Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Japanese Teacher And Student .com

medit (a) election

Election results ... taken in recent days was from my desire to make predictions. I would have taken largely. Today, time budgets and comments.
One could speak of the election of the son of Bossi, the most voted in Brescia ... but, in this post, below, we will make about others (dialoguers a forum on the net). We might talk about
flop Brunetta, who, after ten years, re-nominated for mayor of his city (Venice) and still lose. Who knows maybe his fellow citizens do not vote because they see that is not up for that city, fearing that goes immediately apnea in the first high water! Even his later, we speak of a dialogue-forum in the network.
You could comment on the election of Scopelliti said that in Calabria, after being elected, who will rule taking away any customers. In recent years, has governed Reggio Calabria ... I do not know what to clientele, but has been inattentive to the illegal building, which is rampant in that city, with buildings on riverbeds or areas at risk of landslides ... and recently it consequences are seen, only then some politicians wake up from dreams.
Finally, one could speak of the former President of the Regione Piemonte, Mercedes Bresso, who after losing to measure the benefit of the Northern League Cota (also known as C (D) eight, or one of the seven dwarfs are with Bricolo-nap, (Cald) and (r) ol (i) or, if you take with Beppe Grillo, whose list has created un'exploit. She says it's a charlatan because took away helpful votes ... Useful to whom? I think he meant to her. But if people believed them useful the votes given to her, why did not re-elected after he ruled for five years?

You may have already realized that I do not intend to comment on the vote, but rather provoke a considered (a) election.
Today the President of the Republic has not signed the decree on the work .
The motivation of the court, the power conferred by Article. 74 of the Constitution (a provision which still exist, fortunately, and I wonder if "someone" I hate to think deleting):
" extreme heterogeneity of law and in particular the complexity and problematic nature of certain provisions - particularly with regard to Articles 31 [Arbitration] and 20 [rights of workers on board ships of State] - governing issues, relating to labor protection, the social sensitivity of undoubted. [The Head of State] He therefore considered appropriate to further consideration by the Chambers, so that the valuable reformers intent that transpire in the order can be realized within the framework of the guarantees and a more clearly defined balance between legislation, collective bargaining and individual contract " .
E 'its Article 31 that in recent days has been the attention of ... few (only the most attentive,) as it reduces the protection of the work, introducing the possibility of agreeing in the contract of employment forecasting the use of arbitration in disputes between employer and employee. Understand how the strong party (employer) at a time of crisis like the present, may lead the worker to accept that clause just to get a job ... all with little reassuring consequences in case of future disputes between the two parties (for details link). Here
this makes me think for sure that now, even in times of elections Attention is paid to vote, tifasse as if for a football team, as if they side with a tenant of the big brother or a participant of "friends."
There are questions about what to propose a political party for the future or what he has done to date on relevant issues.
So there you realize that in times of rising unemployment, the Government prepares legislation to reduce the protection of employees like the one just mentioned.
Or you do not notice that the current parliamentary majority is preparing to regulate the privatization of water.
There are questions about what is best to promote renewable energy and, if on one hand, the government is pushing for nuclear, Polverini in the Lazio campaign said posters in the "no nuclear Lazio " ??!!!. So do not go to see what other countries do, that renewable energy sources are being researched and first applications.

Here the policy is only a game, a festival where you choose the best actor, in which television has the charisma and image in general ... appearance rather than substance.

Then we read these stories: " Brawl out of the seat, six arrests in the Naples . A word too many, and the charge of having organized a buying of votes have given rise a real melee outside a polling station in Pomigliano d'Arco, near Naples . Six people arrested for aggravated riot, having been medicated in hospital for blunt trauma judged curable two to three days. Everyone is waiting for the rite direct way. "
" Bocchigliero A "strike vote, the polls only in 74 . E 'the successful "strike vote" on Bocchigliero , a small town of Cosenza. Only 74 voters on 2594 eligible 3% , went to the polls. An abstention announced and directed against the State guilty , according to the inhabitants of Bocchigliero, of having "abandoned the country after bad weather and floods." In recent weeks, in fact, had been returned certificates election to protest against "the many promises help remained unanswered

But the climate stage, a stage of the show" Friends ", you can see by reading some online forums (people who did not, however, protested that much when they took in Rai, perhaps, their great fun: the talk show ... but maybe they are rebuilt, Big Brother or the island of fame).

