Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hill-room Versa Care Prise

Autobiography of my disbelief

recently bought a book from the British physicist and co-discoverer of the double helix of DNA, Sir Francis Crick (1916-2004). Upon reading the first chapter of his book "What Mad Pursuit : a personal view of Scientific Discovery , I found a few paragraphs where I noticed that Crick was a short autobiography of his disbelief and skepticism towards religion. That reminded me of this text that follows below, whose draft was originally written in 2007 and I would never have finished writing or published.

In the first chapter this book about a personal vision of the scientific enterprise - where the author gives details about the ideas that led to that developed from the structure of DNA - Crick makes a digression on the origin of his skepticism with regard to religions. This encouraged me to resume this text originally written in 2007 and publish it as a brief personal history of the development of my disbelief to my amazement with the world.

Li's autobiography my disbelief again today (after about 3 years) and performed minor changes before completing the final version we now present. Here I tried to outline my thoughts on how religions and mysticism have been cast since my childhood and how certain events in my personal life influenced the formation of these ideas. Having been born into a Catholic family and non-practicing adept of different beliefs in adolescence read the book "The World haunted by demons," Carl Sagan of , which helped to summarize much of what I was thinking about the world but had not been able to explain or understand clearly. So I met the fabulous science and the scientific method, powerful weapons against all spiritual ills. Advocated for some time so against any kind of belief, which he considered stupid, and defended a strictly scientific world. That was until I finish my undergraduate studies (in biological sciences). Then I became a professional scientist, and now I see clearly the weaknesses of the scientific enterprise and the politicking that happen in this rotten world. In a moment of crisis also figured in the mysticism of myself, and was an Italian friend who introduced me to the theologian Joseph Campbell with his documentary series "The power of myth . Campbell cleared me and I realized that the sense of wonder that I have for the world and people can not be described - at all - by science. Having become a professional scientist, I rather doubt the reach of science, I realized that there are many more who still do not know what is what we know. That is, in fact, that leverage the development of science. I did doubt in large measure on certain scientific and saw how the science is rotten inside (Thomas Kuhn's also enlightened me on this point). On the other hand, never came back to believe in anything that could have the emblem of mystical . Today I see institutionalized religions as doomed to failure or simply as companies use the minds of the faithful as safes. The feeling of wonder or that there is so much more out there to know me invade every day and give me strength to live without my having to call any of that mystical, just call it beautiful, complex or inexplicable. And I marvel at all without seeking explanations, it is enough for me and I can characterize as a kind of epistemological existentialist.


Although my family has ever professed any religion in a rigid, raised in a Catholic environment. It might be said, that even by removing one or other exceptions, the vast majority of fine-Horizontians of my generation and the social environment they lived in non-practicing Catholic family. My parents never went to mass on Sundays, although the church on occasions frequentássemos which such baptisms, weddings, masses of the seventh day, etc.. My sisters and I were taught to pray before bedtime, making requests and thanks to a supposedly intelligent god in human form, and guardian angels and saints specific to specific requests. In Brazil, however, religious syncretism was always present and both my father and my mother attended a clairvoyant or spiritualist centers that were indicated by acquaintance. I remember with reasonable perfection of one of my first catechism classes, where children around 10 years of age were prepared to meet for the first time with Christ during the course of the first communion. I remember being forced to confess my sins, and as it did not, I invented that beat my younger sister or fought with my parents. It is clear that such things sometimes happen, as is common in any family, but I could not see them as sin and were not at all common. Likewise, I confessed to the most by not knowing for certain what would be a sin or evil act and those are the things that seem wrong that was among those occasionally. And then I was "punished" with a trip to the pulpit and the holding of a prayer of Our Father and two Hail Marys, remember that you have processed with a certain eagerness, a little bit of guilt and a lack of understanding "to why "of it all. Today I see that he was indeed was being initiated on a doctrine, but I never accepted as natural procedures. Rather, they seemed artificial and caused me quite strange. After all the past, remember to have asked some colleagues what would have been sorry for them when the confession - would never have had the courage to want to know their sins - and remember that everyone who postulated the questions I have answered that they paid their sins with the same number of birds Marys and Our Fathers, respectively, two and one. I remember that I found fairly absurd the fact that different sins have always had the same penalty to be professed oratory.

was around 10 years I made my first (and only) confession. Coming from a non-practicing Catholic family, we prayed every night and making requests thanks to a god of human intelligence or the angels of the guard protectors.

