Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pir Sensor Temperature Schematics

The mirror image shows as you know. But we know the mirror shows them on its surface and is then up to us to grasp the meaning and go deep.
generalizations I have never liked. Those who have read various posts published in this blog, knows Giovambattista Adornato, the indifferent pissed. You saw how he might be the sole and undisputed champion of this generalization and contradiction in all its direct and constant affirmation.
I do not like when it comes to immigrants, as a synonym for criminal and generalization, because there are also those who live honestly in Italy and produce wealth for the country. I do not like when it comes to politicians as a metaphor for "all talk and distinctive," because there are also those who believe and work in politics because the considerations underpinning the 'noble sense that the term has. I do not like when you generalize and use the term to connote entrepreneurs, who may at first and work in the market to develop its "enterprise" because there are also those who work in artificial markets, built on bribes .
So in the same way I have never appreciated those who point to as a public servant kind of people who do nothing (idle) if you do not take a salary at the end of the month, which will not produce any benefit for the community.
not appreciate this work of generalization for various reasons.
First, in presenting the economic measures and the block of the salaries of civil servants for the next four years, it was said that this is justified by the fact that these salaries have increased in recent years than those in the private sector.
prime reason for disagreement is that it is necessary see how it was calculated the dynamics of public salaries, in other words the story of an average chicken ... if you enter in the calculation of sipendi those of managers, diplomats together with that of simple to use, we have that on average there is a chicken head, but someone eats two and nobody else. It would be like calculating the salaries of employees by adding those of private employees, workers and department managers.
second reason for dissent is sad that a war is sought between the poor, or between public and private employees, saying that perhaps the latter often have a precarious place, and the public are also guilty because they have a job "almost" certain. In short, time ago the Union European Union revealed that Italy as to salaries of employees (public and private) has one of the lowest levels in Europe.
If then the world of "private" is very precarious, you should not blame those who have a more stable place, guilty only of having more luck ... the task of those who administer it should be to create more job stability. I mean that in Italy is how to invoke the standard of living is lower and broader range of poverty, because in these years we were best of Burkina Faso and Bangladesh, and then we have a "fault atone" Having regard to the comparison. Last
reason for dissent is synonymous with talking about lazy civil servants and public administration metaphor for inefficiency and futility.
But if you go beyond the surface you discover that public service means:
- schools and kindergartens ... and when they increase the childcare fees for one day or no school or asylum do not know where to take their kids, if you do not have the anchor of "salvation" of their grandparents, who may have the right to rest of the board;
- police, firefighters, and law enforcement in general ... and then discovered after a theft hate facing hooliganism in public places, there is not enough of the territory and combat these phenomena;
- evasion, undeclared work ... because we do believe that to counter tax evasion and to contribute all according to their ability, only the laws are sufficient, hiding the fact that there are men, civil servants, who must work to collect material that has not been paid before. The maneuver, we are told, is focussed on combating tax evasion, but then discover that the same maneuver prohibits the inspectors to use their cars to make this work inspection, because the agencies do not have self service or have insufficient. This is not my point was that aspect but we discovered only by reading newspaper articles (link) , because the TV does not inform us.
- hospitals and health care in general ... and when we discover we have an emergency in an emergency room or, if sick, we discover not be as lucky as some of our directors who can turn to foreign clinics (Svizzzere), if only to give birth to their grandchildren;
- etc.. etc..
Even those who have studied a little economics (not Occor graduation) will understand that spending more or spending more than one euro is not only useless peche is paid to a public or private service, but it is useless or useful in According to the report, said in rough balance with the increase of utility it generates. In more academic terms, on the basis of marginalist theory, that spending is "fruitful" if the marginal utility of spending is quell'euro at least equal to the marginal utility of the service (public or private) with which it is rendered. Sometimes even in the private sector will be awarded fees to managers who have created a utility with one's work, but instead have created crises in companies or even the global economic crisis (see the recent financial crisis).
short, more than generalizations, we would like, by those who administer it, and that the solutions do not stop at the surface, but to analyze what services are public and give sufficient tools to make it to the community. Otherwise everything is demagoguery and General Regulations do not know who he has reasonable grounds or not (see link ).
Finally, I reveal what was the source of inspiration of the mirror to write this post?
I read an open letter from a civil servant, published by (For those who read the note entirely carry the link).
In the letter, the author near the end of your message, writes ... I hope, although I do not believe that someone would do justice and to voice my protest .
I wanted to show that the author was wrong believe it because someone gives you voice . Carry
excerpts of the letter: My name
Santioni Lorraine and are used to the Agency of the Territory of Perugia. I am a civil servant ... I am sincerely tired of being used a bit 'all as a scapegoat: I do not think it's my fault of workers or the public if we have this huge debt, I think rather that they are quite different from the guilty look.
Unfortunately, no "voice" and identity 'allows anyone to slap ourselves and take away dignity', plus a broad consensus, 'cause in this struggle between the poor and' clear and very normal that those who are 'laid off or loses the work we are privileged. The various castes
... they put us against each other and nobody can think that eventually the majority of workers, public or private are just cannon fodder.
I believe that is not a sin to be a civil servant and is not even a crime, Prime Minister Berlusconi, to be "sure" of their jobs, if anything, should be everyone else, make sure you have the same protection because 'work and' the basis on which builds his own life, and 'the opportunity' to create your family, put children into the world doing things so 'big and yet so commonplace that they should not be viewed as a mirage.
Cud you send my and my coupon. These are the amounts after 33 years of working life ... 26 716 € the Cud, 1364 € salary in May.
With a single operation, I not only block the renewal of the contract, among other things, become three-year ... but they attack me on the settlement, the provident fund, the additional payment which by the way for me, as for all employees and tax agencies' account drawn up a list of result.
Gia 'Minister Brunetta ... he always speaks of meritocracy. For any government the right or left we are the font from which to draw for fiscal consolidation, and so cutting the'..., humanly possible without going so subtle. There 's a staff of a hundred thousand, two hundred thousand to go up and a staff with a salary like mine, on which any cut or frozen means a contract extending the list of things they must give up.
This means that between now and 2013, unless something changes, my salary will remain 'at the stake while the prices and tariffs will not be' so '. ... with two adult daughters in a very precarious,
I'm the only one, I do also the place of the state (is called "Welfare") 'cause they are "safety nets" for my daughters, so' as I was "Services" for my parents who are seriously ill, luckily for them are dead ... although staff working in the invisible, and this I repeat, not 'certainly a sin, as are many other workers in this sector, a person who has always worked and in this respect I attach a note on which I received from Director of my Office.


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