Here are some of the "Dialogues", taken from a forum, so naked and raw with reported errors (horrors) and any other spelling:
1) the exalted, the historian, the repentant and humorist who we ride on :
- "Forza Silvio are a lot against the lemmings of the left. This vote means that we are tired of Italian justice, especially in Lazio. people respond to provocation by a vote of the judges, to the transmission of Santoro and Ballaro dell'Infedere and eight mezzo.Vi 6 days ago remember? Great success of Santoro, fresh air, renewal, felt the wind of change that Bersani? Bersani among Fiat workers and Terms Meres? Thanks so left cotinuate "
- " says that more than anything else you are tired of Justice, to hear the views of someone who thinks differently from you, of having to meet the Read and the Constitution, and so on. etc.. and in general are tired of not being able to do your own business at the expense of others ............. In the past there's been somebody (who coincidentally was also a Knight), who thought that the answer to all this was a nice " I do not care," believing to be immortal and untouchable, and reduced Italy as we know (see the history books, how to write even though I have serious doubts about your ability to read), but I seem to recall that in the end had to be accountable for its actions . "
" the lemmings would only ones left? Wake up! ! The fellow there is stealing the crumbs of democracy that we inventing absurd tales to condition the people most in need (and therefore more willing to believe in the words of the Messiah). The last the defeat of cancer in 3 years is unbelievable! A party can not be described as a campaign promise ... but even if it was ... What hypocrisy! Just that his government has severely cut funding to education and research. Who should find the new treatment? He himself? After the President has become the president of research workers? Delirium onnipotenza.Io I take my responsibility as I tend to vote in the latest political right for its deployment (for purposes to be precise) but at least my mind is free to understand what is really happening, and then in Europe I voted for those who may try to stop that person before it deletes all the despicable rules constitutional underpinning of democracy (not to believe the story that propina him, knowing that democracy would be getting the highest number of votes). The reality is that I believe now that only God can stop this individual, and I regret to have contributed to his power. "
- pardon the intrusion, but you've seen, by chance, Brunetta? while laying the card is dropped in the ballot itself, and can no longer find it. whoever news is requested to communicate with Silvio, better known as the psycho-dwarf. THANK YOU. "

2) the exalted 2 (stage model), the left (case) on site (Campania and L'Aquila):
- " Now, after so much blather left of this vulgar and inconclusive, says a well-known comic of Zelig," dumb! "The verdict of the polls there was, and it went well any more optimistic forecast that the Italians are expressed. The people are sovereign. It is not a people who allow themselves like puppets, but observes and understands. Look at the cleaning done in Naples after decades of misrule Bassolino and Co, says what has was done at the Eagle, which is unique worldwide. And this left only knows to say no without a shred of the program, which is sold at that decelebrato Di Pietro, who still did not go down to not being able to tangentopoli time to stop Berlusconi, must understand the lesson and make a good meditation. I am proud to be right almost always, a very young age and I am proud of this vote and the Italians have understood. Now, how did Hillary Clinton, the loser should roll up their sleeves merttersi to serve the country. But I doubt it. However, the winners are noi.Robert0 "
I invite you to be good Neapolitan pizza (I pay) and see where your berlusconi thrown in the garbage (it was removed from the center and the waterfront to be stored Anzai , thrown in neighboring countries and in the suburbs ... where of course the cameras do not go)! There you have been to the Eagle? I will, I lived for a long period, with local people to support it (my work) and help, I can assure you that only a small area where the city was "clean" of course, where the cameras can go! am returned to Abruzzo about 3 weeks ago ... and the ruins are still there! The government of doing ... yes, with escort, and read at their leisure ... but the crisis of work??, Prices rising? Additional fees ???..... come to terms with the end of 2010 .... you will have spent almost € 1000.00 more !!!!!"

