Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cricket Bats Cliparts

Give me three ... questions

A few summers ago was very successful, a song titled "Give me three words."
If I remember correctly, the three words were too trivial, "sun, heart and love", but was unsuccessful, perhaps because in summer the light things are like.
Thus, at the very beginning of the summer, I write this post, paraphrasing the title of the song to give him a title.
In my case but I did not ask the mirror words, but I asked questions and more than three, actually. First question
The European operation, its fairness, the contribution of each according to their ability to pay and finally cutting costs.
I will not quibble with the contents of the operation, although I would have to say. For a summary offer an interesting link. Not comment on the contents, also because the debate is still open and the decree must be converted ... but it seems that the priorities are the intercepts (we will). It is not
escaped no one that is largely a ploy to cut expenses.
Before the conversion, flake the amendments and, among other questions, the most spectacular ballet to the provinces: provinces, counties no and should be abolished. It is now clear that the cuts will take place where it is easier to get them and where the party is weakest. View public workers for months taken a pickaxe from Brunetta (which should reverse, "run" as the Civil Service Minister and responsible to it.)
Returning to the subject, the cuts will be where the party is weaker and in fact all the provinces will also lower case and after the threat of Regional Presidents to call functions, perhaps there will be some changes for them.
but the question is on another topic. Sunday was a Pontida Bossi. He was beside her son "Trout", which was recently elected regional councilor in Lombardy, giving great satisfaction that his father then said: "Renzo is good and gives me a hand, running from all sides and is in all elections. Perhaps he has found his way." Exactly
Bossi (with the "good son" who has found his way to meetings follow Dad) said clearly that the Minister for federalism is HIM, and federalism do HIM and Calderoli.
The problem is that said a day after he was appointed a new minister, Aldo Brancher, creating a new Ministry, in fact the one for "the implementation of federalism."
Question: But since we're on the subject and period of spending cuts, but you had to spend money to create and appoint a minister a ministry that serves no purpose for the words spoken by Bossi?
Moreover, even the new minister has confirmed : "I will not touch the powers or Calderoli Bossi, to me it will be the end of the path." And then
under question but federalism is a species relay, or do not know and we will play the next Olympics Padania Bossi with, and Calderoni Brancher to do the last three torchbearers carrying the torch?
reassures us, however, Tremonti said that "the neo minsitero" light will be a ministry.
I started writing the post Tuesday, June 22 and after formulating these questions I decided to fonirvi the link Wilkipedia for someone like me, not knowing him, he wanted to have news about Brancher. In summary, as written on Wilhipedie (report what written there and then I do not feel responsible) before embarking on his political career was Pauline priest, Don Emilio mmmana right arm, which opened its first office in respect of the Christian Family . Political career began in 1999, but of course only after having worked as a manager you guess which group ... Fininvest group.
Other news? Held for 3 months in San Vittore, clean hands after investigation, was released from prison eg expiry of the period of remand and sentenced at first instance and on appeal for false accounting and illegal financing of PSI. The second offense to the Supreme Court went on prescription, while the former has been decriminalized.
Wilkipedia To see the rest, which I too have put in the summary report, not knowing anything about the person Brancher.
Just read everything I rubbed my eyes, I am repeat the questions I wrote above ... but because this new ministry?? Well, the answer came today, Thursday 24 June. I am attaching the link news journalism and you do the summary The neoministro Aldo Brancher asked to use the legitimate process to hang him in the extract of the climbing for Antonveneta.
Reason?? precisely the need to organize his department.

In other words, as he was charged with embezzlement and his wife (which was however denied the crime of receiving stolen property) was supposed to appear before the courts on 26 June. He did, however, that can not go there ( such failure) because he has other things to do ... what? as Minister from 4 days to set up the new Ministry "light"
What say
1) a great example for Italy that works, a hard worker who can not get too committed to the court as a defendant daventi;
2) do not tell me that the Berlusconi government does not do useful things .. the law on legitimate impediment has been very useful to the new minister, who was also "fact", that is appointed by the Berlusconi government,
3) came the answer the question. Given that Bossi has called the new Ministry useless, it is understood, perhaps what this new ministry ... the Minister to be "valid excuse" and not return for the time being, in courtroom as defendant.

If everything were not true, there would seem to read my post not included in the section grotesque irony!