already in my pre-teen, my dad joined a group of individuals self-described psychic. As far as I could today and I can tell, they had met two fairly distinct mythological currents and initiate an alleged sect paramedics responsible for curing serious diseases - especially those where traditional medicine was unable to give solution. Were assembled into one group originated the idea of \u200b\u200bIndian medicine that (i) the body parts had input and output of energy, namely chakras, with the idea of \u200b\u200b(ii) radiestia where these energies emitted the chakras could be observed and worked with the aid of pendulum formed by small crystals attached to simple strings. Again combining different traditions compared to the cultural mix of Brazilian character legitimately, the mediums also created new ideas. Thus, the seven major chakras of medicine from India, added another hundred and said that the agency operated as a closed body energy where the energy could enter or leave. When the pendulum stopped lying on top of a particular chakra and visualize the spin that followed gave the same in a clockwise or counterclockwise, the chakra was identified whether the input (time) or power output (counterclockwise) . The proof of the validity of this theory was given by the simple fact that the pendulum placed on a particular body part where there was a chakra, ran alone. The medium, so that was enough to hold the cord of the pendulum over the chakra before he began to spin indicating entry or exit of energy.

According to traditional medicine of India, the chakras are vortexes that exist on the surface of the etheric body of man and are the gateway to the reception / transmission of energy. While in Indian theology there are only seven chakras known, the group that attended my father was supposed to know hundreds of them scattered throughout the human body. Some functioned as points of entry, other output energies.

The pendulum dowsers who fought against these parasites spiritual - the group which was part of my father as an intellectual leader - was formed by a beautiful crystal on a string. When placed on the chakra to a certain height of the individual's skin (Where's your etheric body) it automatically rotated clockwise or counterclockwise indicating entry or exit of energy.

Any physical problems that an individual present - from a simple headache to cancer or AIDS - could be explained by an imbalance in the energy balance of individuals, probably related to the chakras by proximity to the region of pain. This energy imbalance was because, due to the presence of parasitic energy, the chakras of energy input were temporarily working as chakras of energy output, or otherwise. Initially, the diagnosis was done to verify the presence of chakras near the regions of pain and see which ones were running toward the supposedly incorrect. Seems like it was my own father who finally cataloged the location and number of all the chakras, which would define the input or output of energy and systematized a highly efficient diagnostic test. Thereafter, the diagnosis could be made even when the paramedic was far away from the patient. This diagnostic method was almost done with the pendulum held questions about which chakras would be in trouble, that these questions were answered by rocking the crystal about a half moon with the numbers on the chakras. My father was responsible, so why systematize this kind of diagnostic test and assemble various other types of half-moons, even with all the characters of the alphabet, where you could ask literally anything the suspect says that guided the hand of the ask questions to the pendulum. I remember one day he had asked the pendulum what is the name of my first boyfriend when I would have maybe twelve years. I remember the pendulum to respond but, fortunately or unfortunately, can not remember the answer to whether or not held. I also remember that, although he was not allowed to play with that kind of thing as serious as the energy of the universe, Sometimes we played to ask questions to the pendulum as it says. But the children, was not generally permitted to use the equipment. It is worth noting also that I remember my father asking for a pendulum or again the dozens who will leave the mega-sena the following week, and although the crystal certainly worked for diseases ethereal, we hit the sena never at home and suffer economically with the recession that the country experienced in the 90s. Anyway, once the chakras problematic were identified through this methodology, the paramedic could go directly to the individual's body to test the effectiveness of it, noting that the pendulum - when laid out on chakra specified - was actually rotating clockwise, it should run in a counterclockwise direction. The way to solve the problem was fairly simple: just that the pendulum was rotated rapidly about the chakra in the right direction of motion. This would cause the energy of the chakra would somehow be re-structured so that it functioned properly. It was also my father who made precise calculations on how many rounds per minute gave the pendulum and how many minutes would be necessary to rotate the pendulum over the chakras problematic to fix them and make them work accurately.

A map showing all the chakras of the body or characters of the alphabet was used to perform diagnostic dowsing. These diagnostics indicate problems with the chakras in individuals and spin of the pendulum about these chakras made them return to their normal conditions this type of therapy mystique.