3) the exalted 3 (if they're designer Bossi is fine) and "those who ..." at school studied, but then They found that the only important thing was where they were born ":
is the political future: Renzo Bossi. It has the same talent of his father, charismatic young man with great ideas, he is the Prime Minister of Italy Confederate. W Humbert, Renzo live, long live the PDL Long live Italy! "
- " Yes, it has the same ability to see the future, to imagine the long term, to understand the needs of the Italians can see that .... studied a lot, also commissioned a consultant for the EXPO 2015 is absolutely meritato.Magari will be the next mayor of Milan ... TENETEVELO! Sooner or later, discover what all the League, a party very, very different from those shown. Only Berlusconi's monopoly of information does not allow us to be aware of the facts, the real ones, and evaluate adeguatamente.POVERA ITALY "
-" the each of the candidacy of the son of Bossi is the demonstration that in Italy is the only law that applies is that of nepotismo.Io always say .... I understand that a poor father is concerned about finding work for the poor child that has proven to be ignorant and not very smart (rejected Following two years of maturity, and who knows how he went a third time ...) but why not as a mere bureaucratic systems in the structure of your party? Why force people to such a public administrator? What can lead to innovative companies? And no, Mr. Bossi, its behavior is incorrect. And even more wrong, and that of those who voted him out of a sense of belonging to a political movement. At this point you might as well go back to the monarchy, where the succession is determined by descent, but at least without the mockery of " election farce." I am attaching

link if you want to see and "feel" like talking to leaders !!??? PLEASE feel it.

4) the exalted 4 (LI SPIEZZA IN TWO AND LESS Goodness for Silvio ') "and regretted 2 (formerly National Alliance):
-" In all honesty penalty that the comments of the Tower, Fassino, Bersani .... Bravo continues to say that the Democratic Party in winning the next general election so the animals become rare to find in most parlamento.Ora no joke ... Silvio stroncherà this literally militant left-wing judiciary, pointing to the domain illiberal undemocratic paese.Finalmente. The imposition of the cultural left will be swept away by a wave of new. Silvio no scherza.Vi ricordtae few years ago. If you do not think you were left monnezza.Oggi finally there are the numbers for a true cultural and political revolution! Good ... keep saying you've won ... decades of security for the government center destra.MENO Goodness for Silvio '!! "
- " My friend ... you do not know the mode of operation of the institutional bodies of this country. Just think about stsse words you just said: "Silvio stroncherà this literally militant left-wing judiciary." If any of the powers of the state (government) is able to "crush" another body (the judiciary) that the Constitution (for very valid reasons maybe you are not very clear) provided that it is absolutely independent, it means that democracy does not really exist anymore, but through no fault of the Judiciary (which has failed to wipe out anything, not even the various De Mita, Mastella and co. .) fondly by a former constituent of the defunct National Alliance "
-" Dear friend of the deceased nazionale.Diciamo alliance that has colored my face a little function to make the reader understand the sense of oppression that perceives a democratic voter like me, to see how the behavior of the judiciary is clearly abnormal and obsessed with who will not submit to the logic of a political party as well precisa.Adesso no joke . Silvio finally change this flaw, and finally give breath to a culture of non sinistraIn Good luck and best wishes! "
- are sure that the judiciary is not obsessed with Berlusconi and vice-versa? The judiciary (the whole) has investigated Berlusconi (PDL), but also on Frisullo (PD) of the Turkish (pd) Marrazzo (pd ). I do not think that we can define the judiciary (the whole) obsessed with a political party. The judiciary is a complex organ, composed of many elements that control each other (after the first instance there is an appeal and then Justice) back the Berlusconi government is monolithic: the ideas of the leaders are dominant. Remember, the essence of democracy is the separation of powers (not the majority of the votes). If a plebiscite had also the election would still share power and be submitted for the approval of other bodies, otherwise it would be the end of democracy. Berlusconi had previously eliminated (de facto) control of the Parliament on the government (eliminating the preference vote and thus creating a Parliament of which he appointed and not elected by the people) and now is trying to corner the second power control : The Judiciary. And all this does it with a clever promotional work of preparation, with slogans pounding on his TV (all) that they convince people that the measures he is about to take are dictated by thirst for democracy and non-interest personali.io hate that person, because it is forcing me to vote for a political party opposed to my beliefs usual. But it seems that you are sick Fini finally, we hope for a reply .

