Thursday, October 9, 2008

Kabuki Brush To Apply Liquid Foundation

against the Darwin: Stories a researcher wanted

Continue after the spring meetings, the story of Darwin's investigations.

Jacopo Masini, narrator, and Marco Pirrello Mariano Fubini, with the help and the intervention of contemporary scholars and authors, will try to unravel the source of the thought of Charles Darwin, a man who has raised himself in a multitude of thinkers. And above all, a scientist who has devoted his life to looking for some deep scientific realities and human resources. Surveys and studies that have made him a sought-thinker, in the double meaning of the term. As emerges from his biography, his writings and the debate alive about his work: namely, that which is spoken in "The Darwin".
I cntenuti detailed meetings are still being finalized, the program (provisional) is as follows:
Warning: The topics of the evening were modified from the original program.

MONDAY 'October 27, at 21:
Some facts brief biography of Darwin, staged by James Masini, Mariano Pirrello, Marco Fubini, with the help of puppets Gianluca Di Matteo.

MONDAY 'November 10, at 21:
Pievani Telmo, essayist and professor of philosophy of science, tells the gestation of the great theory of evolution.

MONDAY 'November 24, at 21:
Alessandro Perissinotto, writer, examines the rise of rational investigator figure in Edgar Allan Poe, curiously coinciding with the release of the Origin of species.

MONDAY 'Dec. 1, at 21:
Michele Luzzatto, science fiction editor at Einaudi, the story (and stories) of evolution in Italy.

MONDAY 'Dec. 15, at 21:
Michele Marangi, film critic, and Gabriel Beccaria, director of Tuttoscienze, venture into the thinking of Darwin and analyze the impact of the imaginary contemporary.

Darwin and teas will be offered by the Independent Subalpine
College of Arts Pharmaceutical (CISAF)

Regional Museum of Natural Science via Giolitti 36, Torino
Free admission
HoldenArt tel. 011 2304007
Regional Museum of Natural Sciences tel. 0114326354

Guinea Hutch Blue Prints

Sacred Mountain of Domodossola and Ghiffa - September 21, 2008 - Photo Gallery

Domododossola and Sacro Monte Sacro Monte di Ghiffa: A Tale of Water and Fire

Stories and traditions: the guided tour of the Holy Mount Calvary led by Gregorian singers, to discover the secrets of fire and glass to the Sacred Mountain of Ghiffa.
Stories and traditions of the past, the magic of glass that can resonate.
Alessandro Baricco: Castelli di anger "
Giulio Mozzi " Glass "(contained in the collection" This is the Garden ")
Nathaniel Hawthorne "Holocaust of World " (contained in "Tales")


Buffet Crampon R13 Prestige

Sacro Monte di Varallo - June 28, 2008 - Photo Gallery

June 28, 2008 - Around the Sacred Mountains

Sacro Monte di Varallo: Walk in music

A guided tour and a musical relay race between the chapels of the Sacred Mountain, to discover the secrets and stories of the great masters who have lived and worked in Varallo.
The mystery of the place revealed through music