Sunday, March 20, 2011

Storing Fish On Kayaks

LIBYA TO AGGRESSION, by Pier Francesco Zarcone

(March 20, 2011)

The West has intervened in the skies of Libya, at the instigation of the French government of Sarkozy urgently and with the agreement of the Arab League. The lone French recognition to the Libyan Revolutionary Council had already hinted that a breakthrough Paris would still impressed. On the international stage, France has formally played an active role as leader. On it and other facts there is room for some basic considerations. UN Secretary-General as usual went to the trailer, the EU has once again shown its inconsistency in foreign policy (and maybe it was just that) and the Italian government has maintained a strong tradition now more than a century. Libyan kiss from his friend has gone to the hesitation, then the U-turn and finally the provision of air bases and the Western allies. Once again the Italian imperialism proved to be a beggar and a coward, because the real imperialists (and aspiring) as well as having tons of consciousness on the "hair", usually think of the pursuit of their interests, more or less effective . Like France, to which the Libyan people's human rights matter less than nothing, and has all the obvious interested in booking with the number 1 " for fruitful oil concessions by the interim government anti-Gaddafi, who now owes much to France. In addition to having a friend on the spot, to perform the control action of African migration to Europe. He also proved to be still able to play a politico-military media regional power.
Scene from the film The Battle of Algiers, Gillo Pontecorvo
As has become clear that the rebels themselves do not Libyans would have done, who writes, had already expressed [] its preference for rapid deployment of heavy weapons to them by the Arab world (and certainly not of imperialism bordering the Mediterranean) to compensate for the gap in favor of the militia of Gaddafi. This is obviously a personal position, however, difficult to achieve in practical terms. Instead, the Western powers have pointed to the establishment of a no-fly zone . The implementation of this decision, endorsed by the UN Security Council, involves real acts of war. Basically, in case of violation of the prohibition is to destroy radar installations, antiaircraft emplacements, military airports. And the protection of the population attacked Gaddafi attacks by men of means from the sky to the ground troops.
The problem is what will happen next, political and military plans. If the rebels Libyans are not enabled to resume their offensive self-will in effect go to Tripoli in Libya to the division into two zones, making the final provisional. And then? Firstly, such a situation would have immediate results neo-colonialists, making the indispensable protector of the West (and dominus) of Cyrenaica, remaining in the western dictator Gaddafi. It would also wonder how long the Arab world bear.
Finally, it should consider the introduction of a legal, for what it's worth, even if you think something is worth politically. Once again the UN has violated its own laws (the first time was during the Bush war against Iraq-father). These countries, by providing that in case of threats to peace the UN can decide its own military intervention, however, established that the purpose command of the troops provided by Member States must depend on the Security Council. Where is all this?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

How Long Does Taazapan Take To Work

ARAB WORLD IN REVOLT (V), by Pier Francesco Zarcone

Saudi Arabia and Syria
(March 17, 2011)