5) BEAUTIFUL: the exalted 5 (so as not to distinguish more females and males), the theory of nano and then returns the ironic
- " Despite the misdeeds of the government, Italy remains a nation of lemmings "
- " if there was a SERIOUS PARTY COULD I CHANGE MY VOTE .. NOW 'the lesser evil ... "
- If this is the government you want, just wait and see! Open your eyes! I hope you also believe that in 3 years we will defeat cancer by cutting funding for research, as he said the dwarf. GINO ";
- "Excuse me but how tall are you?" You want me to respond in kind? then do not complain as they always do women ....."
" see that we wrote" nano "and it 'also signed Gino own woman I do not think, eh, -) hooligano friend"
- " but you saw, by chance, Brunetta? While he laid the card is dropped in the ballot itself, and can no longer find it. who had information is requested to communicate with Silvio, better known as the psycho-dwarf. THANK YOU. "

Long live Italy, as long as he still lives.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Time Capsule Vba Trading

In memory, not to forget.

I did not want to deal with a new political issue, especially in this moment that know how policy is at maximum distance from the concept and the etymological meaning of politics, as it is only an election campaign.
So I have not commented on the intervention of the IEC, and Bagnasco invited to vote for those that are anti abortion, but I could have said "again a non interference in their affairs, when there would be issues to be addressed within the Church," without considering that the regional elections have little to do with the abortion issue. Bagnasco
But now I ask ... nothing to say against the last "exit" of Berlusconi.
talk about the last message from electioneering " win even cancer." Virtually
finish here, saying a few other things, that:
1) first revealed the reality on the ranking of those investing more in the fight against cancer. are the foundations and private associations to have the best location in Italy. In Italy the spending on health research in 2006 (with latest available data) do not amount to 2 billion euro, or just over one tenth of the total expenditure on scientific research. Italy earmarks for health research only 0.1% of GDP gross three times less than Germany or Britain. In total, 200 times less than the U.S.. Italy invests in scientific and technological research on 1, 7% of world total, and only in the U.S. investment in biomedical research alone are at least ten times better than all the investments in research in Italy. Public funds for biomedical research (40 billion dollars) in the U.S. are more than twenty times the total expenditure, public and private Italian;
2) having said that and I hope I did understand how Berlusconi's easy to shoot commercials and simple dreams, even without understanding what it says, I emphasize that I am angry not for the spot, but the lack of respect for those who died, of those who suffered and is suffering from cancer.
such an issue should not be used for campaigning. That's why I have it with Bagnasco, it seems disrespectful of human life as much as abortion, yet no action on this.
Here ends the matter.
The meaning of the title? looks like a repetition, but it is not. It 'a long time that I wanted to dedicate a post to my father, to honor him, to make some lasting memories and affection lost a child to a parent because of cancer. So I decided to tell at a glance, in a post, his story and my experiences. That's why in memory, not to forget, in memory of my father, not to mention the contempt for those who use arguments such as the fight against cancer to the election campaign. So I also have my father to honor him.
Berlusconi and his departure gave me the push that was missing to make it ... but not tonight, I'm too angry to those who manage and tried to speculate and begging votes on the tragedies of the people.
close with the same words used by Berlusconi talking about the election: do the right thing. If you still believe you need to do and say in order to achieve concrete things, to win really dramas and tragedies of life, let him understand that most do not believe those who think that the world is like a spot, to whom to give birth to their grandchildren to be in Swiss clinics and hospitals for treatment of foreign countries ... make him good, send him home to rest, he needs it.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Quotes From A Hitter To A Pitcher

Meeting Report: 12th Evolutionary Biology in Marseilles

The scientific meeting Evolutionary Biology in Marseilles (EBM) is the largest gathering in France on evolutionary biology and has been happening for 14 years organized by French researcher Pierre Pontarotti . In 2008, while doing my post-doctorate in Strasbourg - in collaboration with the group Pierre in Marseilles - send an abstract for oral presentation at this conference and, like all that well wished I was approved and talked about the ontology CDAO for an audience of hundreds of scientists around the world. Pierre, without even knowing me, kindly offered me to stay with his family staying in your own home and so I spent about three weeks in this beautiful, chaotic and interesting town in southern France, where he worked with and helped his students one thing and another when the organization of the congress.