In fact, I do not know if even one day - even when pre-teen - come to believe that this therapy dowsing really worked, although he thought the idea is fun and fairly interesting group meetings. Though my father was involved in a final group, I just saw people taking care of our own family. And although I know that others of his companions were involved in the psychic healing of other diseases, never accompanied them to any hospital to see them running pendulum over the heads of dying patients. Another thing I noticed fairly clearly in the meetings of the group that came to participate was a relationship between the psychology of power between individuals. As my father, of course, my biggest hero and my mentor in this whole endeavor, I am surprised sometimes when another of his colleagues - who had more power than expected - discovered some flaw in the diagnosis and was able to reverse the problem of the chakra of anyone under the pendulum turns than those predicted by the theory needs of my father. Maybe it was just that I've connected the skepticism about the whole story. Your friends C and P, for being supposedly more powerful than my father, they were able to reverse the precise theory that he created ... and, deep down, I thought my father was the only guy truly competent and serious of the group, while the others sometimes were able to force the pendulum back to a particular side just to show the fault diagnosis of the mechanism developed by my idol. Thus, among them my father was seen as an intelligent and accurate on tasks, but without a natural power of healing that only they possessed. A few times I was convinced that power and several others suspected of their suitability.

Moreover, my mother sometimes took part in séances of which have always been curious about but which never took me and took my two sisters sometimes. I believe at that time already have a keen instinct questioner and maybe they thought that this instinct would cause problems during the sessions. My father also attended these meetings and sometimes they both went to pray and take the blessed "passes" that were given to them by the spirits. I confess I can not even understand today as there are still elderly people with this kind of belief and remember I found it ridiculous when I first read the classic book of spiritualism, "The book of spirits", Alan Kardec, where he proved the existence of spirits vaguíssimo the fact that things changed position and no one had them moved.

Interestingly, all the different connections with a mystical something that my parents never professed to be presented to them as incompatible with each other. In Europe, in particular, and also most of the developed world, there seems to be dialectical forms of overlapping and non-religious appreciation. There are different religions and different beliefs that are seen as self-excluding and even competing with one from the others. In Brazil, this usually not the case and definitely syncretism (religion) in our country reaches extreme levels and interesting. Brazil, as a result of mixed origin, seems to have been one of the only places where cultures, races and traditions originally theoretically divergent and incompatible - in the strict sense - managed to survive in reasonable harmony. In Brazil, the latent spirituality of the individual was always higher than the dogmas preached by a particular sect. The trunk of the Brazilian cultural mix is \u200b\u200bperhaps the richest and most egalitarian of the world, at least at the ideological level, perhaps this equality is also in the areas of economic and social.

Religious syncretism in Brazil shows that the Brazilian sense of spirituality was always bigger than their belief in strict dogmas preached by a particular religion. In my house identified as the Catholic IBGE always had the presence of statues of Buddha, Eastern mystical ideas, participation in rituals spirit, among other ideas more related to parapsychology.

I still remember that in my early teens, two major physical problems afflict my health. I think the main one could be considered the frequent occurrence of attacks of pain head. Even after going to the ophthalmologist and neurologist, made the funny electroencephalogram and taken painkillers with reasonable frequency, nothing was discovered about my illness and nothing also cured some severe pain I had with reasonable frequency. My father had always been a master masseur and massage courses held for long. Her massages I have always been absurdly soothing and pleasant, the more that is done with care, love and dedication that only a parent has for his son. However, they often absolutely not cured my pain-to-head, and though such massages were famous for curing many problems in the family, they often did not work on me. In fact, I had the impression that many people lied saying they had been healed by the massage without having been really, just as an expression of gratitude or politeness. Sometimes I also noticed that the massages but cured my headache, but only for a few minutes, and dissipated my attention to pleasant feelings of pain in various parts of the body. However, after a few minutes, the pain returned as needle throbbing head. But I've always been honest and never told my father that had passed without a pain that she had really passed. And sometimes he seemed to feel powerless because their massages to heal everyone but me. My

