Thursday, November 11, 2010

Commision Agreement Template

Dialogues in the sea of \u200b\u200blove and death

a different place from the other, a story, perhaps a reflection that for sure know who to focus on: to life, who made me and makes me feel love, because in this way I'm not afraid of death :
The man was sitting in front of the mirror of water, flat glass, which reflected the purple and orange of the dawn, but that other presence, that man But clearly warned, the result of years of expert company.
- "Even today, come and see me earlier than usual, early in the morning, not at dusk as it often uses. I would think that this time you would not Thee do not let the illusion of thinking, not just to meet you one day, I do not exist. "the man said.
-" How do you know myself here at your back when your watchful eyes observed the water , deprived of my back? "
-" You forget that people live and why, before seeing you, you feel, every moment of its existence. They are not my own two eyes, but the breath of life that animates me to advise me of your presence. Even after so many years have you learned? "Replied the man.
-" But you should see me now, why I came to get you. Times as well, "was the call that gave him death.
- No upset, fearing nothing, man first inspired and then blow out the air strike, issuing a long puff, "I do not need to turn around to see you, you already know so much and too long."
- "And when was the first time, you who have known?" demanded the death, with a mocking tone, as if amused, but cheating on the true nature of the request, the innate curiosity about life.
- "For years and years and you feel that you talk to me and it still appeared to me hungry for life," said the man, smiling, without turning around "you can not help but try to understand what is not yours: life , man, the feeling that the soul and the idea and thought that you. If it were true as you say, that after so long, now, you come get me, I have to satisfy your curiosity now this, having not, then more time. I know you since I was a child in the face of the game hunted for lizards, were evils of an Innocent Child, which is believed to give the master of life and death, how you deceived, to be the lord of life, but you know that nothing you can on it, you know that the government and she is, instead your mistress, you do not exist without her "
-" What do you think, I mocked? "hissed death" is not in this so shake off the fear, the fear of having to drop everything, to have come away with me ".
-" I have no fear, because as a child you knew, too, pale in the face my grandmother's framed by flowers and light candles. We knew and understood that you had been there only a moment and then was gone, already at the moment that you left the immobile body of that old woman who, years earlier, she smiled at me and took me around the neck, back when I had four legs. There was already more after that moment, while there was a little cold body of my grandmother, but his memory will always have existed. "
-" What I want to tell the old and trivial story of eternal life, immortality of the soul? not deceive you, old man, after that you'll be all gone away, "chuckled death.
-" Do not m'illudo "the old man" but I know that you are like birth, a moment when you open that curtain that you come to close, but there is always someone who will remember the show seen on stage. When I come with you, I know it's over for me, in me there is life, but I am in life, part of me will always exist in life: I will stay in a thought, in the moment of a memory, in which each I have known and lost in the sea of \u200b\u200blife, to warn me of such a time, a distant echo.
- "What do you think you have left in life, in others, hope that you remember? What goals do you think you have achieved, you can tell you satisfied with your trip? "He said sarcastically death" live only past, memories and this is a sign that the time has come where you're coming with me, "said severe death.
- This is your anger, not passing, I remember, even after many years of occupation, you asked several men to come with you, follow you, but you saw them all the same and you never know the difference. In your eyes the sea wave that leaves the beach is the same, after a moment, regaining . And 'the water to be the same, not the wave, the beach and know why each one retains the humor and nostalgia. You compel everyone to follow but you can not get hold of his mood, the essence of all existence. "
- death was quiet, thoughtful "And what is your essence? "
-" I traveled, I have chosen a path in front of two or more different paths, and over time I learned that you can not tell you for choosing the right one or wrong one, because on this trip, you are selecting Once in front of each junction and each one is different from the previous year. I know, though, that I have accumulated more remorse and regret that this is my worry, "the man said with a whisper," I should get this some day with some regret and remorse in less than it would have been the sign of I have some choice and instead traded for the wait. So I learned to be wary of those who say they love a quiet life, why are those who are afraid to be daring call waiting and living that life chooses for them. There is no success without some scars for the defeats. "