EBM (Evolutionary Biology in Marseilles) seems to be the main French congress of evolutionary biology. Every year in September, researchers around the world gather. The idea is to allow Congress that all interested parties present seminars of up to 20 minutes (among leading researchers, students and neophytes in the field) and the open discussions that happen and thought provoking. The conference is very interesting and certainly worth checking out.

The congress was very interesting, open and simple that I never stopped taking notes at every lecture that happened. At the end of it, had a notepad on the conference decided to transform it into text and display Pontarotti. He was pleased with the outcome and, after some modifications, agreed to publish it as a "Report of the meeting" (meeting report ) in opening the book's publisher Springer - where certain papers presented at the conference came out officially as scientific publications. This blog has even published the translation of a small part of the text published by my research group in that book (click here to read).

cover of the book to be published by Springer, which were published the best papers presented at this conference, 2008. This post is a loose translation of the pages saw x of it, written by me and Pontarotti, originally in English. The book can be purchased at amazon site the bitter price of U.S. $ 159.00. In this book, get published in the name of this blogger "Meeting report" below and also Chapter 12, written in collaboration with researchers from Britain, Italy and America .*


On the twelfth meeting of evolutionary biology at Marseilles
- Meeting Report: 12th Evolutionary Biology
By Francisco Prosdócimo and Pierre Pontarotti

The twelfth meeting of Evolutionary Biology in Marseilles (EBM) was due to start on 24 September 2008 while it actually started at a dinner table the night before its official opening. People around the world who arrived a day before the official beginning of the conference met this informal social activity. And of course we could not have been different: one group of scientists - passionate about their subjects - sitting around a dinner table could only result in one thing: a scientific debate . It was Daniel John Lawson, a postdoc at Imperial College London, who put the question: "Does it still exist basic controversies in evolutionary biology that would not have been resolved? " The general response across the table while bottles of various reds and whites that circulated among glasses were emptied quickly perhaps it was a clear and effusive " not." All those twenty to thirty scientists who were delighted with a traditional repas français seemed reasonably satisfied with the modern view of the Darwinian paradigm. All agreed that Darwin had made the key point of convergence and the largest research program in biological sciences. Someone reminded Dobzhansky: "Nothing makes sense in biology except in light of developments . At that moment it seemed that evolutionary biologists around the big table in a restaurant "Vieux Port (old port) Marseilles underestimating the depth and richness of the debates - many of them involving long-standing controversies in evolutionary biology - that would be involved in the days that followed ...

On the first morning of the congress, a computational model for evolutionary change was presented and opened a debate between the forces of natural selection as opposed to quasi-neutral based on the ideas of Kimura: selectionism neutralism and were put into discussion. In the afternoon, Guy Hoelzer at the University of Nevada in the United States brought on the agenda a discussion of the relevance of allopatry for speciation , discussing how the genomes of populations start to become incompatible after mutations specifically going here or there. The confirmation of this scenario was given through computer simulations, where a group of London showed the presence of polymorphisms in hepatitis B who were geographically restricted to certain strains of the virus found in particular regions of the planet.

The next day, the relationship between kinship and fertility was also modeled computationally pointing out that most fertility in humans should be observed in couples related kinship second third or fourth grades. Stanislaw Cebrat and colleagues produced a model who argued to explain and prove the occurrence of sympatric speciation based on the death of zygotes when associated with some form of outbreeding depression within populations. Moreover, the controversial issue about the origin of life was discussed by researchers working in Italy, Russia and Japan Di Mauro used information on physical organic molecules most commonly found in systems to discuss a possible interstellar origin of living systems based on molecules of formamide (CH3NO). Victor Ostrovskii agreed with Di Mauro in the sense that he thought life should not have arisen from events too unlikely, arising from conditions thermodynamically favorable. The key point in their arguments seemed to be summarized by quoting from Victor Stenger in "The Comprehensive Cosmos," saying "something comes out of nowhere because it is more stable than anything" ("cam something from nothing because it is more stable than nothing "). Tadashi Sugawara raised the question about the origin of the cells showing that giant lipid vesicles could possibly divide into play without needing teleonomic information (such as information encoded by DNA) to guide their duplication.