obscurantism absolutism of Saudi Arabia
is a state known for being one of the biggest oil producers, to have a absolutist monarchy of the most obscurantist, because of relegating women to a subordination and exclusion unworthy (even common sense), for the extraordinary richness of the kings and sheikhs - matched only by their insensibiltà social - and to be an important and staunch ally of Washington in the area (which, collectively, is perhaps the lesser of two evils Saudis). In this sparsely populated country, the birthplace of the Prophet of Islam, a land of deserts and Bedouin, one can say something else, usually omitted from the mass media (mis) information to ground (for that is that playing oil interests and American interests).
Saudi Again this is explained by its past, which are pivotal moments in the eighteenth century and after the Great War of '14-'18. The temporal distance is irrelevant, because the line of continuity that links the ancient to contemporary events. However, in 1744 we created a strategic alliance - never broken - among the Bedouin of the Saud dynasty and a kind of "restorer the original purity of Islam "by the name of Muhammad Ibn Adb al-Whhab. The latter, inspired by the content developed in the thirteenth century of our law school was a Muslim, became a preacher of quite restrictive and puritanical interpretation of the Koran and Islamic law, called Wahhabi , by force of arms. At that time, the Wahhabis were soundly defeated, but they were not destroyed, neither the family nor the Saudi's accession to the movement (religious and legal at the same time). The return of offensive and vindictive Saud Arab came on the scene after the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, and had its key moment in the hunt Mecca by Sheriff Hussein Ibn Ali, the Hashemite family, and then a descendant of the Prophet. The winners took over almost the entire Arabian peninsula, they imposed their beliefs and Ibn Saud became the first monarch of Saudi Arabia Wahhabi. Namely (and this is important) the first Islamic state definable (depending on the conceptual system to which they adhere) fundamentalist, fundamentalist, radical and obscurantist from the Middle Ages and so on.
The discovery of huge oil fields meant that the Saudis, by the lords of a box of sand of little importance (not least because of the closed northern dynasties enemy of the Hashemite Transjordan and Iraq, and south by the British possedimentri) became strategically important for U.S. imperialism. The flood of wealth - which affected mainly the royal family, the large (22,000 members) to be comparable to a legion (parasites) - for a long time did not change significantly the culture and mentality of archaic and closed corner of the world. That is a Bedouin society for centuries been very connected to the outside. On the difficulties faced by Ibn Saud - the oil boom - in order to avoid violent reactions against the advent of popular events as the evil phone and the radio there is a vast anecdotal. Vale is worth recalling that dramatic events related inauguration of the first Saudi English-language TV channel led to the killing of King Faisal in the mid 70s.
The backwardness is largely remained, regardless of the subsequent and massive introduction of modern technology, with huge levels of corruption. But this is not to make Saudi Arabia a persistent source of danger to the world. It is the fact that it has been funding a full blast construction of mosques and Koranic schools, and the maintenance of its Wahhabi imams belief where there are Muslim communities, thus spreading one of the most reactionary, obscurantist version of Islam and inhuman - first mostly confined to the Arabian peninsula - to the entire area of \u200b\u200bMuslim presence in the world, including West. That in a nutshell, if Wahhabism was dominant in the Muslim period of expansion out of the peninsula, now no one speaks about the glories of Islamic civilization to the Ottomans. It is therefore not without meaning the percentage of Saudis risen to international fame as an active Islamic terrorists (actually it is also the significant presence of the Egyptians, but they cause the profile it deserves a separate discussion). Much of what is rarely discussed, as well as the "mystery" continuation of support to the U.S. Saudi regime. Perhaps it is a mystery less mysterious than what the logic man in the street would. Of the reasons we must be even, since no doubt that the top political and military are well aware of the U.S. subversive role of Saudi Wahhabism, and do not miss significant apology "humanitarian" to assimilate the kingdom to "rogue states" of bushiana memory. Obviously there are reasons "superior" for not making Saudi Arabia the end of Iraq, especially now that it too is full of oil, and coined the motto could be applied - with undeniable political sensitivity - the soldiers Use during the first Gulf War: Their kick ass and take Their gas (from a kick in the ass and take their oil).
For the Wahhabi kingdom, however, this does not happen. If we go a bit 'back in time we find the crucial role of the United States own instrumental in the activation of radical Islam, initially used against the Soviet presence in Afghanistan. Then this kind of "Frankenstein monster" at the end (as expected) has shifted from the control of the godfather stars and stripes, but it continued its usefulness to U.S. interests as an excuse for intervention in Afghanistan for the policy in Iraq oltrecché for support for dictatorial Arab regimes (with the justification for their role as a barrier against radical Islam for its alleged secularism). And if you can then say that a certain rate of Islamic radicalism is served imperialism, should be mentioned that Saudi Arabia plays an objective role antiraniano Sunni in the Persian Gulf.
Today winds begin to blow, even rebellion against the absolute monarchy of Saud, though last Friday, March 11 - predicted by opponents of the regime as "Angry" - has been solved in a flop. However it is still early to venture any prediction as to the course of events, and it is better simply to understand what the socio-political situation in this monarchy. So far the U.S. seems to worry about, so much so that Obama has asked Congress to sell Saudi Arabia over the next 20 years, weapons for 60 million dollars (including 84 fighters F-15). The Saudis are also the pillars of Islamic purity, however, the action taken by King Abdullah at Obama in order to prevent the fall of Mubarak make it clear what their state of worry, and also their concern about a decline in the U.S. in the region, infidels who are the Yankees . So far more than Washington on the issue of Iran's atomic project in the eyes of Saud has shown himself weak, having taken on the Saudi insistence for a military attack on Iran. Perhaps that is a loss of confidence in the U.S. in January this year was taken on a soft attitude in the face of signs of opening up the Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi.
is not known the extent of the poor in Saudi Arabia, but he is young - about 60%, it was discussed in previous correspondence - have a greater latitude of the horizon of knowledge. Women are about half of 25 million, seven hundred population. Annually knock on the door of the labor market at least 280,000 and 270,000 young girls, but youth unemployment is high, and for those who can not find work there is an average salary of $ 830. Nothing compared to the amount of the monthly salary of 8,000 princes of royal blood: about $ 250,000.
King Abdullah tries to pose as a reformer in the face of demands - from the young and a bit ' of older people - those common to other parts of the Arab world. Known exponent of this trend is the thirty-three Khulood entrepreneur Salah al-Fahad who sent the king a petition which claims a free and dignified life in harmony with the most developed societies in the world, in terms of democracy and respect for human rights, and 14-point ask themselves create jobs, eradicate poverty through more equitable distribution of wealth, incentives for 'purchase of houses, fighting corruption, end the sectarian and tribal strife, release of some 8,000 political prisoners, equal rights of women including access to political life. And of course the move towards a constitutional monarchy, rule of law as structured by classical separation of three powers. On the country's political stability is an increased risk falls from above the King 87 years and Crown Prince - Sultan - in addition to having 83 suffers from Alzheimer's! The conflict over the succession in the large group of suitors could throw the kingdom into a civil war in many fronts, and then into chaos with disastrous effects on global oil markets.
Let's see what will be the development of the situation of discontent from below, and palace intrigues. Perhaps the King will start immediately for a sweetener, with no effects on the structures of the country, but perhaps demagogic effective in the short time and devote more care to more repressive apparatus. Road that others are already taking: we learn that the Omani government has given 400 dollars to each employee and promised 50,000 new jobs, the King of Bahrain has pledged 50,000 new homes, and Algeria has increased by 50% the salary of the policemen even with retroactive effect to time from 2008 (! ).
But it also followed closely what happens between the Saudi monarchy and the Shiite minority, which the projection of Iranian influence is far from theoretical. Saudi Arabia's Shiite Muslims are a minority discriminated against, but form a majority in the Eastern Province, to the place where the higher the oil resources. And remember that even the majority Shiite population Bahrain in riot (there are also Shiites in the Arab Emirates, and Yemen are 46%). The real danger from below for the monarchy is just the Shiite areas if they act as a rebel and-trailer on the discontent of the Sunni population, could trigger a profound crisis. In these areas a widespread agitation is taking place, and reckless actions could strengthen the forces of repression and even extend them. Among the consequences of imperialism are most interested are the increases in oil prices, provided for in that case between 20 and 25%.
Obviously if in Bahrain King Hamad bin Issa al-Khalifa was forced to constitutional amendments required the majority of the people, there would be repercussions in the neighboring Saudi Arabia, as well as in other Gulf countries. The same thing that King Abdullah is well aware, so much so that on March 14 thousand troops entered Saudi Arabia in Bahrain at the request of local government under the guise of aid mission in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), a body which includes Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain. The latter country's largest Shia party - the Wefaq - spoke of an act of war and occupation. We'll see. However, it is certain that this military intervention has several meanings: first, internal political spheres, as a signal of the monarchs in the area meaning that there will be pressure on political and social changes of the streets, and that the results will not be repeated in Tunisia and Egypt, also with regard to foreign policy, it is a signal to Iran in the sense that local governments will do everything possible to ensure that the collected Shia in the Gulf will not prevail. And as a final remark one could mention the success of teaching arising from the reaction of Gaddafi against his people in revolt.
The imperialist governments, for their part, can not think of the broad effects radius is derivable from the destabilization of the Saudi monarchy is the other part of the peninsula, you want to explode dynastic problems, want to Shiite unrest and / or subjects Sunnis tired of the regime. In the U.S. interests are enormous and compounded by Iran-syndrome. Consider that if the Saudi kingdom's importance to Washington that we have described, there are close to the U.S. presence in the key: as Oman, Bahrain (where there is a large naval base), Kuwait (where it is installed logistics center to support operations in Iraq) and Qatar (where it counts the U.S. Central Command and a major air base).
major disruptions in Saudi Arabia would create a situation conducive to the spread Iranian influence in the area, but not all. To be clear, objective interests to address any (and maybe hoped for), empty of the U.S. presence in the Persian Gulf are owned by large and emerging politico / economic three continents: China, India, Russia and Brazil. The same reality - when you say the case! - Who showed no interest in creating an effective front against Gaddafi.
Qqui are at stake interests of regional powers that - beyond the direct intervention of dangerous - do not leave in tragic solitude willing angry masses of poorly armed, denture to overthrow the Saudi dynasty and that of Bahrain. The area is geo-strategic crucial, both because of the possibility of energy resources is essential to control the crossing points of the global maritime trade, which are the Suez Canal and the Straits of Hormuz and Bab el-Mandeb. So far the United States - bogged down in Iraq and Afhanistan, without a voice to the Palestinian problem deepened, with no prospects on the Iranian nuclear issue beyond a devastating military intervention by the unexpected results - the Arabs have witnessed the events without knowing " which way to turn. " It remains to be seen how they will act to protect their interests in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf. And finally there is the unknown in Israel, an ally of Saudi Arabia has done: if there there was a regime change with the Zionist state would be hostile countries in the entire area south-east.

