Sunday, April 11, 2010

Scholl Shoe At Singapore

conspiracy (alleged) facts (concrete)

I wanted to write a post just a few days ago, when I read the news, according to which French President Sarkozy had spoken of "conspiracy " warp behind it is designed to peddle the "voice" of a crisis between him and his wife Carla Bruni.
I wanted to write a post that would highlight the parallel developed between Sarkozy and Berlusconi, as I had remembered that the same words he had used his Berlusconi (but for him the concept of conspiracy has a meaning "pantheistic " , that is all things in the world).
Berlusconi also the theme of the plot was used to treat " voices" (which later are proven true) the crisis between him and his wife Veronica Lario.
brackets: it must be recognized that women often show more common sense and in this case, he demonstrated the Lario and today Bruni, who even after two days, in fact, denied the husband saying that there is no conspiracy . So is the parallel
Berlusconi-Sarkozy, who download the "third" more or less visible and real issues and maybe even personal errors.
But then why do not I wrote this post? I did it because I had not realized that there the parallel ended because I had also mentioned that the French elections the Administrative Sarkozy had suffered a defeat, not as Berlusconi. As if to say, faced with the alleged plot and given the facts , Italians and French have had different reactions (ah, the francais, we can beat the world but otherwise ... have reflected more ready !!!).
The parallel (and facts) back but now now. On April 9 there was the Italo-French summit, and the "two" (Berlusconi and Sarkozy) met to discuss various topics (I do not know if private data are also tips on managing their spouses).
Among the topics discussed and agreements reached, that of nuclear. Berlusconi was first declared "Soon we will have the nuclear ... Polverini to tell here and to those who have voted, as the posters for his campaign wrote "no nuclear Lazio." Also on the nuclear
Berlusconi then said that the return to nuclear energy is a decision "duty" (he says with a problem of costs between the different energy sources) ... duty! But who obliges us, do you have the doctor prescribed ???!!!
course, said that "We convince citizens that today's nuclear plants are safe" ... Berlusconi as usual for the problem is only advertising , that is trying to convincre , not be sure that plants are safe.
fact, more and he then added that the French stations are close to Italy "and a potential risk would fall on us." Ah! So can it happen, then I'm not so sure the stations nuclear. The thing I remember
Giovambattista Adornato, any angry, told me that the neighbor had a house just over the river upstream of where he lived. Adorned had noticed that his neighbor discharged without purification in the river, thus save you the cost of a treatment plant, investing the savings in travel, nice cars, etc.. Adornato, pissed off, he decided to also win the competition by reducing costs (such as for nuclear). So he decided to download without purifying and Giovambattista (any) declared, "so if it does near the mountain, then the dirt of the river flows the same on me. Similarly decided all those downstream of Adorno and the beach picks up where that river to Instead of today are the bathrooms Claudia Bagni Cloaca. Leaving aside the conviction

aspect of the Italians, and the fact that he also said "you need a ripening period of Italian public opinion" ... maybe, I say, but by dint of Big Brother and the company just Berlusca is the man to make us mature !!!!),
Let us return to the nuclear issue and the costs of alternative energy sources : it was proved that is not true that nuclear power costs less, but ... . There are countries (certainly not in France) that we are investing in renewable energy (the problem is always the investment and research). Then either they are mad or have realized the importance ( see table).
In short, the push for nuclear power has an economic side so in terms of savings, but savings of those who have a monopoly on the production of energy from these sources, such as nuclear power and the fact that costs less than doing research on the best sources in terms of environmental impact.

And if I have to trust the words of Berlusconi ... He also said, about the economic crisis "we're coming out well from this general crisis." In fact, he has not even entered in the last year and has even increased his wealth .
Here we return to the facts (not the alleged conspiracy). His wealth increases, such as unemployment in Italy. He says the fight against unemployment lie!
Did you know that the current parliamentary majority has cut funds publishing. Well a lot had been warned by many that the effect would be neato above all for small newspapers, for TV and local radio stations.
I've had the test in recent days. I know people who work there, or rather, some who work there now because others who worked there were fired. There are newspapers which have had to lay off staff and others who are thinking. Indeed, even voice that reaches the publishers of the famous calendar "Brother I guess" and related publications are working towards this direction, no longer able to guarantee prices for products as done before To date, more than compensating for with funds that do not arrive. These are the facts.
Another thing: The government is also against the mayors of the north, protesting against the stability pact and the cuts to local authorities. So even
Mayors Padani " on a war footing. Even here the facts, dreams and promises were those of a reorganization of local authorities and their functions ... but also the style of reform is an issue "promised land". For years, the Waiting and hoping not to wait another forty like Moses before the desert ends and you arrive at the destination.

Meanwhile, a few days ago, a patient died , left on a stretcher the emergency room, while news branded as "bad health" we come to the ears more often. Many times the news is
style brunette, or the fault of the civil servant who works in the hospital. But, again, it always made an assessment. For example, listen to what the leaders say hospital Chivasso, who defend themselves. The medical director, admits that when they arrived the NAS, at least twenty patients were parked in the emergency room waiting for a more suitable accommodation. "Our hospital has a total 220 seats, also including those of the surgical division - he explains - the bed-population ratio is therefore one per thousand, the lowest of Italy ...».
Here, as nuclear power is a problem of costs and funds ... but what interests the public hospital who is in private clinics!

Italian! to put it Toto, do not watch the gossip, the alleged conspiracies that are hidden, but as the saying our Premier "is a vesting period of Italian public opinion" ... matured, ripened! fording do it the hard facts, but not those television shows, look for them every day in the things and people around you.


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