Another problem was discovered in a little later, I had (still have) a serious back problem. My spine is twisted to the side twice, a double who was diagnosed with scoliosis, if I remember right, by my karate teacher who turns into a hump on right side of my back. The first orthopedic surgeon to whom I consulted noted the problem and was adamant: I'd have to put two metal bars, one on each side of the column to hit it and avoid future problems, which I certainly would. The operation was at risk and my parents were overly concerned about my welfare, I was born with a foot problem and again I was once again seen as an individual physically frail. Thus, in a moment's notice I would need to undergo a complicated and risky operation. My parents doubted the doctor, my own mother had a similar problem and there had never been serious problems in the back, despite the niggling pain either sporadic. Therefore, we sought the best specialist in the city area and my dad just wanted to know if he really needed the surgery, hoping it was not. It was not. Dr. Sakamoto suggested I use a vest that would polypropylene with the model of my back. I would have to use it all day and he would ensure that my spine was still more crooked, but did not solve the problem: I was bound to have bad back for the rest of life and should stop immediately with any type of physical activity. I used the vest for some six months until the doctor said, to check the density of my bones, I had already stopped growing and my column that he was already assembled. Although hardly be affected by back pain, my prognosis was that the vertebrae at the twist in time erode the intra-vertebral spaces and rubbing of bones with the nerve, I would need to operate from a herniated disc. My father once again sought all possible therapies to cure me of my problem and found an experienced masseuse made me lie on a table, and during a course, serve as guinea pigs for people to be seated next to me and push my vertebrae to put it in their "proper place". According to him, doing so with some frequency and commitment, my column would live well. In fact, I do not know if these little minute in the day during which my column was in place influenced something, but I enjoyed the massage and enjoyed the fact that my father did before bed. This latest adventure, therefore, shows once again how there's this religious syncretism in my family and my father seemed to be willing to do everything in their power to help your child and their family members.

So my parents went to doctors, taking the waters blessed wax spirits, attend church on special occasions, and sometimes visited by alleged psychics. I also remember one time I went with my mother to an abandoned home and away, in some suburb of Belo Horizonte. We would see a certain mother-of-saint, who was reading people's futures in a glass of water. Arriving at his simple home, the woman was in a trance and determined, within a small room lit by candlelight and with just a simple table with two chairs and a glass of water on the table, she read the name my mother in the particles of water, who knows how. Do not remember me so surprised, I thought she should know the name of my mother and have bluffed, if surprised by something would have been about the environment, the candles and the idea of \u200b\u200breading the water. Absolutely do not remember what she said, but remember that we left fairly impressed and curious about the issues exposed.

could not be completed this autobiography of my discrença if I had not said that since childhood I've always been influenced by my father to marinate for school, and my mother out for a long time teacher of middle school. I've always been particularly good student in math and sciences and was not all bad either in the humanities. Moreover, My old man always influenced me and encouraged me to enjoy games that develop logical thinking and memory, such as board games of all types. Early learned to play checkers, chess, memory games, crossword puzzles and try to solve logical problems of the most diverse, such as they "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's." All these activities have always been regarded by me as something to be associated with the word fun. Even today I feel sorry for those who consider the logical thinking as something difficult or annoying, and I am an enthusiastic discussion about logical natural systems. In fact, all my work as a scientist and researcher is, in fact, seek out people who are always willing to discuss and seek answers in joint discussions made with the greatest of intellectual honesty, without any prejudice and always aiming to discuss the status quo and question them in every way, always trying to deconstruct them if they fall, let them in the ground if standing still, let them be raised in victory. Fact: It is extremely difficult to find many people without bias or dogma and willingness to openly discuss any topic of interest to them. Humans are not so interested in knowing nothing and I may be a particularly individual parasitized by memes (ideas) in search of reproduction.

games of cards, memory and board games were a regular part of my childhood fun. My dad says I was waiting every day now with a box of matches on hand to spend another night playing nonstop. I have the strong impression that the early development of reason and logic in practical aspects of gambling were important later for the maturation of my disbelief.

