Saturday, January 29, 2011

Patches Of Bumps On Face

The white linen and gold

This post is in the picture idea that the mirror showed me the first days of December. This is the premise to say that I have mentioned and thought to write more than a month ago, after seeing the image, and that will tell you that I had created a "reflection" on women, or rather the feminine side of the world, More specifically, the idea, on the point of view I have of this world and the role it has hitherto had in my life. Then, as in the days after the post was developing, maturing the current events. So the post was written by himself, taking a different direction. End of preamble and beginning of post.
speak of Cambodia. A beautiful country, but perhaps little known, partly because the victim of a recent history of violence and oppression. But what to do with women, with the feminine side of the world? The history of Cambodia, the recent and dramatic past ties to the Khmer Rouge, which is a regime that has killed 2.2 million people, comparable to many others, capable of devaluing human life to consider it of no importance compared to the overall system. In short, Cambodia has experienced a human tragedy that is substantially equal to that caused by Hitler, if the deaths are related to the population.
The real tragedy lies in the fact that the perpetrators of atrocities are practically all free, except for some leaders came under process. Moreover, even the political leader, Pol Pot has been just condemnation, because he died before trial. To leave summary for those who wish to learn two links, one on Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot on a .
What remains in Cambodia, today, after the regime? A still unstable country with a government, which many do not define democracy. A country that has overcome the problems of poverty and where it is also difficult to remember, because in 2005 it is estimated that about 3 / 4 of the population had less than twenty years and has thus lived through those tragic years. It 's a country which today opens its doors to tourism, but unfortunately is known for sex tourism. In short, a paradise for
Giovambattista Adornato (the indifferent pissed off), if you remember what I wrote about how he is tough in the fight against and how, firmly believe that everyone should stay at home and its up to us to help the poorest countries, creating in places the foundations for the development and wealth. In fact, men's consistent, he prefers to visit those countries and meet those people there, which in Italy are strongly rejected, bestowing wealth to those people (only women do not care if minors) that the "good deal" ... for him is like riding a beauty farm. Unfortunately, not just him, it is true that just do a little research on newspapers to find a white tourist who says "What's wrong? I do nothing but adapt to the environment where I am. The first to go to bed with the girls are just the Cambodians. Try something new for me and normal for them. I'm not a monster, are the good West, bringing money. " In this area there are Italians who are distinguished see Milanese, thirty year old electrician, who was sentenced to ten years in prison, found naked with four children aged 10 to 14 years.
Here is the image displayed by the mirror: Cambodia and food for thought and a phrase used by some of the men of that country: "Man is gold and white canvas a woman. "The sentence means the idea that man can end up in the mud, but like gold just a moment to clean it and return it to shimmer, the woman, the white canvas, if it ends in the mud will never return as white as before.
Hence the idea of \u200b\u200btalking about the way I see and hear the female part of the world, meeting postponed to another post, because the current view, that phrase led me to think of Berlusconi. I heard the echo of the words he uttered just when you start speaking in December for the first time in the Ruby case, and supported the theory of a plot hatched against him, using the escort, pay for lying, to tell of being prostitutes and gone to banquets he organized. In summary, this was the phrase of the Premier: "I wonder why they did so. Are unfounded and incredible. A girl who claims a prostitute in front of the world preclude all avenues for future work to find a husband. So I wonder who has paid. " As you can see a perfect translation of the concept of gold and white canvas: it is women who get dirty and do not return more candidates, some men who attend, however, can always return to glisten like gold cleaned of mud.
Cambodia seems so far away and is instead, so close to a certain "culture" men of our country, in which he lives Giovambattista Adornato, moreover, one of the many indifferent pissed. As for the case
Ruby and various escort, something more was learned, after recent events. Leaving aside the legal matter, it was learned that the plot did not escort him through some, but certainly, there were "friends" of the prime minister who organized "dinner" and "after dinner", with films, songs and dances ... in short, organizers of a package that are the envy to the best tour operators (and yes that speed Arcore seems that there have been). The point is that after having stated the above, today Berlusconi takes issue with those who have invaded his privacy (the magistrates of Milan), while his lawyers (who are also elected members with Berlusconi, that they had "appointed" in their electoral lists) prepare pleadings to assert its truth. So feel Ruby (who is also interviewed by Signorini and broadcast on Mediaset), which says three things:
