Monday, December 28, 2009

Any Way To Watch Southpark On Iphone

L or promise ! Having published a few posts, I had long been prepared, I have already prepared a new post in character self-ironic, grotesque ... In short, one of those designed to talk about other things other than the news and politics. In other words, a post to lighten the tone and escape from reality in a particular way. The theme that will be? the holiday season of course!
But until then you have the patience to endure some minor post lightly, knowing that I'll do anything to relieve their burden.
First post of the series: "Long live Italy, or how to be proud of their country and live with others without having to bear all aspects.
days ago, surely you will remember, after the indictment of Amanda Knox for the murder of Meredith Kercher, have appeared in newspaper articles and television services over Tg, which told of the interest of the Clinton administration (Secretary of State is not a foo any) in respect of that matter. Most of these articles and, in practice, reported Clinton's statements with which he expressed, at the urging of a U.S. senator, his willingness to listen to anyone who fears that the decision had been influenced by anti-American sentiment.
Some articles claimed that his conviction had, in fact, deeply shaken the United States.

now three thoughts:
1) I do not think that this affair has been deeply shaken the entire nation U.S. , especially given the very different situations that should shake so;
2) I do not think Clinton, is so interested and willing to consider such matter, given the commitments and the issues much more deeply the merged;
3) there is no question that the sentence is conditioned by anti Americanism that afflicts Italy and the Italians, just because no anti-American sentiment belongs to us.

If anything this is the point to be thorough and must say that this claim outraged and offended, because such a feeling does not belong to us and the proof is that we have far more sadly ill-digested judgments and solutions that we have made little justice, without affecting the feelings of cooperation and coexistence with the United States America.

no shortage of examples:

A) the first story: Sigonella and ACHILLE LAURO : even talk of 1985 and the post is to refresh your memory. In summary, it is best to read the link, the conflict and the diplomatic crisis between the Governments of Italy and the U.S. occurred because, in spite of the Achille Lauro was in fact part of our territory, as the Italian ship, the U.S. wanted conduct an force to free the hostages, despite the opinion of Italian and the contrary decision of our government. In short, a great respect for the sovereignty of our country and good demonstration of Italian yarn (other than hatred and feeling anti-American);

B) second story CERMIS OF CABLE CAR: another link. In summary, the story is also known as the massacre Cermis as referring to a fact that has killed 20 people by a U.S. aircraft in the Italian skies.
E 'February 3, 1998 at 15:13 and a U.S. military plane took off from Aviano Air Base during a training flight, slicing the wires of the cable car Cermis in Val di Fiemme, causing the crash to the ground of the cable car from 80 meters in height, they were in the twenty people.
News: the plane despite the damage to the wing and tail returns to the base ... twenty people have could do the same. What can I say? certainly the pilot in training, had been until then, ill-trained and who knows if they took permission to fly. Of course, judgments regarding right and not influenced by Italian anti , I'll tell you how it went.
Italian prosecutors demanded the trial of four marine in Italy, but none was ever recognized the jurisdiction of the U.S.
Initially, all four crew members were investigated, but only the pilot Richard Ashby and his navigator cap. Joseph Schweitzer actually appear before the American military tribunal to answer charges of manslaughter. Summary of
- the Military Court established that the maps do not indicate the edge of the cable car cables;
- but acknowledged that the EA-6B was flying at an altitude more quickly and much less than allowed by the military standards (the requirements imposed at the time a fact ' height of flight at least 2000 feet (609.6 mb);
- the pilot said that he believed that the minimum flight height was 1000 feet (304.8 m). The cable was cut at a height of 360 feet (110 m).
- the pilot maintained that the altimeter of the aircraft was not functioning properly, and claimed that he was not aware of speed restrictions;
RESULTS: In March 1999, the jury acquitted Ashby. Even the accusations of manslaughter against Schweitzer had no result.

But when justice is not motivated by feelings against someone and not be affected .... there is still another process, not a second-degree ). In fact, the two soldiers were again tried by U.S. court martial, but this time, for obstruction of justice for destroying a videotape recorded during the flight on the day of the tragedy . To this indictment were convicted in May of 1999. Both were demoted and removed from service. The pilot also was sentenced to six months in prison but was released after four and a half months for good behavior.

then condemned, but not for murder but for obstruction of justice ... sic!

But there is always the defense in February 2008, the two drivers have appealed the verdict and demanded the withdrawal of the radiation in disgrace, in order to recover the financial benefits accruing to the military. They said that at the time of the trial, the prosecution and the defense shook a secret deal to drop charges of multiple manslaughter, but he wanted to keep the charge of obstruction of justice "to meet the pressures that came from Italy ". It was acknowledged however that the plane was traveling at low altitude and the speed was excessive for the obstacles in the area. The icing

: occasion the accident, the husband of Clinton, dear Bill, then U.S. President, apologized for the incident several days later and promised compensation to the families of the victims money.
Result: The U.S. Senate has earmarked about $ 40 million for compensation to the families of victims and reconstruction of the cable car, but in May the same year the appropriation, which was rejected by a committee of Congress, has not been confirmed by Government in the person of the minister of defense. Compensation have therefore had to take in the first instance, the Province of Trento (fifty thousand euro for each victim and the financing of the reconstruction of the cable car) and then all of Italy (the repayment of the sums Province).

So if the wife is this and what her husband, then there is no problem for the promise of addressing the question of Amanda Knox.

To say, however, the full truth, I can not complain of an injustice to our country because the dead were not all Italians, who were only three, seven because they were Germans, five Belgians, two Poles, two Austrians and one Dutch. In short, if anything, we could talk about feelings EUROPEAN ANTI.

C) Calipari and the third story SGRENA : after the usual link I summarize, but the question is more recent (March 4, 2005) and the recall. He was killed Calipari, an Italian official or rather, the Head of Department of Information Service for Military and Security. By whom? United States Marines. Why? if we could play, I would say because he had freed a hostage, Italian journalist Sgrena, who was in the hands of kidnappers in Iraq. The truth is that the car was hit by several rounds of gunfire and the reconstruction of U.S. military and those who endured the fire (friend?) Are different. Again the American justice system "can not be affected by feelings of any kind" we have not seen. Italy, with anti-American spirit, October 25, 2007, through the Third Court of Assizes in Rome has acquitted the accused Mario Lozano, declaring not to proceed to default jurisdiction.
Tip: addestrateli better or are these troops on the ground or in flight that I do not always do much good!

D) fourth story ABU OMAR: still link you rely entirely this time and you will see that in this case of anti-American sentiment there's very little.

Morality and synthesis of the Post? If our senators and MPs are generally blamed for the lack of real and attention to the real problems of the people who elected them, the U.S. Senators shine, however, for fantasy. Talk about anti-American spirit that influences a decision issued by the Italian courts for the condemnation of a U.S. citizen as their murderer opinion that in the absence of standardized testing and just because we Americans on the boxes.
Before becoming the film (Italian cinema is always better in terms of their realism and concreteness) is going to review the many cases of justice in their country, in addition to the events that I mentioned. Yes, in those cases there were evidence, as yet to justice ...


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