Even in Syria protest and die
Prior to argument, a general consideration. The formal aspect of the support of police and army in a dictatorship, in and of itself does not say much. More content is derived from the analysis instead of the ratio between the dictatorships and the indispensable man in uniform. These reports may be of various types already turbulent periods, and then emerge out clearly when the people rebelled and took to the streets defying the repressive apparatus of the regime. In these cases the active support of the police in general is not lacking, but they are low labor. The real balance of power is the army, whether they fall apart, and instead take an active role in revealing the true type of its links with the regime. This role may be to do better police and suppress the riots in the blood, or in passing from the population, or even act as final arbiter in saying "enough" to the dictator, thus forcing him to leave. In the latter two cases give the army the role of the film "good" would just childish really the right conclusion would be to say that in practice the army occupied power system in socio-economic position of its own, independent, one could say, that is not dependent on the gracious acts of the dictator. Thus, the instrumentality of the support of the army regime and non-existential identification with it. This would mean also for the people "victory", having then them do with military power. In Tunisia and Egypt has gone well, not in Libya.
It spreads the contagion of the East North Africa to Syria? The event staged March 15 in Damascus by a handful of young people do not say anything, except that it was courageous young people. But the events of March 18 in the town of Dera (on the border with Jordan) - four dead and hundreds injured at the hands of security forces - could be the beginning of a part of the Syrian Arab revolt . But overall, the local regime is presented as a tough nut to crack. The town is dominated by the party "socialist Baath (which had aroused so much hope in the middle of last century in the Arab world), and at least 30 years is in the hands of the" republican dynasty "was founded by Air Force General Hafiz al-Assad . At his death in 2000, was succeeded by his son Bashar, previously ophthalmologist in London. The Baathist slogans hailing to the "unity, freedom, socialism" is an empty phoneme not to be taken into account. Point of arrival of hordes of Western tourists and Japanese, Syria (27.7 million inhabitants) has an unemployment rate of 20%, and 8.5% of the population lives below the poverty line, since 1963 there is a state of emergency, the judiciary is not independent in its activities, the levels of corruption are high. Overall, there is a country of young people who have good schools, good universities and the massive use of modern communication technology.
In terms of socio-political would potentially a powder magazine, posing as a synthesis of all the social ills of Arab societies: a socio-economic situation of Egyptian type, the supreme power is hereditary, as in Jordan (which is at least a monarchy), and how Egypt prerivolta; apparatus enforcement is greater than Tunisians, Egyptians and Libyans put together, and as the dictatorial government of Bahrain is a religious minority: in this case involves Alawite followers of heretical Shia Muslim of ancient origin, for which the deceased Hafiz al-Assad to be well thought Ayatollah Khomeini issued a license reconnaissance of belonging to Shiism in all respects. But the country has its specificity.
The Syrian society is very composite, both religiously and ethnically. The majority of the population is Sunni Muslim, but the power of the Alawi is, there are minorities and crisitiane Coptic Orthodox (Christmas is a national holiday), in addition to the Syrian native (so to speak) there are Kurdish, Turkoman and Circassian. Of course, in such a situation, the technique of divide and rule is used by the Baathist regime with the wisdom of one who has behind him centuries of absolute power management.
There are Islamic radicals, namely the Brotherhood Muslims, who at the moment seems little able to harm as a result of events in the city of Hama in 1982, almost forgotten in the West. At that time the Muslim Brotherhood chose the dangerous path of armed attacks and actions, and just in Hama had their largest operations center and spread. In this situation, Hafiz al-Hassad - called "the lion of Damascus" - did not just roar and sent the army into the city to make a clean sweep of the fundamentalists. After three days of indiscriminate bombing, substantial destruction of Hama and killed at least 30,000 of each sex and age, the Muslim Brotherhood was silenced.
The fact is that Syria's army, which is also entrenched in the hands Allawi (along with security services), is completely identified with the regime, the military as such is privileged and well aware that a successful rescue would lead to a Sunni bloodbath Alawite. Moreover, the prospect of a fall of the regime - as well as not finding an enthusiastic non-Muslim minorities, for obvious reasons - is viewed with fear even middle-class and popular sectors of Syrian society because of political and social disorder that would ensue. Plays a lot in this, the experience gathered from hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees fled to Syria after the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003.
The strength of the system (at least to date) derives not only from the strength and efficiency of the security services and army, but also by the fact that, unlike Mubarak, Assad did not commit the error (from the perspective of a dictatorship) to leave space for civil society: therefore, nothing more or less independent newspapers, no independent trade unions are able to carve out margins, no non-governmental organizations, the closure of a discussion forum. Large forces of opposition does not seem to be there. Today the Muslim Brotherhood is considered weak, and the Kurds - whose ability to mobilize itself there - still remember how their agitations were harshly repressed by Bashar al-Assad.
Recently, a Portuguese newspaper devoted to Syria an article entitled "There will be a Damascus Spring", which is only realistic if the immediate reported. In the mean time it is better not to predict, given the spontaneity of the Arab riots broke out so far. Much will also depend on Arab global context, understanding that after the substantial failure of the revolt Libyan military intervention in Saudi Arabia Bahrain atmosphere is not at all good. Indeed, there is a double risk: that Tunisia and Egypt remain the exceptions, and that they ignite process of regression (ie reactionary). But the future remains unpredictable.

