Thursday, March 25, 2010

Time Capsule Vba Trading

In memory, not to forget.

I did not want to deal with a new political issue, especially in this moment that know how policy is at maximum distance from the concept and the etymological meaning of politics, as it is only an election campaign.
So I have not commented on the intervention of the IEC, and Bagnasco invited to vote for those that are anti abortion, but I could have said "again a non interference in their affairs, when there would be issues to be addressed within the Church," without considering that the regional elections have little to do with the abortion issue. Bagnasco
But now I ask ... nothing to say against the last "exit" of Berlusconi.
talk about the last message from electioneering " win even cancer." Virtually
finish here, saying a few other things, that:
1) first revealed the reality on the ranking of those investing more in the fight against cancer. are the foundations and private associations to have the best location in Italy. In Italy the spending on health research in 2006 (with latest available data) do not amount to 2 billion euro, or just over one tenth of the total expenditure on scientific research. Italy earmarks for health research only 0.1% of GDP gross three times less than Germany or Britain. In total, 200 times less than the U.S.. Italy invests in scientific and technological research on 1, 7% of world total, and only in the U.S. investment in biomedical research alone are at least ten times better than all the investments in research in Italy. Public funds for biomedical research (40 billion dollars) in the U.S. are more than twenty times the total expenditure, public and private Italian;
2) having said that and I hope I did understand how Berlusconi's easy to shoot commercials and simple dreams, even without understanding what it says, I emphasize that I am angry not for the spot, but the lack of respect for those who died, of those who suffered and is suffering from cancer.
such an issue should not be used for campaigning. That's why I have it with Bagnasco, it seems disrespectful of human life as much as abortion, yet no action on this.
Here ends the matter.
The meaning of the title? looks like a repetition, but it is not. It 'a long time that I wanted to dedicate a post to my father, to honor him, to make some lasting memories and affection lost a child to a parent because of cancer. So I decided to tell at a glance, in a post, his story and my experiences. That's why in memory, not to forget, in memory of my father, not to mention the contempt for those who use arguments such as the fight against cancer to the election campaign. So I also have my father to honor him.
Berlusconi and his departure gave me the push that was missing to make it ... but not tonight, I'm too angry to those who manage and tried to speculate and begging votes on the tragedies of the people.
close with the same words used by Berlusconi talking about the election: do the right thing. If you still believe you need to do and say in order to achieve concrete things, to win really dramas and tragedies of life, let him understand that most do not believe those who think that the world is like a spot, to whom to give birth to their grandchildren to be in Swiss clinics and hospitals for treatment of foreign countries ... make him good, send him home to rest, he needs it.


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