Friday, January 1, 2010

Unhandled Exception C00005 Gta

Grains of sand in the sea ... Happy New Year. Viva Italy

... then I decided I was undecided.
E 'is having to write two lines to the end of 2009, the year that saw the birth of this blog, for early 2010 , where his father hoped to see him grow, the very year that will give the 40 candles.
So I revealed, explicitly, something about me, my age. Years pass, and you know, for Frodo, the ring bearer, not visually seem to spend, but instead, they weigh more than about anyone else, in spirit. So many things lived, as many as you live and surely, equally, those who live.
I could have groped to make a summary of the past year, but some events have already shown the mirror images and others will show, since the new year is sure to be a continuum with the past. I could express thoughts on what is good and less good in 2009 has brought us, but the risk was to fall in the 'astrological ", only to make predictions, as only the worst fake fortune teller can do.
What to write then? In
network travel one thousand aphorisms, poems, more or less famous. Even if they receive at work. Among them, there are some more inflated than others. For example, the poem, this year together with my colleagues, I also received the Regional Director of the institution where I work: "I wish you all the time," of Elli Michler . For those not familiar and, perhaps unconsciously, has received speaking of the poem whose opening lines are: " Do not you wish you any gift. I only hope that most people do not have. Ti hope to have a good time and laugh ... " .
Among the aphorisms and phrases known, are those most frequently cited:
Schopenhauer: " Life and dreams are sheets of a book: read them in order to live, browse randomly is dreaming." Then used to add the hope that the new year will be full of dreams;
Wojtyla " There is no hope without fear, without hope or fear ." Useful for those who did not have a big fear for 2009 and 2010 and this sentence does and does to other courage.
The list goes on.
So? I decided to write two lines, a few thoughts on two issues: happiness (which everyone hopes for the year has begun) and friendship (essential ingredient for life to give the taste of happiness).

On the subject of happiness, I must mention one of the poets I love most, Eugenio Montale , and Poetry "Happiness reached, walk " which, in my opinion, best describes the essence of happiness

Felicita 'reach, walking
for you on the edge of the blade.
six eyes gleam that wavers,
the foot, tense ice that cracks;
and therefore does not touch you who loves you more.

If you come upon the souls of sadness
invaded and cleared, your morning is
sweet and disturbers like the nests of cornices. But nothing
charged the baby's crying
that runs the ball between the houses

not necessary any comment, but I add two things: the first

, a mo 'to quote a sentence read long ago (can not remember the author):
" is not what you have, but how do you savor the happiness "

the second, is my thought always in terms of happiness and character of contingency and relativity that characterizes :
Over the years, sailors, explorers navigating the seven seas in calm has everything and everything is unnecessary, then the seas show oceans, which are, and we have no more , 's surplus is now indispensable. Who asks me: "Are you happy?" say, "Maybe I am. Tomorrow I might not be, so I'll know state of being."

The other theme of the post is what I dedicate to you.
For some friends, or companions of life as I like to call me, sometimes, I wrote letters, greeting (if not the farewell or goodbye never find out) and, who knows, if anyone reading this post, remember a few lines or a dialogue.
There are so many metaphors, which I used to describe the bond between me and them. Among the many:
- the tree and leaves, in a nutshell:
" We grow like trees, each leaf of the friend is who we are and, through them, the tree that we ... com leaves and the branches, those close to covering those distant, but all its leaves the tree knows ... the leaves look just hidden away in the strong blowing of the wind of life ... many are the years and seasons, and many see the leaves from the tree, but none of them miss the tree. I wish you a leaf, the flight takes you to the place where you'll be a strong tree and, perhaps, me, pushed by the wind, one of your leaf. Do not ask why a tree decides to write her a leaf, but know the importance that has had this tree for the leaf, as it is true that every person is unique, like the leaf, which always leaves something of himself, taking, or very little, we ... each meeting is not by chance . "

- path, always at a glance;
" There are people who make us happy in life, just because we have accompanied for part of our journey. Never know who will cross tomorrow, our journey, we learned how not to those who, yesterday, they would cross.
Do not forget the taste of each, and each value we call friend.
Some remain with us, going our own way, until they turn away, feeling that is different than the path that must be followed. But sometimes, we find next to us, when fate decides that cross their path should still ours. Other times, the two paths will meet no more sorrow finds relief only in our dreams and memories of the heart, where the roads will meet ever .

will use today, as the theme of happiness, the sea :

"grains of sand on the beach,
immense sea of \u200b\u200blife,
that among the waves and tides with his
away our friends, it gives new
while, so
that we are never really alone, even in
dark nights of low tide
under the light of a pale moon. "

Happy New Year to readers of this blog, the comrades of my life, random passers-by, to all those who by their presence give this journey a taste of happiness. Happy new year to me, no writer, not a poet, but only one who enjoys writing, giving a bit of himself in the hope, perhaps to fill the void that otherwise would not write.
Happy New Year, in short, who is always, who has been there and who will be ...
and happy New Year to you too, last arrived.


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