Having thus spent much of my childhood and pre-teens living in the midst of religious syncretism and training in logic games, never really fully believed or doubted about all such ceremonies and rites my parents participated. My agnosticism seems, therefore, derived from the application of logic with which I enjoyed myself to the spiritual world that was presented, and he seems to have been born in me before I could even represent you through this concept, idea, meme, word, ism . Finally, I can say it was an eminent American physicist and science popularizer, Carl Sagan , who helped me put all these thoughts that plagued me in a broad context and common logic to substantiate my ever curious disbelief. Do not quite remember when or how I got to " Demon-Haunted World: Science as a candle to the darkness "Published by Carl Sagan in the nineties and found in many bookstores existing common within the mall that multiply in Belo Horizonte 90s. Having always lived in the bubble even the burgeoning middle class-nice Horizonte, my fellow pseudo-rich high school where I studied until the age of 13 were suffering from this same syndrome of non-practicing Catholic. We were almost all Catholics, few actually attend the church and all taking a firm belief in a Christian God, with absolutely no strict fidelity to the ecclesiastical rites. A big jump in my intellectual life was justly have passed since the middle of another. My father, always noticing my taste for logic and the study, wished to one day put me in a technical college to complete the school. CEFET was a federal public school that was located across the city, and my father suggested that I take the test to get into there and conduct technical studies in high school computer science. If there's something definitely changed my social and intellectual thought, and that finally made me see the magic diverse economic, social and human world was that I switched to this school. While in college of "rich" I was often humiliated by being one of the poorest in this other college I became the richest, spent in dealing with people from all walks of life, people from cities, people like all kinds of family backgrounds. The CEFE-MG-90s represented a reasonably democratic mining population. The initial shock of the first month having to catch buses to the ends of the city and people living with such strange was strong, but soon became a strong taste for knowledge and Brazilian urban anthropology. In semi-boarding school, we stayed all day in class and, unlike the private school with its disciplinary and strict rules of conduct in the CEFET total freedom was! There was only one time or another that killed lessons to chat with friends, playing guitar we play pool or at the corner bar. This experience of intellectual freedom when I was healthy and largely lost in these classes that binge never sacrificed or harmed my academic and scientific development. I always had a great taste and an extreme responsibility to my studies.

The first year I've been in CEFET precisely was responsible for a change of worldview complete. Now I lived with a huge diversity of people with very different profiles, almost all of them coming from a social environment simpler than the one I had lived. Thus, all that falsity of designer clothes and sneakers imported have become, for me, just bullshit. My education slightly more refined than that of my colleagues, my sympathy maternally inherited, my respect for the human being and my bother in the world of make-accounts of the rich made me quickly popular in my class and I was elected, promptly, donate the representative of the teachers and students before college. But, in fact, that was an intellectual circle still fairly poor for my soul. At that time, went on a general course in Electrical and Electronics, and after one year, students could choose to specialize in three different areas: Electronics, Electrical Engineering or Computer industry. The computing boom had come to Brazil and personal computers with the brand new windows operating system - Windows 3.0 of Bill Gates - began to be increasingly involved in day-to-day life of Brazilians more affluent. In fact, I believe that it is no exaggeration to say that about 90% of students came there with the desire to specialize in the IT area. However, the ten classes of students who entered the first year of the electronics were then assigned to the two subsequent years in a single classroom computer and about four classes of electronic and electrical engineering. For someone to actually do computing, you had to study hard and pass the first year with a good academic average. In the year she spent in computing, I mean the disciplines of 8.49 and minimum value to "get" IT was 8.25. All other students were therefore taken to make electronic or electrical engineering, which also was the case one of my best friends, "falling" for electrical engineering, has undermined our friendship forever.

is worth noting that, in this first year of CEFET remember my mother, too preoccupied with his son the middle class across town by bus and walking the streets alone in a fairly violent capital of a third world country, gave me a psalm called "the shadow of the high " I had a habit of reading every day in output home, having reached decorate it completely so many times that the repeat. Even today I remember fairly many of his pieces. So with my 14 years, I have faltered in my beliefs and prayers.

physicist Carl Sagan, author of "The Demon-Haunted World" was one of the leading scientists to preach the honest pursuit of knowledge and the defense of science as an appropriate way of knowing. Responsible for the television series Cosmos, Sagan was one of the most influential scientists and thinkers of the second half of the twentieth century .

In the second year, so there were only selected in the class "Best minds" of the previous year and the difference in intellectual level of the gang was notorious. The religious side, there were still the extreme Catholics, were spiritualists, non-practicing Catholics and possibly individuals with trends fairly non-religious group among whom I have probably framed me. Many there had already heard the good old rock and roll of the seventies as just a form of rebellion against society, and also with those anarchistic I identified. It was about this time that the Internet has crawled that somehow got my hands on the book by Sagan. I do not remember exactly how it happened and, but remember that many years after I planted the ideas of sagan among students of biology, UFMG and was responsible for the transformation of some astrologers to skeptics.

