Saturday, June 19, 2010

How Do You Get Rid Of A Cut Lip

Saramago goodbye

Several times I wrote it, the mirror is never out of time, always present, even at times anticipated the current. Moreover, the subtitle of your blog back up the words: "... the Mirror can also spontaneously show pictures ...; things were, and things that are and things yet to be."
Yesterday, for chronic leukemia died José Saramago, Portuguese writer, Nobel for literature.
few months ago I wrote a post, which somehow is also his work. There, now I wish that those who read this post, to stop and read what I wrote months ago (link ), I certainly understand the sense, even better and will take the message of this post. Yesterday
dies Saramago, now writes the Osservatore Romano, also here the link if you want to read.
If you do not want to read the article will summarize what the newspaper says
that n is the daily practice of the Church and will explain the meaning of this short post.
The headline is: "Omnipotence (suspected) of the narrator."
This title, for the content of the paper stresses the 'ideology of "anti-religious writer, called Man and intellectual, to the last nailed in his stubborn belief in historical materialism, autocollocatosi clearly on the side of the evangelical field weeds wheat, declared sleepless at the thought of the Crusades or the Inquisition, forgetting the memory of the gulag, the 'purges', of genocide, cultural and religious samizdat ".
I could go on but I will stop.
I stop, because :
- firstly, emphasize the lack of compassion that characterizes the article and that it should identify a religion, that it is Professor crist ian and Catholic;
- secondly because what has been said is false. E 'false fate that Saramago had forgotten the genocide and the gulag, or the abomination that brings all forms of tyranny (just read his works). Moreover, I, like him are sleepless in front of the Crusades and the Inquisition.
But the real reason for the post, perhaps you already understood, having read my previous post. Saramago's work is pervaded with the themes of the author I mentioned in that post Kazantzakis (see his work "Christ on the cross again" and "The Last Temptation" in the post I wrote ).
Saramago, just read the book "The Gospel According to Jesus Christ ", in which the figure of Christ is humanized and therefore much closer to us, as I explained in previous post.
E 'much closer to us than we face appear, those who think they communicate message of Jesus, through the bureaucracies of a Church, which is not community of believers, but actual state, including the church hierarchy are the government.
Through the works of Saramago and
Kazantzakis , the figure of Christ seems much closer than we make it appear, those pedophile priests, which the Church hierarchy (system) has in the past too many times covered.
This is the message of the post: not even the mercy in the face of death stopped the Pharisees, but we all know, just by the Gospel, which way was Jesus Christ. Farewell
Saramago, thanks to you, and the pastor of my childhood I learned to understand that Jesus, even before a child of God, was a man with the same our doubts with regard to life and facing death. Would be too easy to sacrifice, if he had the knowledge of the resurrection.
We too in our lives, and groped for hope to rise, we must understand the meaning of suffering, sacrifice, love and altruism.


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