Friday, October 8, 2010

Creative Extigy Sound Blaster Voor Windows 7

Big Brother and brother fool

The mirror is back.
contrary to the truth is not the mirror is back, why do not he's ever gone: he had left was my computer, or rather he had left his heart, alias "motherboard." But as with humans, even my PC is back with a small transplant to live. Yet this time I have to thank my friend, faithful reader of the blog himself, who know people who have long read my post (he had already appeared in one of these, on that occasion also the author of Survival of my PC).
As I said, the mirror has continued to show pictures, but I was not them "fit" in the network. In fact I already have a self-deprecating post and I will publish that in the end section , another with a poem of mine that I will publish this section in the . I know, for some, this sounds like a threat, a nightmare that can become a reality, for others (I hope they are in majority) will be a hope for a smile or a pleasant reading.
For now, this post is something else: say, to say nothing of politics, current affairs of Macedonia, which is useful for stimulating reflection.
Since yesterday there are no more miners in Chile imprisoned underground. On leaving, they asked not to be treated as a star, it will be difficult, given the attention it already had the media against them and it is certain that the headlights will still bet on them. Actually, it does not bother me, a good story always deserve some spotlight focused on more, given the many bad stories we propinano the news every day. I could see, last Tuesday, some images of liberation and I confess that fell a few tear, especially when the sons of miners, wept with joy desperate to see their fathers to be born again out of the womb of the earth. Well, see here get out of the house " (Real prison) was a beautiful scene on television, in other words a "big brother" positive, not as what we see on our TV. The same day, Tuesday, and you could see this worthy big brother, you could, say, admire always on TV, the idiot brother. I refer to the riots in Genoa before, during and after the match Italy-Serbia (which there was) and I refer to those praising an alleged patriotism, nationalism, or rather, he staged a show that would not deserve further comment. Specifically, then I refer to what has been identified as gang leader , or Serbian inciting violence and cut the safety net, but of course with hood provided, not to be recognized ... and the fact they caught immediately, because the fox, he kept his mask on his head, but to show the body had then removed his shirt and they later identified by tattoos (but also the shirt did not go unnoticed). In short, the head showed a sign "Bosnia is the heart of Serbia" and I do not want to judge whether this is true, but I'm just saying, admitting that that is the heart, the Serbian leader would bother to figure out where he finished his head.
However, you will understood that the Chilean miners were a pretext to talk about the Serbian leader, and also it is an excuse to treat another topic.
Behind these facts, there is a question to think about, which is the issue and the question of Serbia nationalism. Who remembers the nineties, can not remember the conflicts in Yugoslavia and even more cases of ethnic cleansing. Who looks at the actual facts, will be heard in Belgrade that there have already been incidents of violence, all linked to nationalist groups. The term nationalism provides links Wilkipedia . Without wishing to delve on the subject, it is interesting to recall that the same in the nineties there was talk of Italy Lega Nord and the League and some are afraid of the idea that the feelings of the followers of the secessionist Northern League could generate ideologies and trigger a phenomenon similar to that of Yugoslavia. Do not consider myself fit to analyze whether these views were or if they are still valid, but the issue is an excuse to write about a current events regarding the League. I refer to the school of Adro. You have certainly heard the mayor of that country who thought well decorated with bows of the new elementary school under the symbol League, played in a thousand ways, (on the benches, on mats, the litter boxes and do not know where else). The question may seem trivial, but it is not. First, because the school is a school Italian and Italian would be better constellation of symbols. Second, because the league is sensitive to the preservation and handing down traditions and values \u200b\u200bof our society, primarily in the opinion of Catholic values, and then I explain that they mean, or better than we guessed our culture with the symbols "grafted" onto school Adro. Finally, the last point, now that he was ordered to remove those symbols, those who pay for letting us put them off and then , since he used public resources to put something in school that did not have any utility for the good public. And here we come to the last topic: the economic crisis and the need to reduce wastage and expenditure. While there are a lot of head on the sacrifices we have to do in Parliament, was recently rejected a proposal for legislative change. The change had given Antonio Borghese Party MP Italy Values. What about? the abolition of the law on pension for MPs, and not in charge. From the news that appear on the network (because newspapers and TV do not talk about) the proposal was rejected massively by the government majority and opposition together (except Italy of Values): Present 525, 520 Voters, Abstain 5 , Majority 261, 22 voted yes, 498 voted no .
No wonder the annuity is convenient to all elected representatives, appointed by the parties just because the first (here is a disgrace to be appointed as the big brother), majority and opposition together and all agree time. It would save a lot of pennies, maybe just because of the enormous public debt and budget deficit, but if there is something for everyone to tighten their belts a little. Ah yes because if you do not know what the pension and benefits for Members and Senators then read the position papers listed in the official websites of Senate and House .
Happy reading ... and we still play the lottery and buy scratch cards ... some have found the true way of sightseeing forever!


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