My literary history begins with the reading of comics as a kid; preadolescence (before CEFET) remember that devoured police written by Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle with force, reading it in one whole day. My father had always been a fan of science fiction books and some had called the master of horror and fantasy, Isaac Asimov, the science adviser also expert. It was probably from Asimov who arrived in Sagan, tired of the stories and the desire to seek the truth of science. I still remember that my father had at home a book called Sagan "The Dragons of Eden ," where he explained in a wonderful way the human brain evolution. So it was, probably, I got to the "Haunted World . Once having read this work, a colossus of all ideas that have always been insufficient in my thinking about the world might now take a clear and logical structural sense. Sagan explained with extreme delicacy and brilliance of the differences between beliefs in pseudo-beliefs, so exalted sublime the logic of science and honest search for knowledge . At least they I felt when I read the book first. While today Sagan disagree on some points (as in science as a curve asymptotic to the truth, among other details of epistemological), also recommend "The Haunted World" for all people with a sincere interest in the pursuit of knowledge and kindle the flame of scientific criticism. In fact, many have read "The Haunted World" after my suggestion and I remember that back in college, there was one point that some girls who professed before the astrology chart and have become convinced skeptics of the procedures that exalted until six months before . Anyway, quickly became a lawyer pressing the scientific knowledge, advocate of rationalist thought and skeptic, so many friends is sometimes frighten defenses with voracious the scientific way of seeing the world for the way mystical-religious. Fights in bars tables - best of all environments for a frank conversation - I have been common at this time to the beginning of the university. And given my voracious logic and clarity of argument, I always had those who defended me as much as those who considered me some kind of radical idiot, leaning towards the other side. At this time I've started to admit to my family and my disbelief often used ideas from the " detection kit of lies "and" Dragon my garage "(Chapters 7 and 8 of Sagan's book) to express my discontent with all illogical beliefs. I had the impression that my mother began to feel afraid of what I was talking in public and at times seemed to have some fear that I would end up stopping in hell or something. As time passes, my mother seems to become ever more a defender of Catholicism and a conservatism that never seems to have practiced to the letter. My father seemed somewhat agree with my arguments logical, although it has never managed to merge their disbelief with some of his education background spiritual yet now lives divided. Both seem to dismiss even the idea of \u200b\u200ba personal God who controls us and serves as a guide. However, I managed to convince others about skeptical thinking, and I even joined a new website where the participants, most of São Paulo - names only lost to me - writing about and thinking rationalist skepticism, secularism, etc. . " Round Earth Society " seemed to me a group that was consistent with my ideas and those of Sagan, and already having a personal site where I put some texts that perhaps I'd written (this sense of taste for writing too already surfaced in me), I felt extremely honored when a member of the site asked me to publish a text of mine on your site. Perhaps this was one the proudest moments in my life where I have been recognized for who I was without any mask . And so I began to see either of my writing ranks with texts of great intellectual idols on websites - and thus I became an even more vehement defender of the secular and rationalist thought.

The last chapter of my biography of disbelief goes through a return existentialist (or atheist) to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe mystic. Campbell taught me again to wonder at the world form a beautiful, large and inexplicable. Along with Thomas Kuhn made me realize that science is extremely limited in explaining the world, and what is most beautiful in man are their myths and their passions, their sense of worship of things. Feeling that this is often transformed into spirituality and religion. Campbell makes clear however that the feeling is beautiful when done and performed by individuals, not institutions that aim to power and transforming great ideas into mythological symbols stupid meaningless and outdated dogmas.

Today, however, do not really believe in any kind of institutionalization ideological and I think that this is precisely the problem of the great faiths. That took me out somewhat of a skeptic, rationalist ideal, although I have cooperated as much as possible to develop the project and still believe in their development of many aspects. Though skeptical, I have now no problem accepting that people have a mystical feeling and, in fact, I think this is a nice factor to be seen in humans, something that brings unity and compassion as individuals and society. Today I an aesthetic appreciation of the natural world that can be seen - sort of - as a mystical feeling . I admire the wonder of nature and the absurdity of their complexity; All these things amaze me enormously. However I am not satisfied in any way to put an arbitrary name to explain what they do not understand. I believe yes, my marvel to observe and understand the world as a kind of mystical feeling, an epiphany in the sense provided by the American theologian Joseph Campbell. I reiterate, however, my Sartrean existentialism that is certainly an unqualified atheism. not believe in anything "superior", I believe yes (i) the choices of man, (ii) limitations on our cognitive and epistemological and (iii) complexity and (iv) of the Marvel universe.


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