Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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daughters and stepdaughters, chickens and chicks ...

not interested in the question of the bung, bung. Ruby Do not want to talk about the issue and treat it like what has been done in recent months in relation to various issues such as that of Austrian politicians in Italian villas that guests show off their passions nudist, or escort "escorted" in different places for reasons little institutional. I do not want to do to not fall into the trap of false moralism, because the issue is moral that is of another type. Of course it remains to ask why so many cases they see young and beautiful girls are the light of day and always see the most active and engaged or not the figure of Silvio Berlusconi.
But I will not address the issue as many have done. To do so would only expose himself to the defensive countermeasures such as "are questions concerning the privacy of the rest .... aera Kennedy also talked about but he is remembered as a great politician ....." I do not want to do because then maybe look like the man who Rosica why can not it do the same and subirei the objection of those supporters who say that Prime Minister Berlusconi as well as great entrepreneur, we face a great figaccione, Chiappino, etc.. etc..
But the substance remains, I will not do why do not wish to be accused of false moralism, as the issue is moral and what I mean.
Ruby does not present the question, because those who do not know it yet it means that little information. Offered for the few who still ignore a link all (corriere.it). In short, according to press reports, Silvio Berlusconi's chief of staff calls the police headquarters in Milan and called back an hour later the Prime Minister caposcorta recalling the police officer. He wanted to be informed on the evolution of the story, asking for further clarification. Corriere.it writes that both demonstrated in the report submitted by the service Quaestor Vincenzo Indolfi at the Interior Ministry. On the evening of May 27, 2010, while Ruby was subjected to photo-, there were then two calls by the head of government. At 2 of the night the young Moroccan left the police station together with the Regional Councillor Nicole Minetti, just as he had requested the Prime Minister and how he had authorized the magistrate on duty Anna Maria Fiorillo. For those who do not know Ruby instead offer another link, the source certainly not party to the Premier ( TGcom ) that does not tell, but let it be the same to tell Ruby alone. You have seen if you read the link or know if you were informed, it is a (at this point seems different) girls who attended the homes of the Premier. Without wishing to tell and write about these meetings, parties, entertainment of various kinds (let to tell here is Ruby and read the link because if there were crying would also be fun) I want to dwell on various aspects.
First : Berlusconi said in recent days among other things, that the declarations of Ruby would do understand the inconsistency of the gossip. I do not think it is true to a report in the press (even TGcom ) about such statements. Ruby says, in essence, that night of S. Valentino in Berlusconi's villa in Arcore, the premier front of invited "teasing left-wing politicians, like Bersani. So far nothing but the usual story that Berlusconi satire just like when the he does not when the others are doing on it (example of democratic spirit)
Always remember Ruby in his interview with "Today." "She showed us a marble statue with his face and body of Superman." Here too little news (the usual delusions of grandeur typical of many people especially when they arrive at a certain age). Then
Ruby adds, "...
I said I was all dressed up and I have long legs. We were ten girls. Then he dedicated a song, because I was new. I sang If you were not you of Apicella. Here, too, nothing new, besides the usual script approach to women, even the usual classical repertoire and worn in fact singing.
But then Ruby appears in all his shyness and says " I said I was all dressed up and I have long legs. I would just say thank you. I did not want to give too much confidence, not knowing what kind it was." Poor thing, being Italian is not accustomed to certain traditions and customs.
Forget the usual story of a new and a little joke (that of Bunga Bunga ) made by Berlusconi, also for lack of novelty. We thus arrive at a first point, that has the comic. Tells Ruby that he wanted to leave because "... I was uncomfortable because everyone was familiar with him and not me." She was not poor, the usual immigrant discrimination.
always says that Ruby did not go away just because "but first he took me upstairs to his office" (which she did not have the confidence of the other we went upstairs, poor fawn inexperienced confidence not because he does not know what kind she would like Berlusconi says, but follows him on why the door to the office and she thinks that maybe the reason is to discuss the issue of immigrants and poverty in the Maghreb.
later confessed that there Berlusconi shows why his powers as a clairvoyant (no know how he did it because she new and not in confidence) "knew of my problems and wanted to help" so that would give her an envelope with € 7 000, saying they do not want anything in return, adding: "I do not I'm a bad man, do not stand on your own. "That's the politician, a statesman, is offered in time of need. Maybe it would be nice if we say at least 7 000 € multiplied by ten, Berlusconi had given to them some research institute (research need it in this country) and the Italians would have better understood knowing that the money gave them to him to get something in return or some progress in science. What I do not understand is, however, when you give to a 7 000 € person "without asking anything in return" and maybe this time just multiplied by ten (the girls as Ruby says there were ten and more confidence in her. Truly, Ruby reveals that "Silvio has given us a Damiani necklace with a heart because Valentine's Day was "sentimentalist!).
Let then the statements that come to ridicule like this: " I could eat better " " The taxi approached a side entrance. Priscilla (his Brazilian friend, Ed) called at the villa and the police have left us through. When I saw that villone I asked my friend where we were. And she said 'the President'. Street Mission had a stroke. Until a few months before I slept on a bench in Catania.''
clearly the first question, just as Berlusconi said (the words of Ruby will clarify everything and I hope that you too will have a better idea) we pass to the second point today Berlusconi motorcycle at the show, I do not know if after speaking also of the problems of two-wheelers,''said better to be passionate about beautiful girls gay.'' what is the problem here: even Giovambattista Adornato (the indifferent pissed of the blog) would be able to say something even more in the worst sports bar now feels more. We complain if in Belgrade during the gay pride, nationalist groups are trying to crack some heads. Censor and condemn certain behavior if, as happened in Rome, someone tries to take out some homosexual. While in Europe, member states seek to implement policies and promote the anti homophobia, our Premier makes this great statement, Such "pork 'I've got the world under your feet, if I discover that my son is gay .... I do" remember Drive and Faletti.
last question perhaps the most serious moral and not moral. In short, you'll see that Ruby, born Moroccan Karim El Marhug is, well, at the material time, is a minor leak "under observation" by the police on charges of theft, which then leads a life in Italy a little special ( as she says "I slept on benches in Catania"). Today Maroni (Northern League interior minister) is pleased , because Milan prosecutor's office says that there is nothing in the facts of the call to the police station. But what Welcomes? The League has made it a matter of policy agenda: the immigrants who live off their wits in Italy, return to their country. This time what they say to a Moroccan aid that does not seem "very regularized" in Italy, or at least much less than many poor people or carers looking for a paid job with a loaf of bread so as not to go back to hell. Who meets this need: the envelope, without wanting anything in return, I will not say with 7 000 €, but only those with 700 € from the daughters. The league does he say this time? how much is federalism? here is the moral question and the moralist: the politician who represents us should at least be consistent to be credible? I would not find out, as they say that in Italy there are sons and daughters, and even chickens (we hope not to be us) and pullets.


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