Monday, February 1, 2010

Does Watery Cm Mean Ovulation


I have given to fine dining. This clarification is for those who think, having seen that, after the post "Macedonia" I write another called "Buffet". To avoid, therefore, misunderstandings, unlike the previous post, here, now explain the reason for the title. I'm going to send two or three thoughts in network and serve, fast and quick to eat, a bit like you do with a buffet meal (standing for greater informality):

1) Attempted murder: Prime
tray .
The first dish is fresh. Today's news is the release from San Vittore di Massimo Tartaglia. "Carneades who was he?" For those who remember it is not the aggressor of Silvio Berlusconi. Premise: First, I am against all forms of violence (who shunned in adolescence, short of arguments, the end of any dicussion "put his hands on), so do not I love Tartaglia, also because they become martyrs who just is not holy;
second, if it is true that they released, not that they sent home, perhaps under house arrest, but was transferred to the Department of Psychiatry San Carlo Hospital of Milan, which I think is a nice place to spend your holidays.
But this is not news, but rather the fact that Capezzone, a spokesman for Berlusconi's PDL and then said that we Italians are appalled to have learned of the release of one who has "tried to kill the Premier." Also this time Capezzone has lost the opportunity to make a good impression and be silent, speaking of another, perhaps because they are interested in real problems of Italians.
Speaking of attempted murder, it seems a bit excessive, otherwise we could make a parallel with that Iraqi journalist who launched his shoes against Bush (remember ... for the distracted:

In short, what Americans should do, I had to close Guantanamo.?
Capezzone Why does not care who the murder, without trying, he just made!
I refer to some pirate of the road, which has had better treatment and that not only has not been jailed or even then was released from prison, but through the process short, perhaps, never be tried.
But this Capezzone not interested in, his ideas are not "moderate" and remain, well, a bit "radical" (original sin), the same line of Rutelli (Long live the sea or the mountains if provided magna). Not to mention "of such failure, as I say and I said no to the Lodo Alfano's name change.

2) (H) Ai (u) will :
second tray:
We have seen the statements of vecenda Bertolaso \u200b\u200baid to Haiti and the reaction of Clinton's annoyance. A desire to be malicious, he seemed more annoyed than he was when he lived the story of cheating husband with Lewinsky and had to attend the falsehood that Bill trimming the nation. For those who do not remember, summarize, bringing the video (original language). what he said. In practice, said, live, to the nation: "I never had a sexual relationship with Lewinsky are all lies ... ... that should not be given credit for and set an example and not listen, I say that I only have to hurry return to work for the nation. " Here the truth came out last ... in many we would hurry to get to sit on the desk ... because deep down there was something good!!

But back to Haiti. They come heavy news that somehow the U.S. protagonists. Ten Americans were stopped at border with the Dominican Republic, while attempting to bring 33 Haitian children in the country on a bus without permission. The ten are members of the Baptist Church of Ohio: You are justified in saying you want to save from the chaos following the earthquake orphans (who are between 2 months and 12 years) ... pity that it was discovered that they were not orphans!
This reminds me of how little respect there is now in the world for children. In Italy are no exception. We want one, two, three, then criticize both the third world countries who gives so many children to abandon them to starvation, disease ... and people are not let them go ... are kindergarten or school until mid-afternoon, then a lesson tennis, dance, piano, etc.. ... then go to the eight to take them back, yes, but the grandparents, and we see them from nine to ten, in the sense that we observe them while watching TV before sleep seizes us, then we find the children, who meanwhile have gone from alone in his bed in the morning is to wake up, even while we are asleep on the couch, and we say "up, wake up it's late dad you have to go to work."
But the worst thing is that we do not give then a girlfriend of poor countries, in fact I think it comes from Giovambattista Adornato (whatever pissed) that I said "everyone at home, you need to help them feel good there."
fact to reinforce the idea that he wanted to tell me not You can welcome immigrants ad libitum. I understood the concept, even though the reality is the knowledge of Latin Adornato is poor and in fact I said "you can not accept immigrants to libidum .
But you have to excuse , said libidum, just because when you talk about immigrants, libido attacks him, he thought of the relationship he develops with the inhabitants of certain countries are less fortunate. He in fact, as a means of restricting immigration, they support the development of these countries and improve the quality of life locally. Demonstrate its consistency, exported goods and wealth when they attended regularly as a sex tourist. Indeed
shows twice its coherence, as opposed to immigration is also why claims that immigrants are too different customs from ours, so when he goes to these countries to avoid such differences, takes off and is now off to some inhabitants of the costumes worn.
point: the stark reality, beyond the bars, is that our country also at the institutional level, as happened in the recent past is lagging behind as aid to countries poor.

3) Visit Israel

Third tray:
few days ago we celebrated Memorial Day. As often happens, when it comes to holocaust if they feel a lot. I read the usual crap even on blogs, which were associated with the events of the concentration camps to Israeli repression against Palestinians who reside in the occupied territories.
I say this as a precondition to state that:
- you can not combine two such diverse situations as Holocaust and Israeli repression and occupation of Palestine;
- on the other hand, I disagree with Israeli policy that seeks dialogue and coexistence with Palestinians and that, even recently, did not hesitate to drop missiles against the territories where Palestinians live, only to respond to the missiles that rained on their heads from Lebanon.
In essence, the problem is the extremist ideology (Nazism was even beyond that) and the policy that relies on religion and radical culture and justify the occupation of other territories in which they lived, regardless of the fact that these also have a right to live or live better in peace.
only add that the situation and the reality of Israel are too complex to summarize them in two rows, otherwise it would have solved everything. Directly, just as I know, but something told me I passed an Israeli girl with a beautiful summer (including then the meaning of the Song of Songs). He talked about his experiences ... and does a little impression to hear a woman of his military experience lived in those situations, we talk about the late eighties (there are women conscription, not by profession). Both of
premise to say a few words about the visit, today, Berlusconi in Israel.
First point: even when we saw him in a bandana hanging out to Sardinia in the company of Putin's comments and made it a lot, but seeing him wearing the traditional Jewish head covering, the Kippah, ... I regret not having found online made the movie better because of the photo you provide. (See link )
Second point and real substance: no parades and propaganda on serious issues such as the Holocaust, solve problems and look to other tragedies (unmatched, but still terrible). Since Berlusconi is so friendly, you do accompany Putin in Chechnya to see what's left or if there is a mausoleum to the memory of those who have been massacred. Or what he did while in the former Yugoslavia someone named Milosevic (who was not a player that maybe he wanted to buy for Milan) and others were named Karadzic destruction of human lives? In those days did not follow in his TV news? femava was zapping and only when there was advertising to see how much you increase its networks than the RAI? And then some
face meeting in over a Palazzo Grazioli and spend some time discussing with the League of government, dealing with the issue of immigrants and the boats were shipwrecked in the Mediterranean ... with all the distinction compared to other tragedies, it is not human migrants to drown, preferring to entrust the fate of the landing so many lives.

short enough for today, I promised you a standing lunch just to offer a few snacks, not dinner at the restaurant.


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