Friday, March 18, 2011

How To Use Dongle With

SUBVERSIVE TO SAVE THE GARIBALDI, on the anniversary of Roberto Massari

In the days before March 17, alleged 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, I merely stated I was cheating on the data: the absence of the expulsion of the pope from Rome and thus lack the capital and natural history of anything can be understood by "a united Italy," in 1861 did not materialize at all the units of the Italian State. It established instead a version of "modern" and extended the state of Piedmont-Savoy monarchy, with all the ensuing historical misfortunes and still ensue. The House of Savoy was annexed much of the peninsula, while the Italian patriots continued to claim and fight for the liberation of Rome and the Papacy, while confirming as the enemy of Italian unity tougher and more durable. Even after the liberation of Rome (20 September 1870) the papacy accept this reality and will continue to decline up to the agreement with Mussolini in 1929 (the notorious Lateran Pacts). Therefore, if you really feel the need to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, you must wait 20 September 2020, preparing for the worst in the field filovaticano, since already in this occasion the media and schools have succeeded in superintendencies to divert attention from the important contribution that the Papacy gave the failure to achieve the unification of Italy in 1861, in previous years and in future ones. Just imagine what will happen in 2020 if the political and media power of the church in the Italian state will still be as strong as it is today, if not stronger ...
addition to the many and sometimes interesting articles that have been published about specific events or forgotten historical pages of Italian motorcycle unit, but are also articles appeared Synthesis (newspaper editorials, comments of well-known intellectuals, etc..), which impressed me for their emptiness, deliberate misinformation and the inability to synthesize precisely what was at stake in the historical process which are summarized conventionally with the beautiful term "Renaissance" (which for many of us rhymes with Renaissance). I will not mention the long list of items synthesis 'bad' (and who knows how many have escaped me), preferring to refer to two excellent texts (perhaps with others who have escaped me) that instead allow itself such a wonderful synthesis. I refer to the article by Amadeo Bordiga ("To the pillory, not on the altars," which appeared on April 7, 1961 The Communist program ) deservedly re-released in recent days from many sites, el ' article by Michele Noble (' On ' anniversary of the so-called unification of Italy as a form of fetishism historical) , written for the Red Utopia Blog ( ).

At the same should read this blog that my contribution does not contain any original process, but who wants to be an informative complement to the two articles referred to above that of Michael. Let me explain.
In many articles from the "left" I have seen a tendency to discredit Garibaldi, generally considered to be jointly responsible for the annexation pirate Savoy realized that much of the Peninsula, in the shade Unification of Italy and the emerging capitalist bourgeoisie without that he could carry through their own (albeit late) revolution. Tutt'erba making a bundle on Garibaldi are discharged the responsibilities of the worst Mazzinianism (without even know what was also clear that current policy in its great variety of positions, ranging up to one of the greatest revolutionaries of history, that Charles Pisacane), or even of Cavour, given the deference with which he accepted Garibaldi at the moment and at some point the advent of the Savoy monarchy. And so, instead of drawing attention to the Garibaldi fighting in Latin America for the independence of Rio Grande do Sul and Uruguay, which is fighting in France for the Paris Commune, or in Sicily against the Bourbon, or against the papacy twice (1862 and 1867) - also arms in hand and always risking first person rather than sit on our laurels achieved - is reminiscent of the blackest pages of Garibaldi, from the tragic events of Bronte (in Sicily, under the direct supervision of Nino Bixio) and all the subsequent support was given by the Expedition of the Thousand to new "masters" Sicilian-Calabrian-bells.
is an old and very popular way to simplify the problems of history that, before often at great epics in the struggle for the emancipation of the people (and always conducted under the direction of someone, good or bad it is, inside or outside the movement), is concerned to find the flaw, the bad thing (which inevitably exist), to deduce a more general negativity of the liberation process considered or in progress. In general this methodology applied to the past, you need to get rid of any responsibility for the individual than the historical course of events ("no one has actually embodied my ideals, and then I pull it out and indeed I'll explain how I would have liked them to be gone things ") or, applied to the present, serves to justify the requirement Isolation oxymoron increasingly embodied by the 'political individual "(" nobody embodies my ideals altogether, and then I will remain alone, a pure heart, to tell you how things should go if there were - according to taste - a revolutionary party, a magazine well made, a proper analysis, my direction, etc. .. In the meantime I am content in my blog, my comic, my group, my Leninism in their personal capacity, of my career, media, universities, etc. .. ")
I grew up differently and so do not hesitate to confess Garibaldi. Yes, I consider myself a partisan in heart (not always, because I have taken time to understand the true magnitude of the movement built by Garibaldi), survived a partisan, obviously, but certainly I would be in the Italy of the time. I would have been an admirer of Garibaldi and traveling companion for all the good things he did (in the best company in the minds and intellects of the time, not just Italian - just think of Bakunin), I would fight with him, hoping to not leaving the skin on the field, I would have differentiated over its mistakes, maybe even trying to convince other parts of the Garibaldi movement to help me. After a periodaccio of disagreements and disputes, I would, however, accompanied in its membership the First International and the campaign for the Paris Commune, age and health permitting, I would have continued his battle for the secular state and education, ideological independence from the Papacy, the abolition of the standing army, the decentralization of municipal the fight against political corruption, the advance of the working classes and so on.
This is the state of mind - a former partisan, not-yet-a-rest - with which I started to pull out from Memoirs of Garibaldi some of his words, containing the particulars ideals I seem to have embodied his greatness in the field of ethics (not to mention the many weaknesses and fragility in the political field, but this could not be taken into consideration: surely others of doing so). And to underline this size of the character ethic, I could not fail to indicate its refractoriness to management staff of power, his refusal to turn in his political career he enjoyed huge fame in Italy and around the world (perhaps the first global political mass media coverage of the story-and intercontinental level).
To Italy today, where decades of transformation and careerism have destroyed the very possibility that the root will organize an area of \u200b\u200bthought and revolutionary action (seen corruption ideal that has disintegrated the former extreme left until recently and still disintegrate), Garibaldi still has much to teach. But to understand it must retrace its entire existence, and what you can do just by reading some of the many serious biography written about him: the following quotations are insufficient.
Finally, an important consideration from a guevarista guevarologo which I consider to be always putting aside any political parallelism (historically not exist, even if already proposed in the past) between Garibaldi and Guevara, remains unquestionable the similarity between the two human characters : in the field of ethics, rejecting political career in a personal capacity, vision and operational veterans of the ideals, the personal risk of life, distrust of party political or military equipment to be. The reader or the reader will see in the following quotations that indicates the extent of similarities or others that could be seen. Call this reader and this reader to be vigilant from now on because it prevents the detractors of Garibaldi and the ideals of emancipation that he embodied, which together with its undeniable responsibility negative cast themselves into the sea also its internationalism, its cosmopolitanism, the secular sense of social life, his anti-clericalism, his ethics of self and staff, consentitemelo, its (their) great humanity.
Waiting to take up the subject in preparation for the September 20, 2020, sent to all and a warm greeting, repeating a cry celebate renaissance that still maintains its validity and indeed it is increasingly buying time :
Rome or death

Roberto Massari
(17-18 March 2011)

The quotations are from the no indication Memoirs of Garibaldi (written between 1860 and 1872). The page numbers refer to the edition of Rizzoli in 2006 (first edition 1982). The political articles are cited in the appendix to this edition.

