Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Temperature Element For Body H

From a chaotic universe


I fear no man who believes in the concept of an ultimate truth and think that knowing and unequivocal manner worthy of achieving it, this man is a fundamentalist religious or scientific. The religious is worse, given that its tenets are still bigger and stronger, but also fear the fundamentalist scientific, ie, one who bases his belief in the infallibility of the scientific method . In modern times it seems that those individuals who had a tendency to be religious fanatics are starting to become scientific fanatics. He moves the ball, but it remains the position. Care is needed.

Moritz Schlick (1882-1936) and Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970) were supporters of the logical positivist philosophers and members the Vienna Circle, a group of epistemologists interested in discussing the future of science in communion with factors related to the philosophy and language. Although its goals were noble, and his ideas were beautiful and enlightening in many respects, ideal as some protocol sentences were too naive. His ideas influenced but much of the epistemology of the twentieth century and the reading of his works is very interesting, enjoyable and enlightening.


In the early twentieth century appeared in the Austrian capital a movement called logical positivism , where participants gathered in discussions and lectures to form what was called the Vienna Circle . Such individuals exaggerated scientism and preached a belief in science as last Resolver any epistemological problems. They, however, were not so pleased with the science that was in his day and suggested new ways to make the scientific enterprise even more reliable, more objective and less subject to variations and lack of objectivity derived from the intrinsic to the human subjectivity. So they now proposed and affirmed the strength of so-called protocol sentences , descriptions precise nature of that - used to describe effectively the data - should not contain any degree of subjectivity. Highly accurate, they would be responsible for a renewed way of doing science, and allow to set for more b any issue related to the physical world. He imagined himself to create near-perfect sentences that would be direct and unambiguous, fully descriptive, and to which all human beings that they could not observe them disagree. With heritage in the nineteenth century, was thought to be able to reach the final and most complete description of facts through them. The scientific method should thus proceed by creating a clear vocabulary to describe events from observations and experiments on the natural world. It proposed, again and again, the solution to all epistemological problems existing since ancient times, the final result and the last through which a new world of scientific wonders to come. Such ideas bubbled up among a group of bright extremely prolific epistemologists meeting in Vienna around 1920. His writings, beautiful and exuberant, thinking positively about the strength and scope of science, as well as on its ability to accurately describe the universe and its ability to achieve some ultimate knowledge about the orders and patterns found in nature. Rudolph Carnap and Moritz Schlick were among the big names of this troupe of philosophers who believed in eliminating any metaphysical knowledge through the logical analysis of language - this title of a work of Carnap, published in 1932 " Überwindung der Metaphysik Analyse der Sprache durch Logische in Erkenntnis. " Although his ideals and goals should be precisely defined and their intentions were the best they can, they made the mistake of thinking bitter both the universe and the language of a fairly naive and strictly simple, when in fact they both set themselves wonderfully complex. How to remove the subjectivity of human beings and of their language? Carnap argued, rightly, that the mathematics itself was a clear example of how science should proceed. The math, he said in his text Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology (1950), not about numbers or signs of addition or subtraction, mathematics should be seen as a language, where symbols define concepts and operations define ways to merge these concepts. Mathematics, for Carnap, is not exactly a science but is the definition of a logic and formal language that man has learned to manipulate and develop to better understand the world. It is therefore a purely analytical definition (in the Kantian sense) of rules and relations between rules that there had been proved efficient for describing and thinking about the physical world. For him, it would need some form mathematizing the languages \u200b\u200bof science, to transform them into precise language and analytical, and this is how science advances. Carnap is bright, but suffers in ingenuity. In fact, it was noted that the protocol sentences as free language interpretation are virtually impossible, except for experiments and descriptions quite simple, although we can not say here that the development of logical languages \u200b\u200bdo not go to advance science, if at all possible, he may (see the modern biomedical ontologies). More generally, however, any comment contains within itself the germ of the interpretation and bias with respect to the observer, from its simplest description, and from this continuous levels of interpretations are added to the description of experiments and interpretation the same second scientific paradigms existing at any time. The very words used by scientists to describe their data are imperfect, ambiguous, subject to Wittgensteinian games of symbols and concepts, which sometimes blends reach a misunderstanding. So, the big ideas of these philosophers were eventually repulsed, largely by the evidence and the observations of other deeply relevant philosophers such as Pierre Duhem and Willard Van Orman Quine who shrewdly realized that no observation is entirely free of a certain level of subjectivity. However I do not wish me to deepen further into philosophical issues or scientific conclusion that it is better to frighten me again those who claim to know some truth - written with capital letters - or supposedly means correct and accurate to achieve it. Although the science consists, without doubt, in an efficient way to investigate any fact, it is not an efficient way 100% or foolproof, and it can not be completely closed in mathematized or concepts so precise that it becomes closed and changing environments and changing bodies. And what's more, we are still beginning to understand the rules that govern the physical world and what we know today, although extremely relevant to our constitution as individuals and society, is still far below the endless avalanche of what we call knowledge.


