Monday, January 25, 2010

Brasilian Wax, Pune, India


Begin revealing why a title is not good for generating interest in any reader written, well worth a post. Therefore, as I have often done, the title should reveal its meaning on its own and the reader is called in the first person to unravel this mystery. " If it were not, however, I shall reveal the reason for the choice.
Latest events:
... and now the advertising.
So did some verses of a famous song by Baglioni. So, today, is however, increasingly Brunetta. By now, it is most often a (s) to talk than to do. More and more often does so by going to TV shows, whatever they are. Every time I watch an advertisement on TV, I feel to write to the manufacturer of the product is ask him a series of questions. To give just one example, when I look at the advertising of cars, I want to write to different car manufacturers and ask them various things. In order: I would like to know where those roads where they run some cars, in which there is no trace of other vehicles, no queue. Since then, I also bought one of those cars advertised, I would ask the manufacturer to your home, where they put that button you need, just out of the house, to be in one of those places of the sea, mountains or other earthly paradises, in which I saw on TV travel ... I get to the car that I bought in places not comparable to those of the TV, I always had to walk miles, file, pay the toll, expected to rise after ferry, etc.. etc..
This time, after seeing Brunetta and heard what he said in a Sunday, came to mind other questions, like, took us for idiots or really believe in what he says, because if so Take off the TV and do not show them more publicity, because now he believes in everything. The latest proposal is to take action on retirement pensions for finding resources for the provision of a grant of 500 € to empower "young big babies." Never mind the purpose of the check and its possible utility, but since the pool, as he says, is too short, resources should be sought from your retirement pensions? My counterproposal: Why not recover from the removal of at least some of the benefits enjoyed by former MPs and senators (trains, movie theaters, airplanes, etc.. Etc.. Free). I admit, I have not updated in the topic, but I recall that some months ago (after years and years when it was spoken) was in the process of approving a provision that provided for the withdrawal of such benefits only to those who were former Members and Senators at least two terms!! Got it, that I am no longer elected, but I retain the benefits for at least two electoral mandates in which I am not re-elected. But if I no longer performs any function for I must still enjoy economic privileges? But if I'm retired and I I bring to my job and just to sit in the heat, they throw me out in the cold, or keep me still there to enjoy the warmth?!

diplomacy that is the case Bertolaso \u200b\u200b
Bertolaso \u200b\u200b, not any passer-by, but the head of Civil Protection , interviewed for the transmission of Raitre, 'In half an hour' by Lucia Annunziata , and mind you live from Haiti, described the journalist too good in the end if you ask him 'flop' was exaggerated to describe the work of the of rescue machine intervened to help the Caribbean island after the earthquake. called the situation "Pathetique" , since it has no
coordination in the organization of tasks . Today was a little relieved the statements, saying he was referring more to the UN. Yesterday, those who heard it will remember that sweet little words were also directed to the U.S., accused of having an approach a little too "military" and unprofessional in terms of methodology and in emergency civil protection .
The exact words were: "Americans tend to confuse the military intervention by the emergency. You are here you give a little 'to eat, drink and the problem is solved for them, but it is a contradiction if you do not lay the foundations for later life "

He added: " People come here with the 'eagerness to make a good impression in front of the cameras, waving the flags ... short, political advertising once again as above, I add. .

If you remember I also said that the above statements were made Bertolaso \u200b\u200blive from Haiti and I stressed mind you. Why? Somewhat mitigated because the statements today, are also consequences of the intervention and statements by Foreign Minister Franco Frattini
, made it flying in a plane that took him in the U.S. (not found in Haiti). Who would give more credit to those who are on the spot or who sees things from a distance and with the suit of diplomacy. ? How better to say or believe that you drive the car that you see in commercials on TV?
says Frattini "The Italian government does not recognize himself in some of the statements made by the Head of Civil Protection, Guido Bertolaso, on the aid situation in Haiti, in particular on the role of the United States and international organizations."
Do you remember the post "Long live Italy" is not about being anti or pro American, but the things and the facts are told, without too much "flatten"
Meanwhile, to exit from the top of the spot, in Haiti the count deaths has exceeded the threshold of nearly 150 000.

The beautiful country
So many called in Italy. And in fact it is a beautiful country, despite the presence of someone who wants to impose spot and optimism to reality whatever. What happens in these days:
1) The electoral campaign for the regional (mammasantissima of all the commercials and propaganda) and then we speak of its candidates in Apulia (Puglia and meanwhile is one of the regions with the highest level of health expenditure, but for the run-up to elections are important names not the facts and problems and possible solutions), but there is also the Lazio (another region with high level of health spending) and the issue of alliances with the UDC, and finally terminating the North where Bossi says "nothing we do on their own alliances" (a perfect separatist and autonomy in the political field, but who cares about the problems).
2) reform of the justice, before the process quick and such failure ... who wants to civil cases in progress and real acceleration has only one choice: to apply to the President of the Republic to adopt, as artists do, and I suggest a pseudonym Berlusconi.
3) etc.. Etc..

So here is the title: a big salad, where there is a little bit of everything, so many flavors, and no real flavor, but especially when we are served a single thing we can be sure: WE ARRIVED TO FRUIT.


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