on internationalism internationalism
"... interned in the heart of Austria and discard the ember the resurgence at ten diverse nationalities that make up the body and monstrous "(p. 306).
"The International will, however, the foundation of his program:
1. Its title, which must not point difference between African and American, between the European el'asiatico, and thus proclaims the brotherhood of men, whatever nation they may belong;
2. The International will not priests, nor, consequently, lie;
3. He does not want standing armies to perpetuate the war, but a citizen militia to maintain internal order;
4. He wants the government administration of the Commune '(letter of Sept. 20. 1871, p. 370).
"I belong to the International since he served the Republic in Montevideo and the Rio Grande, which is much earlier than in Europe have formed this company, I made a public act of belonging to the same in France ' last war (...). I have no interference in the International, and certainly not because they know I endorse all of their program, will be cause for them, to keep me excluded. But if the International, as I understand it, it will be a continuation of the moral and material improvement of the working class, hard-working and honest, according to the human tendencies of progress of all time, and most of today's conflict with the autocracy of the sybaritic, theocracy, el'ingorda galaxy which is enriched with the miseries of others, I will coll'Internazionale. The International is a fact, regardless of who denies it. This comes particularly from the abnormal state in which the company is located in the world "(letter of 14 November 1871, pp. 371-2).
"My cosmopolitanism, dear George, takes nothing away from my immense love for Italy and you can be sure" (ibid . , p. 373).
"" All men are brothers. " And the priests have done so many beasts of the nations that are brutally destroying each other "(speech at the Frascati June 14, 1875, p. 378).

"[The International] wants the government's Administrative Council. And this is one of the greatest glories of Paris ... '(letter of Sept. 20. 1871, p. 370).
[Garibaldi was elected to the House Republican and honorary member of the French Commune, for which he went to fight in France.]
"Garibaldi instead takes a open-minded attitude of defense of the Commune, openly and vigorously disputing with Mazzini and even justifying the use of the much-hated oil as a means of defense against the armies of Versailles "(cited by Pier Carlo Masini, History of the Italian anarchists, Rizzoli, 1974, p. 47).
[Masini cites the letter to Giuseppe Garibaldi Petroni of October 21 1871, reported in the anthology of Garibaldi - Letters and proclamations - by Renato Zang, Milano 1954. Masini's book is also essential to reconstruct the path of friendship and cooperation that traveled Bakunin and Garibaldi (also highlighted by other famous historians of anarchism, George Woodcock and Max Nettlau). Garibaldi in any way facilitated the entry of subversive Bakunin in the world of Italian, the latter repeatedly expressed admiration for the former, for example. after which made the visit to the shelter-prison Caprera.]

ON Republicanism (The anti-monarchist)
"The Savoy monarchy had obtained the large prey, and obtaining as he wished, that is in a state that probably the devil took her away "(p. 303).
"I could, and mistress of herself, Italy must proclaim the Republic, but not to entrust his fate to cinquencento doctors, who after having deafened with chatter of the lead to ruin" (Will political, 1871, p. 390).

"So compulsory and free education, but secular. The rehabilitation must be completed even by the intellectual material relief to the proletariat, that the work that creates wealth does not always portrays a sure gain against hunger. And that decision must be prompt.
To this consideration we have to fight the absurd tax system, especially the ruthless and immoral burden on daily bread [fee on the ground], the salt tax, and how many are indirectly costly to the poor, as the consumption duty. Would replace the tax with the only logical principle of the progressive.
The reduction of the tax depends on the costs rather than esageratissime. Also demand the financial straits discentramento [decentralization], which should have based the City, as it appears in the most glorious traditions of our modern example in Italy and America.
We must demand the full implementation of the innate freedom and recognized. The right of assembly and freedom of Print cease to be a lie. We have yet to warm (...); adherence to universal suffrage for the proletariat it so far excluded from legislative representation, can claim righteousness "(Appeal of 1 August 1872, p. 375).

"A Calatafimi we found the most serious casualties of the enemy, and were treated as brothers" (p. 259).
"Then we had to opponents of the Bourbons, who were trying to fight them. Today we stood before the army Italian, who wanted to avoid at all costs, but also at any cost we tried to annihilate us (...). This certainly had no qualms soldiers of the monarchy, or, better say, the leaders who commanded the soldiers "(pp. 300 and 302).
"[The International wants] the abolition of war, of standing armies, priests, privileges ..." (letter of 20 weeks. 1871 , p. 371).
"... the weak maximum can not talk about disarmament. Although it will not be that international disarmament and arbitration, which germinate in the minds of nations, will become an essential reality "(letter to the Capital Journal and January 1. 1876, p. 379).

people against the army standing army
"The government, driven by public opinion, but always the enemy of volunteers, including warning and fears, as representatives of human rights and freedom of Italy ... "(p. 305).
"[The International] does not want to perpetuate the war, standing armies, but a citizen militia to maintain internal order '(letter of Sept. 20. 1871, p. 370).
"Every city has its companies and instead of sending soldiers on Sunday in the workshop of the priest, send them to the field of Mars, for instruction in the maneuvers, weapons riding, gymnastics and education literary "(Journal of the Capital and January 1. 1876, p. 379).
"The day that standing armies will be transformed into national army [that is, people's militia], the invasions will become impossible. What advantage then to public safety, made by the soldiers of the common knowledge of the dialect, the town, good and bad individuals, and finally all concerned about security and the decorum of his own home "(letter to the Capital Journal and January 1. 1876, p. 380).
"Replacing the standing army armed with the nation, that is to have two million soldiers, instead of a few hundred thousand soldiers (...). The police and public safety would be much better performed, since the same would be made by the people of the country, practice sites, dialects and people. What do you make a Sicilian policeman in Piedmont, or a Bergamo in Calabria? He knows nothing: sites, speech, manners, and his service, however clever he is, nothing will be beneficial to (the proposed program May 18, 1880, p. 386).