I am a scientist, it is fact. But that does not mean I believe in science until the end, I need not defend it tooth and nail just to earn my daily bread, I need to follow before questioning her with critical foot-to-earth, whether it is that I intend to improve it. Science is simply the best and most generic method of investigation of nature created by man. That does not mean she is perfect. In fact, it does not even say that is good. [1] All science is merely an attempt by mankind to understand the regularities in the observable universe, but it can not be understood as absolute truths. [2]


however I believe that the universe can be understood as chaotic. Theorists in chaos, however, already showed that, even in systems completely "chaotic", it sometimes happens formation order. The order can be seen, in fact, as a characteristic of any chaotic system. Draw up a sufficiently large and random numbers between 1 and 1000, say. Why is this ready list of numbers already assigned to a human or a machine and they will be able to find some order in this set of numbers, even though the lottery process has been truly random. It is within the finitude of time and observation of a non-infinite number any comments that this is the order. In chaos theory are known ordered certain regions of space that are called chaotic, so interesting, strange attractors . Are chaotic regions of space where there seems to be some order, where the numbers drawn at random - for example - insist on falling nearby. Every system present chaotic ordered regions inside.

The Lorentz strange attractor, dynamical system where numbers chosen at random were iteratively applied to certain mathematical rules differentials and the results converge in certain observable regularities. The strange attractor, with respect to chaos theory, which shows that even in a completely chaotic universe given order can emerge. In fact, all the order observed by science can be considered by the discovery of a strange attractor in the midst of chaos.


I speak not only for rhetorical style, really believe that the universe is chaotic. All orders that men can look at this chaos, are due to the fact that our species evolved biologically in order to detect them well and know how to use them to ensure their own survival. Within the chaos that is the infinite universe is very orderly, and I am convinced that only a tiny portion of these is that we are able to observe and understand. Sensory and cognitive systems have extremely limited as human beings, insects are able to see and be guided by the light polarization, cows feel the gravitational field of the planet teem sharks and electric sensors reasonably developed. Finally, our science is based on the fact that there are strange attractors - particles of order - in chaos and universal that we have developed methodologies reasonably efficient to find them, and that luck, in order to provide them with any precision. Our own brain has evolved to be able to see more strange attractors ordered this part of the universe we live in Gaia. Science, however, is The Truth and the truth only exists as a social construction. The assumption of physics that the universe has always behaved in a certain way and always behave well should be questioned as any kind of inductive thinking must be challenged, with inheritance in Hume. We are not sure that the order of the universe can not change over time or has been the same since billions of years ago. Nevertheless, the Big Bang theory is useful for example while secular and atheist mythology to form a more solid theoretical framework with respect to metaphysical theories for the origin of the universe. She gives encouragement and explanation to those who do not wish to assign their stock to higher beings or those who do not want to accept our extreme ignorance with respect to existential issues. And anyway, the big bang theory does not give us much encouragement since it can not ask what would have been before that singularity. The weather started with the Big Bang, is not there to ask about the that have come before because the concept did not exist before. Excellent scientific idea that brilliantly allows the entry of the metaphysical God of the gaps. They will say now: "God created the Big Bang." So forget about will have to ask who created God, giving one more step in a non-thrift. Would not it be easier to accept our ignorance and refrain from trying to answer these questions? Why the man insists on thinking so powerful, capable of knowing everything?


Science, therefore, is a precise method that we created to find the different patterns in nature. And going further, scientific theories have absolutely nothing to do with a supposed reality or truth or know anyone suppose that is written in a "book of any knowledge or has been achieved by someone while Revelation - and disclosure should be understood as a phenomenon psychiatric , not as legitimate means of achieving any kind of truth. There is no book of knowledge and an accurate map of the universe in all its rules and laws is simply an outdated idea and no longer helps us understand the immensity epistemological today in which we sink. Just look at the wonder of other organisms that inhabit the world with us and his most bizarre ways of living to conclude that not all knowledge about the universe can be captured by humans, not all knowledge can be known by us. Any other animal, for example, always know something more about the world than we know, since he will have a different sensitivity to relate to the physical world (input) and a cognitive ability also differs from ours for processing and interrelatedness of information. We must accept the limitations of our sensory and cognitive systems and to understand that we can not conceive the magnitude and enormity of the universe of knowledge in which we operate. Just as Nietzsche destroyed the moral to say that there is nothing absolute inside, the same can be said now for knowledge. Nothing in our knowledge is necessary and finally, everything is contingent. We do not know even basic questions of science: there will be a particle to gravity? Moreover, scientific theories are modified over the years, Einstein replaced Newton, both theories are extremely useful to increase our knowledge about the world and to enable us to create technological novelties. Newton did not die and not die. Einstein excelled in the some detailed aspects where the two competing theories directly, but not all. Calculate the average speed of a car or build a building so you know what I mean. Even Einstein is already fairly outdated and new knowledge emerged. The knowledge add up in a large tree of knowledge [3], they do not decrease (and even help build the history of their own development).

