock, James. Revenge of Earth. Editorial Planeta, pg. 33.34 and 35
(8) Brown Lester R. Save The Planet. Plan B: Ecology for a world in peril. editions
; Iberian Polity Press, 2004, pg. 19, 21
(9) Brown, Lester R. , Save The Planet. Plan B: Ecology for a world in peril. editions
; Paidós Ibérica, 2004, pg. 19
(10) Brown, Lester R. Save The Planet. Plan B: Ecology for a world in peril. editions
; ; Paidós Ibérica, 2004, pg. 25
(11) Bravo, Douglas. Utopia of the Third Millennium, The Centaur, Publications, 1997, p. 11 and 12
(12) C. Rodriguez Yenisey Thesis for Master's Degree in Latin American Studies: "Actions
American foreign policy for control of the Andean
Amazon. " UNAM, 2005

Douglas Bravo-Third Way
July 2010


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