[quotes anticlerical flavor, especially against "pretismo" are so numerous and scattered throughout the work (to the last page) that you can not restore all here. Indicate some of the most significant.]
"[During the Roman Republic] dovevansi take certain public health measures against the item priest, who were not taken and that left, of respect for misunderstandings, omnipotent to conspire, plot, and finally contribute to the fall of the republic and the misfortunes of Italy "(pp. 171-2)
" ... address the tyranny priestly certainly much more harmful of Bourbon "(p. 299).
"Here in the contaminated former capital of the world [New York] will take place on the virginity of Mary, who gave birth to a beautiful boy is now 18 centuries (...); on the Eucharist, that is, how to swallow the ruler of the worlds, and then deposit it in a Closet any (...). Finally infallibility of that cubic foot of manure called Pius IX (...).
[in Naples] And you let yourself be still coll'umiliante chemical composition, which will impostors pass off as the blood of S. Gennaro, with whom they mock you for many years "(All'Anticoncilio of Naples', 1869, pp. 367 and 368).
"Both cleared the 1st art. Statute, asserting the supremacy of Catholicism, attests be bold hypocrisy, the much proclaimed freedom of conscience (...).
We demand the abolition of religious orders in Rome, without delay and without restrictions. And since the chain of injury that can not be broken by education, shall we claim it compulsory, free and secular. Without this condition, the school, dominated by clerical sect, perverts instead of educating. The state can not promote the doctrines of blind faith, which insinuates itself with the first prepares lessons and slavery of the soul and thought. So compulsory and free education, but secular "(" Call to Democracy, "August 1, 1872, pp. 374-5).
"The second was the period of Christianity and the cross planted in large capital radiated up almost the whole world the right of humanitarian doctrines, the great master of the brotherhood of man, Christ. And if the priests for the sake of lust and belly had not distorted Codest sublime doctrines, the human family would not matter dissidents.
I am the son of man, Christ said, and priests to deceive the people have a God and if they are made to live modestly ministers lavishly at the expense of credulous (...). And we'll get this amazing result, replacing all revealed religions or mendacious religion of truth, religion without priests based on reason and science "(speech at the Frascati 14 June 1875, pp. 377-8).
"As in the last moments of the human creature, the priest, taking advantage of the state in which it is exhausted and the dying of the confusion that often happens to you, passed, and putting in operates every foul trick, propagate coll'impostura where the teacher, that the deceased performed, repenting of his beliefs, the obligations of Catholic. I declare that as a result, finding reasons in full today, I will not accept at any time the Minister hateful, disprezzevole scoundrel of a priest and which I consider terrible enemy of mankind and in Italy. And that only in a state of madness or gross ignorance well, I believe a person can send to a descendant of Torquemada "(political testament of 1871, p. 390).

on the papacy and the Papal
"Spilling the papacy, I think it was worth so much, and something more, that the overthrow of the Bourbons. And in 1862, had "the locks of the usual red shirts was put down by the papacy, unquestionably, the most fierce and relentless enemy of Italy" (p. 298).
"[In 1867] I rightly imagined he had reached the time to collapse to the cabin to Italy and buy the famous papal its capital" (p. 318).
"... finally had to overthrow this monstrous power of the papacy, and as a crab laid in the heart of the unhappy our country. "(pp. 319-20).

"A large part of those who enthusiastically rumored the unification of his country in '60, now well sat down and met or blame our firm, or held by, not plagued by contact with revolutionaries, restless and insatiable "(p. 299).
"The bad system which governs this country, where public money used to bribe one of the nation should be incorruptible, that the men of the parliament, the military and employees of every kind; all people, unfortunately, with that little effort is made to kneel at the feet of God Ventre "(pp. 304-5).
"The government, which unfortunately holds all of the peninsula, just know if there is a Sardinia, it is busy preparing a nasty reaction, and to use the treasures of Italy to buy lights, policemen, priests, and similar rogue ... "(p. 323).
"The master's voice [Pius IX, herein as the" Pope of lies "], the men who so unworthily govern Italy, covering his face with his usual mask of patriotism, deceiving the nation ... "(p. 331).

ON HUMAN modesty and simplicity
"... the chief of triumvirate [Mazzini] wrote to me offering me the post of commander in chief. I was occupied the place of honor [fighting against the French troops], and found good to thank him and continue the bloody need that inauspicious day "(p. 173).
"He [King Vittorio Emanuele II, after the Volturno] recommend my brave brothers in arms, and this was the only sensible part of my neglect, desioso as I was to resume my loneliness "(p. 294).
[In 1862, after the victorious expedition of the Thousand and after being wounded in Aspromonte in an attempt to get you to leave Rome] "repugnant to me to narrate misery, discomfort, and I to bore those who have the patience to read, with injuries, hospitals, prisons and caress avvoltoj recorded "(p. 303).
"About four years had passed since the day I was shot in Aspromonte. I soon forget the insults, and so believed the opportunists, those for whom, more than the utility that the morality of the means, you need a compass "(p. 304).
[In his escape from Caprera, alone at night and early in 1867 at the age of 60 years] "Weakened by age and infirmity, the ' My agility was little between the rocks and bushes on the island of La Maddalena "(p. 322).
[After the failure of last attempt to free Rome - Monterotondo, Mentone - Garibaldi train station of Figline was arrested and imprisoned at Fort Varignano at La Spezia, 5 to 25 November 1867. ]
"Let me not be entered into the good graces of the Savoy monarchy when I arrived in Italy from America in 1848 is a natural thing. I dell'antipatie has generated among his servants, the Prime Minister to army generals, and from them to the last ushers, grafted to the existence of the royal government, was well as a normal consequence of men and things. Locks can not exactly explain the unfavorable reception he made to me by these men, who Ponno called, appropriately, the luminaries of the modern period of national revival, and that they were so deserving, such as Mazzini, Manin, Guerrazzi and some of 'their friends.
toccommi The same fate in France in 1870 and 1871. Yet in France, as in Italy, I found an enthusiastic sympathy among the people, certainly far more than I deserve (...). I welcomed imposed by events, but with coldness, with the intention, as he did sometimes desire I had succeeded in Italy, of wanting to serve my poor name, but nothing else, and essentially devoid of the necessary means, so I could do useful cooperation "(p. 341).
"I have no interference in the International, and some because they know I do not endorse all of their program, will be cause for them, except to keep me '(letter of 14 November 1871, p. 372).
[Elected to the House in 1874, Garibaldi resigned Nov. 26 1880 in protest to the anti-social policy of the government. It should be noted also that the long stays in Caprera began as a sort of 'arrests house "for a personality so popular and well known internationally in Italy, not to be able to lock directly to jail.]
" Since my absolute desire to have my body cremated, I I leave with the following: (...) 5 to attend the mayor when I die my body will be incinerated completely.
6th much wood for the fire "(last will, Caprera, July 2, 1881, p. 391).