The tree of knowledge is beautiful and complex, infinite, it has many possibilities, so there will be no book to end all questions and orders on it. need to understand that man is who builds knowledge, he creates knowledge from the search for theoretical frameworks or rational mythologies to explain the experiments and that he does - at the same time - are consistent with traditional theoretical frameworks that mankind has been building over its trajectory scientific and philosophical, epistemological . There is no book of knowledge that someone has been allowed to find or read, even for parties. There is no absolute truth, the truths are constructed and fluid. The truths are also influenced by political, economic and social. Cybernetic theories of modern influence emphatically the mythologies we create for the development of our knowledge at the beginning of the XXI century, as well as the advancement of scientific knowledge itself reinforces a mythology in a cybernetic world of computing and the Internet.

The idea that there is a book that contains all the knowledge about the universe - and that, in humans, is only given the ability to read part of this book - is flawed and should be forgotten , held only as a historical account. Human knowledge is a creation and construction made by us along our historical and social development, where we gather knowledge empirical and the epistemological tradition relate to a well-grounded in a particular sub-area of \u200b\u200bour knowledge. The acquisition of new knowledge takes the largest accumulation of facts and new interpretations and rearrangements linguistic / conceptual theories on already assembled. The universe has many more rules than we are able to understand or interpret. Science is simply mythical metanarratives that can not be categorically denied (or falsified, see Karl Popper) for empirical evidence in a season in which they are described.

scientific theories consist of metaphysical models we use to (i) describe the regularities we find in the universe and (ii) we can talk about them in a way that is intelligible. The order, however, we can observe in the universe consists of only one part of the order in which it exists and is understandable given the cognitive and sensory system that we as individuals and species. If we saw in ultraviolet and knew what actually process this information in a natural UV in our brain, perhaps we found more regularities operating in this band. If we could "see" sounds as do bats, perhaps more understood regularities what we do because the sensory and cognitive systems we have. Experiments with monkeys made by prominent Brazilian scientists, as Miguel Nicolelis, show that our brain is extremely plastic and has more capacity than we can imagine. A monkey whose brain waves are given to move a mechanical arm away from your body and that it becomes aware quickly learn to modulate their neural frequencies to move this arm accurately. This means that probably, if we were connected to the brain a different system of sensory apprehension, would probably be able to process and use this information to better understand the physical world. It is clear that the era of cyborgs human sensory is still far from reach, but do not doubt that one day become a reality.


And if the order that we can see depends on our sensory and cognitive flawed system, it also depends on a factor contingent on what we have discovered in the past. Any new theory must fit the knowledge we had in the past, complex theories and advancement depends on having previously discovered some other more basic theories that may function as a foundation for the basis of a deeper knowledge and comprehensive epistemological particular niche. The comparison of genomes not exist today if Watson and Crick had not produced an efficient model to explain the observed regularities in the structures of nucleic acids (DNA), and if they had not been followed by the winner of two Nobels, Frederick Sanger, to present a method to describe the sequence of DNA units in their more modest. This allowed to erect a genomic science now working levels of complexity far beyond these descriptive standards created by scientists for over 50 years ago.

Quote from Hamlet, Act I, scene V. Hamlet suggests to Horatio that he is not knowing exactly what is happening in the aristocracy Danish. Famously quoted to illustrate the incompleteness of scientific knowledge and arrogance of the scientist.


Science, therefore, consists in formulating creative and aesthetically beautiful metarrativas that explain natural phenomena in a reasonably efficient and that intersect in agreement over the greater part of epistemological tradition of the time when are proposed. Such narratives intersect an alleged truth about the world in a region rather thin and forever unknown - distinction between Kant and nuomeno phenomenon, the interpretation and the thing in itself.