Second question:
been months since we read news of the intrigues and bribes related to so-called "great works", the reconstruction of post earthquake, and works for the G8 to Mary Magdalene. The names, as entrepreneurs, they were always the same, but, as politicians, has come up with Minister Scajola.
thought it was over, but now is also the former Infrastructure Minister Lunardi, always Berlusconi government, that, say, Pre Prodi (TAV questions you may recall, on the narrow bridge, etc.)..
But the novelty is that we have come to the Government of the Vatican if you will. In fact, three suspects is now the Cardinal Sepe
The question is always linked to that investigation is now called the so-called "crack" on the big events. Corruption is the offense both. The investigation covers, in particular, the restructuring and sale of some properties of Propaganda Fide in 2005, whose head was then Cardinal Sepe. Incidentally, the property of Propaganda Fide, represent an enormous heritage (more than € 9 billion) in managed independently by the Congregation.
Also with regard to the accusation Lunardi refers to the restructuring and sale of a property. You know, we have seen with Scajola, we Italians always aim on the brick when it comes to investing ... so that we can also make us buy homes from others "without knowing it."
Needless to say, the question involves the manufacturer Anemone Diego, not even ridirlo, in both operations would involve the former Chairman of the Board of Public Works Angelo Balducci.
Ps. In recent days the name of Sepe had come out also because there was talk of his testimony before the magistrates in Perugia for the story housing in use since Roman ... guess who? to Bertolaso.
According to the prosecution wants to have revealed clear that the organization represented by the cardinal would have given in to Lunardi property at a price much lower than the market, while the body always predicted he would receive substantial government grants for renovation of a building he owned in Piazza di Spagna. Cardinal Sepe said
that will clarify everything and that the contributions were in fact compensation for the fact that the property appeared to have suffered damage to the transit station.
Question: They can expect to receive damages, even if all the Romans who have real estate which passes under the tube?
I can not answer, but as the same Sepe said, commenting on the story: "The truth always wins", so confident that we can not wait, even if the slogan that mentions Sepe always faithful and has also used this time (' A Maronna v'accumpagna)'ll leave it alone: \u200b\u200bI think in the world that Madonna has more to think about.
The question I post, you have to answer. But I reply to a question that maybe some of you was intended to be. But as he knew Bertolaso \u200b\u200bSepe and Balducci, given the different scope of responsibility. I do not know when it is born really know, but surely they are popular in the Holy Year, in which Sepe followed the preparations for the Jubilee, including working with Angelo Balducci, Guido Bertolaso \u200b\u200bboth mandated by the Italian State in the preparation of the event .

Third question: I started writing
always the question last Tuesday, before they knew the outcome of the referendum, promoted by trade unions in favor of the agreement with Fiat. The post comes when you know the "obvious" outcome of the vote. I say assume and write why. For those who were distracted I make a summary. Fiat workers proposed a deal to bring the production of the Panda in Italy (yes why today were produced in Poland). Who supports the agreement, it does support a finding of an increase in production of Fiat in Italy, says that those who oppose the agreement provides a significant reduction of workers' rights (eg the right to strike) in addition to an organization Labour unacceptable by the workers.
We're not here to see who was or was not right, at least before having to read the agreement.
But one question to ask myself in the mirror and if you try to respond Vol
I have listened to interviews with workers went to vote. I've heard those who expressed a favorable opinion, which motivate all the same. In summary, voted yes because at least you could talk for a few years working for months when all of them are in layoffs. Here's the question
: What is the content and value you can give to vote in favor of a proposed agreement by the employer, as an alternative when you do not work on the next order of layoffs and hunger in the family?
In other words, those who will vote yes, because he will share the contents of the agreement?
Translated in terms of, say, socio-fiolosofici: E 'a normal country that sees most of its workers large firm, at least in a historical sense, to decide whether to say yes to an agreement, without being able to calmly assess the contents, having instead to choose between that and unemployment (or rather migration in Poland)?

Fourth question:
It seems that the issue is more urgent for the government to pass the law on wiretapping. The danger seems to come after the economic crisis and the conversion of the decree "economic measures" is not the most urgent of the law on wiretapping.
to say, in other words, is' exploded in all its grandeur the issue Privacy. Yes, because you feel supporting this law, why the you want is to stop the invasion of privacy that have implemented off. In most Berlusconi has repeatedly said it wants to change the Constitution, but there really wants to defend this constitutional principle that a sword (even Don Quixote against the windmills could both): the confidentiality of private communications. The protection of this constitutional principle for him, comes after the maneuver, or after another principle-constitutional law: the right to work.
Question: You also feel as a priority the protection of privacy rights than the defense of the right to work?
When you talk on the phone you feel threatened if someone listens to you (speech except to their husbands who are afraid that the wife plays them while talking on the phone)?

Fifth question
E 'that appeared in various print media news of Drastic reduction of drug consumption in 2009 (purple always the link).
The total number of users (occasional or regular) is about 2,924,500, compared to the estimated 3,934,450 people in 2008. In terms of the percentage decline of 25.7%.
Who says so? The Annual Report to Parliament on Addiction, delivered yesterday to the heads of institutions, and presented today at Palazzo Chigi by Undersecretary Carlo Giovanardi. The Secretary argues that this is due to the suppression and prevention activities. But
are told that, to give a change of course we thought the economic crisis, which has apparently imposed a kind of austerity in consumption.
INCREDIBLE! We should be pleased with the economic crisis.
Question: among our young people so if there are more unemployed, we say FUN! because certainly we have fewer potential drug users.
not know the answer ... give it to you. One certainty is ... as the newspapers say, Giovanardi did not hide his satisfaction. However, he added and stressed that there is work left to do.
Another question: what work? increase the economic crisis still to decrease the potential for drug users?
Apart from the easy jokes. E 'was also told that due to the crisis, however, begins to come forward a new phenomenon, the movement, especially occasional users, to the spirits as more accessible and less expensive. Well just to be happy, even as it happens in Russia where consumers of alcohol, especially vodka, that because cosava too, is done at home with highly toxic and highly damaging to the health
Question: We end with a joke?
Yes. It is said that travel more and more drugs on the internet . ... But do not look for it here the mirror "impersonating" another type of drugs: for example, news that does not look real, but, alas, I am!


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