Saturday, January 1, 2011

How To Tighten Large Board Shorts

Welcome back grains of sand ...

On this blog there is a post written for the first anniversary of his birth (which falls on the eighth of July), but there is a place to greet those who attended and hopefully with pleasure, those who read the contents. Thus renewing the tradition, I write a post following the one written last year. The salute to new year that was, 2010, I gave a post called "grains of sand in the sea ... Happy New Year" ( link for those who want to read it). To tell the truth, rereading it, I found a nice post, so I have even inspired at least in the title. That post I wrote for hope in the new year, the growth of blogs and a wish and a thank you in a thousand different ways, companions of life, immense sea, where you, like me, you are immersed, small grains of sand, that sometimes I lose sight, swallowed by the sea and others, I find the wave lying on the same beach, at the time of the surf.
that post at the end, contained reflections on two themes: friendship and happiness.
This post, however, I could just to stimulate thought about life, since it contains is a difficult task, for the immensity of such a theme and scope of meditations and conceptualization that has aroused in every human being.
begins precisely with this. In fact build the right post with quotes recovered in recent days, in searching and maximum sentences: whether they read in books, that those preserved in memory. So, dusting off the past days is the library that the soul, too often clogged by the dust of the day.
Many have described life as a journey. A concept that is expensive, especially to those who call themselves agnostics , which although stay the proceedings in life, how about all the things that you do not have sufficient knowledge, experience, for this reason, life as a journey that has no clear destination, but rather that it should not, given that its meaning lies and only live it.
The picture, however, gives me life, is that of a tree and his existence over the course of the season. The feeling is that they, like everyone else, a leaf spring facing in life, in its full force in summer, but full of beauty in autumn, full of color even when it falls to the ground, with the fear of the end, but that is not, if it is true is that after the cold winter, life back in the tree, life itself, which increased from small twigs, leaves us we fed before the decline in autumn.
Apart from their personal visions and the meaning of life, something safe and reliable and that, for each new year, everyone expects of him and the other the best. Sometimes, in cases where the old year was not then really be thrown out, there is also the fear of regretting the past.
So what emerges is a constant thought of the uncertainty and the balance between joy and pain. In
different (even someone who reads this post) thought that having had to live a pain to have found its reason in being able to enjoy and understand the joy that came later, through new stories of life.
However, this applies to those who have found happiness after sadness. It is more difficult to believe that a true and fair mind, who, after the bitterness has not yet found the sweetness. Screeners
to explain, and even let them share the view taken by Elbert Green Hubbard, American writer and philosopher: "If you are suffering, thank God 'is a sure sign that you're living."
A deeply Christian thought, which, however, I admit, I can not believe. While we suffer, if God is trying to ask him, at least comfort, prayer to end the suffering. Not much relief to understand that suffering is proof which we live. Without wanting
stranded in the middle of the theme of suffering (physical and spiritual in its meanings), more information you can devote to happiness, certainly a goal that all we ask. How and where to search for it? In
theme, moving from USA to Russia, I give you two quotes:
- "The secret of happiness is not always doing what you want, but always want what you do." (L. Tolstoy)
- "The secret of human existence is not only alive, but also to know what you live" (F. Dostoevsky).
short, two aphorisms that invite us to pursue happiness in ourselves, in what we are and the more deep we feel we need to do.
You can move a critique of this concept: the excessive self-centeredness.
For this reason, then, before I offer an aphorism, which is even more steeped in egosimo, but in a gentle way, thanks to the sagacity of Woody Allen: "Money does not bring happiness. Imagine the misery."
To balance, I give, then the thought of a man certainly above average, Einstein: "Only a life lived for others is a life worth living."
And here we enter another topic contained in the post last year: friendship.
Again, not to drift along this subject, carried his own quotes. If
Cicero on the one hand said that "Life is nothing without friendship", the phrase that I like most is to Camus: "The important thing with friends is not what they say, but what you do not need to say." A phrase that captures the full meaning of friendship for as I understand it: complicity and sympathy , affection in the etymological sense of these words. But they come back to the topic in a future post.
Returning to the meaning of life, that everyone has the vision, objectives that arise in life to give it a content, I think it is useful to mention the thought of John Lennon: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. "
Which reminds us that we are not on the whole and, indeed, about much life can against us. Life is not us, but we are in you and you in us. As if to say, the world does not revolve around us, but we go with the world.
Thus, in the wandering in search of a meaning, it often happens that supports the Canadian writer Moore: "A man runs around the world in search of what it needs, then comes home and finds it." A sentence that reminds me of Coelho's book "The Alchemist" (I highly recommend to those who did not read it).
In terms of, say, more "American" (self-made man-style) would include the writer James Oppenheim: "A fool seeks happiness far, the essay makes it grow at his feet. "
But in the end the real truth is obvious and perhaps the thought of Kierkegaard:" Life can be understood only back, but we live on, "or as Mark Twain says: "Life would be infinitely happier if you were born to 80 years and gradually get closer to 18."
I add: Do not we care that much about the reform of the pension system and we will enjoy more the fruits of a life's work .
Wanting to summarize: Today we all seem to busy to pursue happiness. I have not yet figured out where they are more than those who do not know where to find it or those who claim to know, but who do not have the same find it. I am convinced. however, that while we often rush to pursue happiness in "exotic locations" distant and different from us, we eventually find that you have traveled so far to no avail and stealing time to enjoy the happiness that was at our feet. If
then teach us to follow our passions, ambitions, to pursue concrete goals, life, at times, reminds us that we are not alone in imposing on you in the future. While we are intent in designing the life "happens, happens." Thus we understand two things:
- that life goes on and we get the drift just by looking at what we leave behind, but the choices you make only once, and never the same option promises identically the second, which is why we must remember that it is wrong to decide one way rather than another;
- that we alone are not enough. You live for others, because our identity is revealed in the other, in the same way that our image is reflected in the mirror. Only the existence of others, makes our real life.
understand once again, your importance. Without you this blog would not make sense, but the mirror needs a mirror image.
Welcome back to the beach, small grains of sand, the surf in a short time, we expect that the wave of a new year brings you back to sea to find out what you find.


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