Even if we believe in a more explicit concept of truth, we must remember that scientific knowledge of any time is limited and flawed. This includes, of course, the contemporary scientific knowledge. Man's history shows us that, throughout our social evolution, many individuals in many contexts thought to have reached some kind of wisdom and Last Unequivocal. Time proved them wrong. The arrogance of scientists, however, tends to make them think they have a large body of knowledge and can understand everything. But, behold, I saw Shakespeare correctly since the seventeenth century with Hamlet to Horatio: " there are more things between heaven and earth, Horatio, than are supposed their vain philosophy" (Hamlet, Act I, Scene V). It is arrogant to think that everything we know or can know everything. In fact, what amazes me in science and what excites me as a scientist is the number of events and regularities that have not discovered yet! It is just the enormity and breadth of our misunderstanding, added to the crude methods we use to expand our knowledge and we have created on these shaky foundations is amazing, encourages and makes me want to continue to work in science. I am an anthropologist and executive scientific society, vigilant and guarded, I am very curious about what science is and how it is done inside, in its intricacies. I am interested also in relation to an idealized way as you think it is made and a real, crude and unfair, as it truly processes. I think the curious myths associated with the institution's image science and scientists, all this supposed aura of intellectuality that surrounds and involves its maker. These are some of the things that make me wake up in a good mood in the task of investigating and fierce attempt to discover more of these strange attractors present everywhere in our universe.

So if we know a lot, if you know of a way to predict certain regularities universal fact is that there will be many more regularities that have not yet been provided, and most of them, who can never. We will continue trying to get these regularities that we can even knowing that science and the scientific method is flawed and limited, albeit powerful to find some areas where strange attractors can be accurately studied and described [4]. Is the quest for these regularities and linguistic concepts and arrangements by describing them should move to the scientist, however, this would never think to seek any kind of definitive knowledge, what it you should be able to do is some kind of a adventure of imagination based on facts . Thus, the creators of the new sciences should try to extrapolate the facts, daring new theories on top of them and try to go as far as they can in the interpretation and creation of efficient metaphysical mythologies to explain the "facts" of the physical world and inter-connect them with a tradition of knowledge already built in ancient Greece, or even sooner.

NOTES [1] It is worth noting that orthodox medicine (science) has been losing ground to alternative therapies, proving that people want more than science, more than knowledge from books. Despite accusations of charlatanism and fury of the great doctors, owners of knowledge, several aspects of paramedicine see growing in recent years - perhaps in similar proportion to the faithful in Protestant churches. In centuries past, doctors were more psychologists than they are today, with their offices clean and fast and dry your queries. Reaches almost seem upset that the doctors by paying for him to look for a few minutes, he is always late. In the nineteenth century, doctors still recommend the Victorian teas, relaxation, herbal baths, dips and hikes. We now have a medicine that treats abused scientific humans as machines, not as living beings, endowed with emotion and heart. There is now an exaggerated scientism spread throughout the world, a lack of understanding of the relation of happiness with the well-being, we have security without freedom, the panacea of \u200b\u200bdrugs that cure everything, fold up a life half dead. This is a legacy of materialism and reductionism which have proved so prolific as a technique, but that now looks likely to enslave man.
[2] There are many more out there than the truth in scientific knowledge. Scientists are human, too human. And so one can expect that in their studies there are always errors they have gone unnoticed, at best. This is aside from the huge number of scams explicit, such as (i) Amendment of explicit results, (ii) decision not to show data that are against their theories, (iii) false or misleading explanation of the methodology used, avoiding repeatability, etc. . There is also the great wheel of political science, the power of the scientist, runs a power that works not much less bad than other sectors of that society we live in, such as the chamber or the federal senate. Fighting power and boycott of some over others happens all the time. There is no meritocracy, no one reads what writes. Decisions are largely political. It tends to reward the people known, not those that have no more merit or wrote the best design. Little is known about the work of others, the merit is highly subjective, there is no time to read what you wrote. It is deemed politically. And if it is deemed too politically. There is merit, but he is a very important factor, except for individuals who are situated in some of the extremes of the curve. The more a scientist feels threatened about losing their power, more he shuns his alleged political opponents. The Brazilians, so instead of helping his countrymen to be published in international journal - Or were, in fact, unbiased - what they do is hurt their classmates when the only thing they teem to gain from it is the fact that they're preventing someone else to grow. It happens more often than we like in Brazil: conflict of interest in science, hostility, lack of professionalism of the scientist, a refusal to exercise impartiality and ultimately sentimental trial designs and bunkers - regardless of scientific merit.
[3] Although memes can compete within a certain epistemological niche, they often bring new creativity and even when they are strict and opponents are about the same particular issue, one of which (Amelia) proposes something that is antithetical to what the second. All the epistemology of Hegel, for example, has this feature: there is a thesis and an antithesis, and epistemology is developed for the synthesis of opposing arguments and discovering a new truth that is not on either side and is therefore a critical both Amelia (thesis and antithesis) and the production of a new truth that brings together the very best in both arguments. Over time, also this new truth will have its antithesis, synthesis, and another will arise.
[4] Because you are showing that our bodily constitution, sensory and cognitive ability.


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