The book "The comprehensive cosmos" by Victor Stenger (whose subtitle is "to see where the laws of physics") was cited by researchers in origin of life, arguing that life probably did not arise from conditions absurdly improbable, "something comes from because nothing is more stable than anything. "

Also the evolution of sex was addressed simplistically, explained and theorized by computer models describing the behavior of prey escaping predators. Robert French at the University of Burgundy presented an interesting model to describe what he called "Red Tooth Hypothesis " in which theorized that combined strategies should be used by prisoners to escape from predators during a flight. Therefore using a computer model to describe the behavior of hunting / trail in populations with sexual and asexual reproduction, he addressed the question of how sexual reproduction could have advantages in the escape behavior of prey and allow it to survive the onslaught of hungry predators.

Finally, in the first day the evolution of gene functions through neofuncionalização subfuncionalização and were discussed by Ashley Byun McKay of Fairfield University in Canada. The researcher showed examples of duplicated genes in which a single mutation in the signal peptide sequence would be responsible for modifying the cellular compartment in which a gene should be expressed and subsequently modify gene function itself. Discussions were then diverted to the relevance of theories saltationists happening during evolution. How often point mutations such as these could produce drastic changes in gene function and behavior of organisms?

not these long-standing history of evolutionary biology, new technologies for the evolutionary analysis were presented during the conference in France. Represented by a lecture and three poster presentations, a group led by the Croatian Tomislav Domazet -Lozo was probably the greatest team in the conference this research, except for groups from Marseilles. His research had been named filoestratigrafia and consisted of (i) the identification of species-specific genes and (ii) to verify expression of these genes in different tissues in organisms. Thus, the group was able to identify the relevance of novel genes expressed in tissues and address issues relating to the modification of tissues and organs over time in different model species.

Another new technology presented during the conference was brought by a consortium of French and American researchers. They brought the description of a conceptual model (ontology) that they would argue, will allow researchers to represent evolutionary information in a way that encompasses morphological and molecular differences between organisms and genes. They argued that the description of experiments according to the basic concepts in evolutionary biology - related through semantic entities such as verbs and concepts - will facilitate functional inference based on phylogenetic data, help in interpreting the massive amounts of data available in biology in the era of petabyte *.

In a paper presented orally (in English) by this blogger, our research group describes the ontology CDAO. The idea inherited from the Vienna Circle is to define key concepts from which one can represent any study of biological evolution. Based on a linguistic model, since raw data have been represented there, reasoners programs (reasoners) may be able to search for new knowledge is fully automated. Given the huge amount of data from new sequencing techniques, semantic approaches should have more space in modern biology .*

Regarding the evolution of gene families , an Irish group showed that genes related to immune response loci are located nearby and are likely to be expressed together in genomes of vertebrates. The molecular natural selection was studied by the substitutions at sites of non-sinonímios sinonímios (dS / dN) by several groups around the world: in Japan occurred in the selection of fish galectin, in Ireland, these values \u200b\u200bcorrelated with the three-dimensional structure protein, and molecular screening in Germany was studied in Asr gene family in tomato as a group of French and American checked biased substitution rates related to virulence factors in nematodes.

Regarding the study of fossils , new research in the U.S. showed that the development of techniques for carbon-14 dating occurred over the last decade has helped to reveal much of the molecular changes observed in the human genome occurred during Holocene period (ie the last 10,000 years of history of our planet). In addition, paleobotanical Chinese showed the existence of a new group of fossil Angiosperms. Meanwhile, other botanical research in Belgium and Germany using both morphological and molecular data to study the evolution of basal angiosperm groups Piperales family. Taking now the way toward botany, French and Italian researchers also showed that dense populations of plants produce more viable seeds, this research is in line with the work described above which human geneticists prove that the higher fertility in our species is between groups whose ancestors are not too distant past. A group Israel showed evidence of events happening during alotetraploidia molecular evolution of carp (Cyprinidae), perhaps the only evidence of this event - so common in plants - happening in vertebrate species. Brian Kennedy presented an interesting study on aging, where evidence showed that this process did not seem to be programmed molecularly, since the selective pressures decreased with age. Along with his collaborators, have shown that caloric restriction made late in the lives of flies, worms and yeasts can help these organizations to extend the duration of their lives. Perhaps, therefore, the best advice being given to seniors who want to live longer, is: eat less !