- The death of the observed, seemed to have understood, or perhaps reflected, a flash across his shadow, it seemed that death was on and it appears as though the ' water, for a moment, reflect "what do you mean old? explain. "
-" at the time said I was a boy, but now at this age, having lived so many days, I know I was when I was a child. Likewise, her beautiful, fresh, clear dawn of a day full of hope. I fell in love. "I was not rich, I was not nice, but while still a child, she had the instinct of which only women and have saw something in me that even I knew. Perhaps he felt that I asked the tenacious resistance to the force of attraction I felt for her, the other looked like extreme shyness, but she came as a silent courtship of words measured, framed by smiles. Such different ways by arrogance of the other guys. But it was above all the ability to talk that led to increasingly seek with the desire of the whole day to tell, to speak of where we lived a few years earlier than those in which we had known, stories of trees, ran on meadows, carefree evenings under clear skies with stars and suns and nights spent in the calm and peaceful sleep quilted blankets dreams. Among all, I remember one day, apparently the same ones that now everyone else envied me, as usual, spent with her alone in the company of our country. We were lying with his face to the cobalt sky, immersed in the ears of ripe corn, side by side, hand in hand. I told her again and told me what he saw in me, and probably spent hours or possibly years, but everything seemed to last a moment, listening to her voice, smell his breath mingled with the grain. I had never kissed her and I had a great desire, but bigger, that day, was the fear, the fear of ruining everything, and destroy those eternal moments to be alone with the scar of defeat. So that day ended and I kissed her, neither then, nor ever again. A month after he left, with his family in another city. I felt and I hoped that I thought and I still feel, that I felt that I had that desire to see her again and lie down next to her on that field of wheat, lying along the side of the hill and hoped that this would be back. I learned a few years later, that was engaged and some time after that came the news that she had married. That day passed in the wheat field is my regret, I would change with the remorse of having done something that could be defeated, but that it would live. For years I kept alive in the heart of the smell of his breath mixed with that of wheat. For this reason, year after year, that same day, I sent a loaf of bread that I made with my hands and that wheat flour, in the hope that aroma that brought her the memory of that day and she came back. It was when I knew I had died I stopped to be a baker and then spend my days in front of this lake. That day, you had brought with you, but you do not remember, why not take the essence of life, master of nothing. Not until today have never heard of this story, too distressed to take the life to be able to see and discover. "
- said the death, lost in thought" and then, until he was in life you lived in hope that I've stolen and who died, when I asked the woman to follow, "said Death," and then now that you have to follow you too, of course, even more than you hope that the past returns with the garment of another woman.
- "that hope never dies, no one can know whether it will be tomorrow and the day when I will be lying with her, hand in hand, surrounded by wheat fields."
- old! I am very busy, others are waiting for me. For today I decided to leave you here again in front of your lake, in your memory, "said Death," but I shall return. " A moment later he turned, walked, and then come "There is still that field of wheat?" he asked.
- "Yes," replied the man "if you will, one day you 'll take. "
received no reply, if death had left. It was now evening, a full day had passed. The man got up to walk towards the country. He arrived in the square, by which time for his tired eyes and old was not enough the little light left. But the same saw his old childhood friend, sitting on the stairs of the church.
nodded and approached him.
- "Even today you have spent the entire day facing the lake, "asked the friend
-" yes, to study fish, insects and the apparent immobility of the water, "said the man
-" and I bet that even today, you met your old girlfriend, to talk to for a long time. "
- "I know well," said the man, "but today was a different day. My partner and I wanted that I followed had the feeling that he had now decided to push me in that water and left to sink, but then I convinced to let me sit in front of the lake. I planted in her the seed of desire, curiosity, his innate interest in life, who takes away, but that does not know "
-" did you tell that old story of the girl and the field of wheat. The same gentleman who told you that you bought the bakery then. Could you make it believe you have cheated death with even the false story! " said the friend, laughing.
- "already" replied the man, but as long as he sold bakery, a tear slid down her face, as at the time, which was drowned in the heart, resurfaced a memory, a regret.


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