Abstract Sculpture Ideas


The official self-congratulation because they are always mystifying at times to appear "lived" and "popular" institutions of social life are petrification, concretions of bureaucracies that overlap with it in an attempt to dominate and govern the contradictions.
especially mystifying apparatus will therefore be self-celebration of the apparatus, namely the State: the mystification here coincides with the representation of the state-form as a fetish that absorbs and freezes the actual historical experience, which returns in a form from which the contradictions are expunged or neutralized.
The self-congratulation that the unification of Italy takes place these days is mystifying in its very conception and description.
What happened March 17, 1861 was by no means the completion of Italian unification, but the promulgation of the law which made the king of Italy Vittorio Emanuele (Law, approved Feb. 26 by Senate and the House March 14). This is the birth of the Kingdom of Italy, set up after the plebiscite and the annexations that over the eighteen months before, had gradually extended the kingdom of the Savoy family to include the Lombardy Lazio in central Italy except the South.
But, without neglecting what artificial or conventional or mythical lurks in the definition of a national entity, the completion of the unification of Italy was still missing, the Veneto, and especially the Roma and Lazio . No genuine patriot, nor between the monarchists and liberals and the Democrats let alone Italian (and European), considered as completed the unification of Italy without Rome . Even the liberal Cavour or the first of the great "transformation" Italians, Urbano Rattazzi: the "Roman Question" was left wide open in 1861. Garibaldi tried to open so that, after the Declaring a 'unit', two operations for the liberation of Rome.
The first in August 1862, when he was stopped and beaten by soldiers of the newborn Kingdom of Italy Aspromonte: that was a civil war in miniature, which was not more serious outcomes imposed only because the General to his troops , outnumbered but well-attested, to cease fire.
The second attempt was in October 1867, when Garibaldi invaded Lazio with about 7,000 volunteers, but had to withdraw due to the failure of the insurrection in Rome, only to be defeated by a Franco-papal Mentana and crossed the boundary, again to be arrested by soldiers of the state and regional "unified." Among the many who died in Rome remember the brothers Henry and John Cairoli, Arquati Francis, his extraordinary wife Judith Tavani, daughter of a patriot fighting the Roman Republic in 1848, and their twelve year old son Francis, killed in the papal in a mill where they had holed up. We must also remember Joseph Monti Gaetano Tognetti, who blew up a barracks pope: they were catholic guillotined the following year.

Finally, the question of Rome ended when, taking advantage of the fall of Napoleon III by the German troops and the City Paris, the troops of the Kingdom of Italy invaded what remained of the dominions of the Pope-king in Rome and broke through the famous Porta Pia, 20 September 1870. The tyrant opposed papal weak military strength, just to show Italians and the world that he did not give in peacefully and Christian his temporal power. However, there were cannons and rifles, with deaths (68 in total) and injuries.
one thing one must take note: that the Liberals of 1870, as royalists and moderates, dared action of this magnitude the equivalent here in terms of legislation and is ideal for our politicians 'secular' contemporaries, so ready to kneel and kiss, pure fantastoria.
Thus, the completion of Italian unification in 1870 and gave it, not too figuratively "re-shooting the Pope." These, in turn, though dethroned, arrogantly confirmed the ban on Catholics to participate in the political life of the new state, a ban which remained formally in force for another half century.

It seems a paradox that the Republic celebrate the proclamation of the Kingdom.
But perhaps not this.
What institutions and the media spectacle is really celebrate the continuity of the State-form . Why, through the kingdom, then fascism, then the Republic, there is a real continuity, which is precisely the domain of the state and ruling classes on Italian dominated classes. is the fetish of the state is celebrated, and with it, the continuity of class power through various transformations of the form of political regime .

In fetishistic celebration resounds the invocation to the "shared values" that finally make Italy a country "normal". This is an attempt, expressed as intake regulation, neutralization of the contradictions that contraddistinsero beginning the process of political unification.
Remember 1870 and the fall of the papal tyranny certainly not facilitate the distillation of these "shared values": if only because then consistency would like it to put an end to all the material privileges and even "ideal" that the Church was able to maintain and enhance, the Guarantees of the Kingdom of the Concordat with fascism, to the Republican Constitution.

The proclamation of 17 March 1861 was a result of the absence of a sanction and popular revolution, Jacobin and democratic-bourgeois, in Italy. In fact, the era of the "bourgeois revolution" was already set long ago in Italy and the likelihood was strong that a coherent line 'Jacobin' was overtaken by a motorbike, "sans-culottes" even more radical. This was one of the strongest arguments of Cavour's foreign policy, seeking to gain the support of France and the benevolent neutrality of England, a task complementary to that of co-opting of much of the party of action in view of the unit as enlargement of the State of Savoy.
fact is that the proclamation of the Kingdom can be taken not as an event that requires the elaboration of alleged "shared values" banner italianity but on the contrary, as the crucial moment of a process preceding and following 1861, which created problems irreducible difficult to relegate the well Black forgetfulness for the simple fact that they are still present and alive before our eyes, to distinguish the peculiarities of the history and transformation of Italy, directed, fascist, republican, bourgeois, and always, and necessarily have to share. Indeed, the fact is that this policy there is divided fairly. One can only groped to neutralize abstracting from a given context.
but two glaring issues, whose genesis is rooted in the way of the unification process and management of the State by the United forwards.
The first is the "southern question." The Italian is unique among European countries to present a socio-economic split in two parts, not in individual areas, the area (the joint in more "Italy" does not substantially alter the given country). The most relevant comparison could perhaps do with the United Kingdom when it also included all of Ireland. But Ireland was in effect another country, which opposed a fierce resistance.
The case of the Italian Mezzogiorno was different. There the people are not hearing all the Bourbon Kingdom and indeed, did his best to bring it down to coincide with the landing and operations of Garibaldi. The point is that the popular movement, urban and rural, was contained and stifled because a revolution "Jacobin" and "sans-culottes" was obviously incompatible with the union to the Kingdom of Sardinia. That was the political basis for the formation of a functional and structural link between modernization, concentrated in certain areas of the North, and its data retention of social relations in the South, where a state of siege and the connivance of 'hats' and 'honest' with Mafia and Camorra, old and new, are not strangers. With a loan from the dependency theory, the state and capitalism Italians still eat of a dialectic between development and the (relative) underdevelopment, not to be construed as immobility or lack of any capitalist development.
so strongly regionalised The contrast between capitalist modernization and inequality of the rhythms and modes is one of the reasons for the perennial talk about the "TARE" Italian, the inadequate modernization of the pension on weight (less than before, to tell the true), the "free-riding public," lawlessness, family and so forth until the so-called 'Populism' Berlusconi. An endless and inconclusive debate because what you can not digest is that this is exactly the form of existence of the Italian State, since 1861, and the way it is made is made in Italy and the capitalist modernization . That anywhere, let alone in the world, is something linear and homogenizing: the reproduction of the differential development (capitalist) and differences in political regime (liberal parliamentary system here, there's military dictatorship, elsewhere the "democradura) is the form and substance of capitalist modernization.