In addition, a considerable amount of free discussion had focused on interdisciplinary research fields . The application of cladistic methods to reconstruct the history of galaxies was approached by Didier Brunet-Fraix Astrophysics Laboratory in Grenoble. His approach astrocladística was used to identify and map many characters probably important for the evolution of galaxies, allowing their classification in phylogenetic trees. As expected, due to the conservative tradition the Academy of Sciences, the researcher complained of difficulties in publishing these new and interesting ideas in journals of repute. "Galaxies are not living organisms," argued the reviewers refuse to work for your group. Someone working with the origin of life made the caveat: "if galaxies change over time if they can be born and die, are derived from a putative ancestor originated in the Big Bang and can interact with each other ... why should not be considered alive? "We must remember here that the discussion on the characteristics of a living system was one of the most important points that led the physicist Erwin Schrodinger theorizing about " an aperiodic crystal " to store genetic information in 1944. Read with interest by Watson and Crick, Schrodinger also can be considered an architect of modern molecular biology.

Frenchman Didier Fraix Burne-Astrophysics Laboratory, Grenoble, Switzerland, showed that galaxies can be understood, studied and classified by a cladistic analysis. His pioneering work was criticized by reviewers of renowned scientific journal, but has been successfully published in journals less stringent.

Interdisciplinary approaches were also discussed from the viewpoint of economy. Michael Turk, representing the Fitchbrug State College (USA) told the audience about the main attempts to scientificizes the economy was initially based on inherited models of physics. However, the researcher noticed several features of the economic model closer to the models in biology, such as: (1) emphasis on complexity, (2) dynamic characteristics, (3) cumulative change in focus, (4) competitive nature, and so on. Following this same line of argument introduced some philosophers of the economy (Brian Arthur, Paul David and Paul Krugman) that would have been influenced by biologists as Jacques Monod and brought ideas originating in the biological sciences such which the idea of \u200b\u200b"chance and necessity" for research in economics.

Finally, interdisplinares other topics were discussed throughout the conference as the relationship between evolutionary biology and theory of knowledge (epistemology). Specific questions posed by the public generated such discussions, as some researchers have argued that a particular scientific theory had been "proven false " long ago, without suggesting any courtesy that the study presented should be considered totally fruitless and inconclusive. The discussion then turned to following question: Does science really can give some definitive answer as the study of nature? Newtonian physics was remembered as the most undoubtedly correct scientific theories were later proved - at least in part - as false or incomplete. Should scientists dogmatize their search for knowledge? The agreement was that they always open discussions based on facts observed in experimental research should guide and load the scientific development. The dogmatism when the acceptance of hypotheses should not be kept within the realms of science and, in particular, outside the field of evolutionary biology - Science that has suffered at the hands of religious dogma since Darwin living in conservative Victorian England to the American fanatics creationists.

Finally - but not least - is worth pointing out the wide variety of computational approaches, biological and philosophical presented during this meeting. Researchers from different areas, illuminated by the most fertile of all biological theories, Darwinism, teem far been able to investigate all kinds of natural phenomena in their view that now extends to the physics and economics (not to mention the language, absent in this Congress but whose study methodology has also Darwinian manner). The evolutionary controversies and the latest discussions within the area are rich and teem each allowed a more precise maturation of the general theory espoused by Darwin over 150 years, a theory which remains the more general research program and integration of all sciences biological, including the medical sciences, worldwide.