- I have not had sex with Berlusconi : may be there, not in the metaphorical sense of the term, but in the sense that it is, if you want to believe that the money that were given, were "acts of charity" to thank so much so that, with her cell phone, Ruby has been in contact with more than 60 times with Arcore and treasurer of Berlusconi
- I am told that I am of age : we say here may be there, not always easy to distinguish between a seventeen and eighteen and a Berlusconi has more powers in that of an ordinary man. Certainly Minetti and the tour operator, organizer of the evening, he could tell her, or perhaps not even know them. The rest go to Arcore is so easy, that mica ask you who you are? I'm going to get very nearly an act of charity rather than buy win for life for a life without effect.
- I who told him to be the nephew of Mubarak : and here I begin to worry. Never mind that anyone can enter the home of the Prime Minister if well together, but having a prime minister so naive to believe what they told him a girl, much to call the police headquarters in Milan and say "beware treat it well is the nephew of Mubarak. "So you know that our Prime Minister is so gullible, naive as I am concerned that should govern the country in which we live ... who knows how many more .... fuck that told believed and is based on them to govern!.
would wonder if you wonder why it is so out of breath so as not to remain in police Ruby, so far as to call the race, knowing with certainty that it would be well known and agreeing to take the risk. would wonder if you wonder why today defended both Minetti, even by the regional delegates of his party, who have questioned the figure, arguing that she was elected (appointed) in Lombardy in place of other more deserving of being deemed politically 8evidentemente the candidate must have other merits Minetti having little or no political experience and apprenticeship.
I turn to those who support the center-left, but center-right voters: you believe what you told Berlusconi on the matter? the call to the police station was for charitable gesture and so did the donations of money? you have faith even the existence of Berlusconi's girlfriend? Do not believe the former wife of Mr Berlusconi had asked his friends to help her husband by her ill-defined, irritated, too, by the courses attended by aspiring candidates in elections for the PDL and the eighteenth birthday for the year in which it participated her husband? believe that Berlusconi is so naive, gullible, to be drunk the story of Ruby and her family relationship with Mubarak? and if you believe it does not scare you so naive that govern us, so that we can finish the prey of everyone's stories bales and then blackmail him even to the detriment of the country?
So, do not think there can be a center-right (I think better) without Berlusconi?
I think as he believes see women as gold and white picture, but think, too, even though you and I are white canvas, which can be thrown mud when you want.
enough to see the latest episodes:
- There are international problems, as the case of Baptists and the question of diplomatic relations with Brazil, or the protests in Arab countries, pro-Western, such as Tunisia and Egypt, but the Foreign Minister goes to Parliament to report the letter "response" received from the state of Saint Lucia on the question of the House of Monaco, and whether or not Tulliani, brother-Fini (without telling us who's had put a question to the state of Saint Lucia?). In short, a Minister of the Republic who sees this as a priority issue, not a big thing. But who knows who is who requested a response to Saint Lucia and asked to report urgently on the issue in Parliament? What do you think?
- the other night, the Director General of RAI, Masi, call during the broadcast "Annozero" and speak with one of his employees, Santoro, saying that from what I heard in the preview of the transmission (prescient) thinks that the transmission has content that affect constitutional rights ... and so, mumbling various things (a director who babbles in front of his employee !!!), but the demand for Santoro, who tells him to take his responsibility and says if it considers that the transmission must not be broadcast, says that transmission can go on the air, but ... and down to stammer. I mean, come just a great desire to pay the fees.
As to other events and circumstances he could cite many (telemessaggi invading premier weekly news, phone-ins such as the one or BallarĂ² Gad Lerner, dinner entertainment in where some kind of cultural topics and philosophical interest or socio-political, Berlusconi will be treated with Faith and Lele Mora, etc.). but close because many of you have asked me to be more concise.
So, I leave you to reflect. For now only carry a phrase that has always encouraged me, "the darkest hour is before dawn ... then we hope you do someday soon.


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