The second issue is that of political transformation and the Leopard. Even this is exclusive of Italy, but in its history has an exceptional weight, so as to justify the international use of Italian terms. Again it is easy to trace the events of the Risorgimento, the marriage between Cavour and the combination of Cavour and the Centre of Urban Rattazzi, the National Society and the motto "Italy and Victor Emmanuel" echoed by much of the old Left. The Trickster, a relative of consociativismo, is one of the ways through which you can stop in Italy, when the a priori exclusion can not hold more, the persistence of opposition policy that is worthy of the name, ideally qualified and programmatically.
Well, this one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the proclamation of the kingdom of Italy falls into the stage where transformation and ocelots Italic reached unparalleled levels of diffusion and of moral and political cynicism. The claims of this anniversary regional patriotic Republican are an example.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

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What is happening these days around the event must be for the CGIL Libyan source of deep reflection and objective evaluation. An underestimation of the facts would lead the federation to take positions instead of going in support of the people in revolt, would facilitate the preservation of the dominance of Western countries and puppets in power in several Arab states. The risk seems to us in this CGIL from reading press releases and other operations where it is alleged that in the face of a dictator who fired on unarmed civilians is not possible to maintain an equidistant attitude and that somehow Gaddafi must be stopped.
The events are triggered in Libya on those of Tunisia and Egypt and to coincide with a series of protests and uprisings in other countries of the Maghreb and the Arabian Peninsula. It is not possible in a few lines into the causes, results and possible developments of these important social phenomena, however, that analysis should be made within the CGIL. In our view it is important to highlight some obvious differences between the situation of the Libyan and other events. In other countries we have seen a crescendo of popular demonstrations, comprising different social strata and for the most part unarmed that more and more invaded the streets. This came particularly clear in Tunisia and Egypt, where the protests began came from at least two years before, with the intensification of major strikes by workers in the industrial centers in the blood readily repressed by their respective regimes friendly to the West. In Libya we have not seen to an escalation of this type, there are reports of mass protests in the streets of major cities in the country, especially the Tripoli region, nor of strikes by workers. From the accounts more reliable that we have in place that looks more like an army of some people, particularly those living in Cyrenaica and belonging to these clans in the area, against the tribal clans headed by Gaddafi (the tribe is still supporting structure of the Libyan society). To emphasize is that the standard of living of the average Libyan is higher than that of the Tunisian or Egyptian. So much so that the Libyans would not normally emigrate in search of work in other countries. The protest movement is driven by different motivations: the management of oil, secession from the domination of the clan of Cyrenaica Gaddafi, will on the part of young people, as in many other Arab countries, to build a truly free nation permanently from the domain of family clans. This strong desire is to cross tribal membership, is not concentrated on one side and this is the aspect that we should engage in this affair. In the movement, however, are also part and attempts to control and exploitation by the dominant countries and their multinational companies, particularly Western. It is a conflict that any case fits into the overall picture that has its roots in the increasing competitive struggle, exacerbated by severe economic crisis, between nations and multinational companies for the division of raw materials in the world. If we start from these considerations, the flattening shown by our review of the positions taken by European governments, American and Arab countries is very dangerous, because it is likely to endorse the substance of their policies of intervention.
A large union can not be limited to the total disinformation dished up on television and newspapers. For example, UN sanctions and the referral of the Gaddafi International Criminal Court, were taken in the wake of the news, then denial, get to 10,000 deaths from air strikes on the Libyan regime of unarmed civilians and the spread of photos of mass graves have been shown to result in an existing cemetery on the outskirts of Tripoli. In this way, the military-media machine got its purpose: to create public opinion a strong resentment against the dictator and preparatory measures for possible military action if that was not done until today is only due to the contrasts between number of roosters in the henhouse to decide who should absorb as the cost of the mission, the fact that the rebels do not seem quite so easily controlled by Western countries and not least the fear of to create new anti-imperialist sentiments in a very hot. These maneuvers have already seen in the past, the most glaring was that weapons of mass destruction to Saddam, and we can not continue not to recognize them. This does not mean supporting the current Libyan regime, even if we support the Libyan revolt we must support the element common to other situations, that is the explosive young people will not only get rid of Qaddafi, but also a social structure atavistic that prevents them from seeing a certain future . But there are real difficulties that weaken the struggle and the tribes are backward and social organization. In Egypt and Tunisia instead of the size and compactness of the protest had the better of the repressive apparatus, no less fierce than Libyans. Western states have had to take note and give Ben Ali and Mubarak, their great allies.
But on Libya after only three days of fake news and thundering tom-toms started the media-political "stop the cruel dictator," "Gaddafi is a criminal who fires on his people" (also echoed in phrases CGIL), and now here comes the UN sanctions and referral to criminal court, with a speed unheard of organisms usually very slow or unable to decide as was the case even before the invasion of Gaza and Lebanon and decreed by the Israeli government during which the military quietly bombed men, women and children, providing some thousand deaths certificates. Or when it is Treaty of "humanitarian wars, democracy, terrorism and so on. etc.. "flow around the world by the US-NATO and coalitions that now add up to millions of direct and indirect civilian casualties.
Why Gaddafi is a criminal and others not? The Bush, Blair, Sharon, have never been charged nor has it ever been invoked their testimony. Obama himself still more than his predecessor to make war around the world, the pride which earned him the award of the Nobel Peace Prize. While in Egypt at least 400 people were killed and Mubarak in Sharm it is quiet. As well as Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain fire on the unarmed crowd and say nothing.
In conclusion, the watchwords of the CGIL union may not be similar to those adopted by politicians of other states which have much more hands-on. One can not invoke the non-equidistance threatening to support a new military intervention which would have nothing of humanitarian aid. So how not to be equidistant when you should not. For Afghanistan has relied on the 'exit strategy "without declaring openly that this is a war of aggression carried out from Italy and no clamor for the immediate withdrawal of the military. The CGIL ability to distinguish between different situations, openly defend the popular demands that arise from the bottom and avoid unwittingly siding with the maneuvers of the rich countries and corporations that seek to preserve their own, however, the status quo. Only in this way we can help take a leaf from the struggles and the Middle East and North Africa, where many people starting with the workers have taken over their lives and opened a season of real achievement and social resistance against the powerful local and international. If not now, when?

Simona Barbiani (National Executive Fisac-CGIL)
Luca Berrettini (Executive Fisac-Cgil Roma Northeast)
Maurizio Bisegna (Regional Directors Fisac-CGIL Lazio)
Antonella Bonvini (Regional Directors Fisac-CGIL Lazio)
Alessandro Castrichella (Regional Directors Fisac-CGIL Lazio)
Leonardo De Angelis (Executive CGIL Camera del Lavoro Roma sud)
Antonio Formichella (Regional Directors Fisac-CGIL Lazio)
Andrea Furlan (Regional Directors Filcams-CGIL Lazio)
Luigi Giannini (National Executive Fisac-CGIL)
Legnante Joseph (Executive Fisac-CGIL Southwest Rome)
Antonio Maiorano (National Executive Fisac-CGIL)
Maurizio Mancuso (Regional Directors Fisac-CGIL Lazio)
Pasquale Panico (CGIL Secretary Filcams Rsa)
Richard Tranquilli (Regional Directors Fisac-CGIL Lazio)