=== * More information on the ontology evolution can be found at:
  • Prosdócimo F chish B, Pontelli E, Thompson JD, Stoltzfus A. Initial Implementation of the Comparative Data Analysis Ontology. Evolutionary Bioinformatics 2009:5 47-66. Download PDF
  • Site EvolutionaryOntology.org
  • Prosdócimo F chish B, Pontelli E, Stoltzfus A and JD Thompson. Standardization Knowledge in Evolutionary Biology: The Comparative Data Analysis Ontology. Evolutionary Biology: Concept, Modeling, and Application. doi: / / 10.1007/978-3-642-00952-5_12. Download PDF

Monday, March 15, 2010

Dvd Recording With Internet Wireless Dongle

Weeps "to the" phone

There once was a song sung by Domenico Modugno and great was called "the phone crying."
Today the new song, sung by a singer (not great) and singing for pleasure accompanied by a close friend of Naples on guitar, is called "the weeping phone."
was a long time that I wrote a post that comment political events but there was to be written in pseudo justice reforms and decrees "interpretation" of rules and regulations governing the procedures relating to electoral matters ... who has studied public law and constitutional please explain to me what is the function of a decree, because there is the power to establish by decree the conditions for and finally, whether a decree can interpret laws, even regional laws and to be honest , related to a delicate matter as the election).
why I did not want to write about these issues because if it was true that the RAI in which we pay the fee is regulated by a CDA that says to follow the directions of the Supervisory Committee, which I am a I am simple person (self-) regulation alone, so no one gives me what I write for one euro (other than rent). In short, I had decided not to write anything as a remedy for stomach acidity, headache and neuralgia different and I preferred to go around with my hobby, maybe a fish for brooks and speak with the fish that they say spent more sense for certain things humans.
Because I want to continue on this line, instead of writing in relation to the news of the investigation of Trani, in which it appears (the conditional use) involved in the President's Council on "pressure" on public television and its programs, I will provide a link on how different sources have given the news. I ask
the patience to read and who knows, you eventually will be made at least a better idea. The newspaper

radio rai talking about the pressure applied by the Prime Commissioner Agcom to close programs Rai unwelcome.
The elements of an offense for Berlusconi would be to "extortion, violence or threat to a body politic, administrative or judicial, against the institution of the Guarantor for communications. Involved would also Innocenzi for abetting because he denied at a hearing investigators had been pressured by Prime Minister to close the transmission Annozero, revealing secrets relating to a proceeding criminal, would be the elements of an offense against Minzolini (carry link for those wishing to see the interview ... of course, made by Mentana interview on the web, as in also prohibit the public television talk show , while in Private TV that is compatible ... but the fee that we pay to do!).

Again in terms of information and the web, as in the public TV there is no possibility of comparison, carry-over if you really want to see the comparison between Zanda (PD) and Ronchi PDL called upon to speak, always Mentana on the investigation of Trani (for the lazy carry a summary always taken from the web "special elections on Mentana corriere.it)

Here then as the news was reported by "Il sole 24 ore ", from ' ANSA from Republic and Il Corriere della Sera always on the Web editions instead

is what it says Alfano (Minister of Justice) who admits to not knowing the substance of the investigation of Trani and yet manages to individuarnne disease (maybe all doctors were like that, without knowing the patient is diagnosed diseases to cure them ... what then we'll see!).

I stole, however, the joke of the Secretary-PD Bersani, because when I read the news, I was immediately reminded of the words then spoken by Bersani, or if it was all true, but because we want to distinguish Berlusconi always by all Italians, who do not like it if a program using the remote control to change it, but if he does not stand a TV using the phone: it will be that if only he can permit with what they call costs ???!!!

I want to add, however, at least something to this post: Meanwhile, despite this year still marked by the crisis, Italy, or at least better than an Italian, what grows in wealth, ... now I'll explain why this "someone" told us to be optimistic, and he saw the end of the tunnel ... everything in life depends on the point of view, from the angle of view with which we observe the world. Not believe the shooting !?!?!? read the news.
then saw that the worst is past that we care if the recent decision of the Government, known as related work, are sent to hell achievements in years of struggle by the workers (one of many well-known Article 18). Here too, want to influence, and thus whether or not believe as I advise you, please, please read this " the sun 24 hours).